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Very OT But Question On Acne!

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  • Very OT But Question On Acne!

    I'm posting this here because I know more people are apt to see it and hopefully offer some advice.

    I have always, always been prone to acne. Very bad as a teenager but outgrew it but never ever had it gone completely.

    In January, I started walking, doing some work out video's, trying to eat healthier, and cutting way back on soda but drinking tons of water.

    Ever since January, my face has been a terrible mess and getting worse it seems. I have horrible acne on my jaw line and underneth it, and here and there on my face and along the hair line. It really bad red bumps/white heads that will literally appear within minutes it seems. They also hurt pretty bad. I'm in my mid 40's and can't believe that this is happening this badly especially as I'm trying to be healthier. I have used no new face products/makeup either.

    Anyone else experience anything like this at this age?
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    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    Have you seen a dermatologist about it?

    When I had issues with it, I ordered Avon's astringent stuff and it dried it up in no time. I haven't had much luck with any over the counter stuff.

    There is a face wash (I think it's made by Clean & Clear) that works well for washes. I use that in the morning and the astringent before bed.


    • #3
      I would bet either something hormonal (do you eat a lot of soy?) or something like a dietary sensitivity that you don't know about. I think that when I was eating a ton of dairy as a teen my acne was particularly bad and it cleared up once I took most of the dairy (mostly milk) out of my diet--i can handle cheese and yogurt and some sour cream, but ice cream and milk are out.

      Your body might also need a detox or be detoxing from stuff.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        dermadoctor did it for me. i use the AIN'T misbehavin cleanser, it targets the acne and keeps it from spreading bacteria to other pores. i know they have other ones to choose from, the price is good when you consider the size of the product. it has lasted me 3months so far and
        my face has never looked better.


        • #5
          Time for the weird hippie to chime in here Lol! ::

          I used to have horrid deep cystic pimples, and they would last for moths and months. Nothing I tried helped, I'm 38 and so I had a lot of years trying a lot of stuff! I changed to using oil to wash my face instead of cleansers and my face had done a 180! No pimples EVER!

          I've learned that the more we try to dry our faces out with cleansers and astringents the more our skin will over produce oil causing even more pimples. This is why the oil method works, it calms the skin from over producing oil.

          I also use honey, it kills bacteria really well without over drying. Plus all this is cheap compared to commercial cleanser.

          I've been telling my sis about this for a year since I started using it. She lives in AZ so we don't see each other often. I just sent her pics of my skin yesterday and she's finally sold on it!


          • #6
            If it's along your jawline try wearing more ponies if you've got longer hair and make sure you block your face or wash it after you use/spray in any hair products.

            Sounds weird but start changing your pillowcase nightly too. With dietary changes your saliva could be changing. If when you drool it gets on your pillowcase every single time you lay your face back down on it you're getting those bacterias and enzymes all over your skin again - and there they sit to bask in the nastiness all night long

            Sounds crazy but I'm telling you, it makes a difference.

            You could still be detoxing too. That can last a few months when you make any major dietary changes.


            • #7
              Weight loss can cause skin eruptions. Hormonal changes (sometimes due to weight reduction or calorie restriction) also cause this.
              Borage oil pills taken 2xs a day have tremendously hepled my daughters acne. She had taken 3 RX meds prior to the borage oil. They all had side effects. Evening primrose oil can also help but can cause headache. Borage oil does not cause headaches.
              Not Clueless anymore


              • #8
                I love Witch Hazel. It actually has a TON of other uses too, maybe check that out!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                  I'm posting this here because I know more people are apt to see it and hopefully offer some advice.

                  I have always, always been prone to acne. Very bad as a teenager but outgrew it but never ever had it gone completely.

                  In January, I started walking, doing some work out video's, trying to eat healthier, and cutting way back on soda but drinking tons of water.

                  Ever since January, my face has been a terrible mess and getting worse it seems. I have horrible acne on my jaw line and underneth it, and here and there on my face and along the hair line. It really bad red bumps/white heads that will literally appear within minutes it seems. They also hurt pretty bad. I'm in my mid 40's and can't believe that this is happening this badly especially as I'm trying to be healthier. I have used no new face products/makeup either.

                  Anyone else experience anything like this at this age?
                  I know I had peaches n cream until age 20! Then I needed to see a dermatologist. He said sometimes you need to fight it inside out and prescribed tetricycline antibiotic! It cleared it up while I was on it. I didn't want to stay on antibiotic long term so I found proactiv works great and also a product Sephora sells DDF salacylic acid foam worked well too. I still have the occasional flare up(hormones) and now I just use Neutrogena pink grapefruit but, that is just a money thing! It seems to work pretty well for me though. Idk your age but, I am going to be 36 in April.


                  • #10
                    It definitely sounds like hormonal issues, i have suffered with cystic acne & the only thing that helped me long.term was a script for Differin. see a dermatologist and get a script, you can also buy it online via canadian.pharmacies if you don't want to go to the trouble of seeing a doctor.


                    • #11
                      I started using turmeric and honey diy face mask and I have seen great difference.


                      • #12
                        I'm also thinking that it's hormonal. I had pretty good skin as a teen and into my adult years. Then I got pregnant and my skin was a mess. I figured that once I had my DS and my hormones got back to normal that I'd return to basically clear skin (with a couple of pimples around my period) but it didn't. Not even a little. Going on the pill (contraceptive) helped somewhat but it wasn't until the last few years (and the commencement of premenopause) that I have my former "good" skin back.

                        I would also talk to a dermatologist and see what they recommend.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Evansmom View Post
                          Time for the weird hippie to chime in here Lol! ::

                          I used to have horrid deep cystic pimples, and they would last for moths and months. Nothing I tried helped, I'm 38 and so I had a lot of years trying a lot of stuff! I changed to using oil to wash my face instead of cleansers and my face had done a 180! No pimples EVER!

                          I've learned that the more we try to dry our faces out with cleansers and astringents the more our skin will over produce oil causing even more pimples. This is why the oil method works, it calms the skin from over producing oil.

                          I also use honey, it kills bacteria really well without over drying. Plus all this is cheap compared to commercial cleanser.

                          I've been telling my sis about this for a year since I started using it. She lives in AZ so we don't see each other often. I just sent her pics of my skin yesterday and she's finally sold on it!
                          I wash with oil, too, and it works wonderfully. I use Perfectly Posh's Olive my Love (it's been discontinued, but if you google the ingredients, you could search for one with similar ones). Just stay clear of ones with petroleum products/mineral oil and coconut oil (it's very comedogenic). I also use a charcoal/kaolin mask, an exfoliating mask (glycolic acid) and a hydrating mask regularly. I use a face oil morning and night in place of a cream moisturizer. I fought acne for 30 years, and this routine finally cleared it up for me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by momofboys View Post
                            It definitely sounds like hormonal issues, i have suffered with cystic acne & the only thing that helped me long.term was a script for Differin. see a dermatologist and get a script, you can also buy it online via canadian.pharmacies if you don't want to go to the trouble of seeing a doctor.
                            Differin is now available over the counter! I used it for years, but didn't have success with it, personally. Retin A did help when I was a teen, but it was so hard on my face!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                              I'm posting this here because I know more people are apt to see it and hopefully offer some advice.

                              I have always, always been prone to acne. Very bad as a teenager but outgrew it but never ever had it gone completely.

                              In January, I started walking, doing some work out video's, trying to eat healthier, and cutting way back on soda but drinking tons of water.

                              Ever since January, my face has been a terrible mess and getting worse it seems. I have horrible acne on my jaw line and underneth it, and here and there on my face and along the hair line. It really bad red bumps/white heads that will literally appear within minutes it seems. They also hurt pretty bad. I'm in my mid 40's and can't believe that this is happening this badly especially as I'm trying to be healthier. I have used no new face products/makeup either.

                              Anyone else experience anything like this at this age?
                              Yes, but I also have PCOS. When I cleaned up my diet (as in went low carb, no sugar, no dairy, gluten free) I began to see it clear up.

                              Have you had your hormone levels checked? This sounds like a hormonal imbalance symptom.

