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I Did It! (Well, The First Step Anyway)

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  • I Did It! (Well, The First Step Anyway)

    I put an ad in the paper to replace a PITA family! That was the easy part. I dread the hard part of actually terming them.

    They are two sisters that I enjoy, and the parents are nice enough, although the mom is getting to where she chats longer and longer. And it's always drama crap about work. I've been trying to curb this by walking away and doing "busy" things and/or telling the 4 yr old "say bye to mom" and things like that. Other sister is 7.

    Anyway, in the less than 2 years that they've been with me, they've changed their hours about 6 times. It's been for reasons like dad is switching to swing shift (kids won't come till 3:15), dad is switching back to days (kids will come at 7:30) mom is starting later now (kids will come at 9:30, SA after school) grandma's going to pick SA up after school every day and 4 yr old at 3:30.... etc., etc. There's always something new with these people. And I don't mean these things were just for THAT day - they were supposedly "permanent" changes, necessitating me to make an addendum to their contract. However, some - like the grandma thing - lasted about a month. Others longer. Maybe 6 months.

    The newest thing, and I feel a little bad for having this one thing be the straw that broke the camel's back, is that dad works at an Air Force Reserves base and the gov't is cutting back and he may have fewer hours or even lose his job. She gave me a "head's up" yesterday.

    Another thing is that the 4 yr old is sick way more than the average child. She gets croup A LOT. Every time she gets it, most of the other kids end up with a bad cold that they caught from her during that day or two before her symptoms showed up.

    Anyway, I'm just fed up with all the drama, changes, sickness, etc. So today I put an ad in our paper for two FULL TIME openings. If and when I get them filled, I'll give the family two weeks notice with the excuse that I just can't afford to have her kids holding these spots as part timers, so I had to fill them with full timers. I'm such a chicken though!! And I do feel for this family, as they have struggled and are good, honest people just trying to make it. Dad is in the Air Force Reserves, and also works at the base in a civilian job. They scrapped money together to buy a house about 6 months ago. Mom's job isn't that high paying, but they really are trying. I enjoy the girls. I'm just sick and tired of all the other stuff that goes along with this family!!

    So, we'll see how this ad goes. It will be such a relief to be rid of the drama, so I hope it works out!

  • #2
    Congrats! Hope the next family is a dream come true!


    • #3
      It sounds like you have put up with enough. They may be good, nice people but that doesnt mean you have to continue working with them. Dont let their problems become your problems. full timers always trump part timers. It only makes business sense to fill all your spots and make the most income you can.

      Have you considered telling them what the pickup and drop off times will be and charging them the full rate? then they can agree to that or find new care. either way, you win.


      • #4
        That is wonderful! happyface


        • #5
          Thanks for the encouragement, gals. Good suggestions, cheer.

