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Nap In An Open Room?

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  • Nap In An Open Room?

    So it's my 3rd day of daycare. First day, none of the slept at all. The "almost 3" year old was a mess and would not even lay on his mat. The 2 five year olds stayed quiet and still, but of course no sleeping.

    Yesterday, 3 year old-out! 5 year old-out! The other 5 year old laid down for an hour, then I let her get up and play on the computer.

    Today, I have two 2 year olds and the two 5s. They are quiet but no one can seem to relax their bodies! We sleep in my own living room and I have their mat's spread out...but any other suggestions for keeping them from looking at each other and rolling around?

  • #2
    So it's only your 3rd day, don't get frustrated yet! It will be a learning experience for all of you. We have always napped in an open room. The kids will get used to it. Think of your pre nap routine and what it's like. Do you have a relaxing time before they lay down, or is it just "Ok, nap time!" I always pull the curtains and turn on quiet music for them. There are some kids that if you put them near each other they will giggle, poke, make faces, anything to keep from taking a nap. Those kids I usually seperate. We have a foot stool that I can put between them, or arrange them "around" the furniture. I also kind of head to tail them so they aren't all facing the same way. They will get used to it. You could try laying down with them for awhile till they get the hand of it. Kind of lay in the middle of all of them and "rest" with them. Be firm and let them know your expectations!


    • #3
      Originally posted by newtodaycare22 View Post
      So it's my 3rd day of daycare. First day, none of the slept at all. The "almost 3" year old was a mess and would not even lay on his mat. The 2 five year olds stayed quiet and still, but of course no sleeping.

      Yesterday, 3 year old-out! 5 year old-out! The other 5 year old laid down for an hour, then I let her get up and play on the computer.

      Today, I have two 2 year olds and the two 5s. They are quiet but no one can seem to relax their bodies! We sleep in my own living room and I have their mat's spread out...but any other suggestions for keeping them from looking at each other and rolling around?
      What I do is let them watch a movie or tv(nick jr. or PBS) for 1/2 hr. to unwind, while they lay down on their blankets or mats. Then I shut it off and they all know it is then time for naptime- they stay on their mats or blankets, til I come and get them for snacktime-they do not have to sleep at all, as long as they are quiet. I have the school aged children upstairs reading books, outside fun, etc. as long as they are quiet, I do allow the older ones to watch a movie also if they would like to. If I have younger ones they go into their pack and plays into seperate rooms so they sleep good. If I have one that will not stay still after constant reminders, they will have to sleep on their own, in another room. I forgot one thing, we read stories before tv time or movie time.


      • #4
        We read a story, then I put on quiet music. I even rubbed each of their backs for about a minute. Yesterday, that created the snores! Not today. I'm hesitant about the TV thing...I think it'd keep them quiet but a few of my parents are really strict about TV.


        • #5
          It takes a couple weeks for everyone to get into a new routine, I have it different though, Most of my kids are in seperate rooms, My son naps in his room, My daughter in hers, My 13 month old in another room, and 18 month old in their own room, And then my 2 year old is in a tent in the basement living room, and then I have 2 more girls starting in a couple weeks, and they will also be put in a tents, in the living room with the other boy, I really like tents, I purchase little play tents, and put sleeping bags in them, so they are all kind of seperated in their own spot, I had the girls a week ago, and they did really good, my 2 year old boy is really they only one that makes any niose, he can talk to himself a good 10-15 minutes before falling asleep sometimes, but its never disturbed anyone else, but they love laying in the tents. If you can grab a book. and sit down there with them, for 30 minutes, they'll be good while your watching, I used to have to sit with my 2 yr old for 15 minutes, Cause he wouldnt stay put, [B]ut after a week or so, he stopped trying to get up.


          • #6
            I usually have 3-4 in the room ranging from age 2-4 1/2 and usually all mine are good. I spread them out, turn on the fan, close the blinds and remind them they need to be quiet, if I have to tell them more than 2 x then they have to sleep in another room alone and NONE of them like to sleep alone so it works to keep them quiet. Once in awhile I will have one who isn't as tired (when a parent lets them sleep in) and they will play around but usually I don't have a problem, but usually one is weaned in at a time not a whole group so it will probablly take all of them a week or so to adjust. Good luck


            • #7

              I wish I could separate them in different rooms, but I can't. Fire marshall says they can only sleep in rooms with hardwired smoke detectors (Which is my living room). Maybe I should get them put in all rooms At the END of rest today I put on some sesame street. It made them calm down when I said I would get them up for the special activity if they were quiet


              • #8
                Someone on my forum had a great idea for making separate spaces for naptime. Make a frame out of PVC pipe, put velcro around the edges and add black felt for a panel. Use these between the children. THEN, you can also use them as flannel story boards!


                • #9
                  I agree. Don't get discouraged yet. It takes our's several days even after they've only been on vacation for a week. And after the weekend, Mondays are usually not very easy nap times. They'll get into a routine soon enough. Our's also sleep in an open room with no way of seperating most of them. I've found that the ones who have the hardest time laying still and going to sleep do better when their cot is next to a wall. We also rub their backs until they all go to sleep. This takes a while sometimes, but it usually works for us because at least after they've ALL gone to sleep, no matter how long it took, it gives us time to clean up and take a little break before they start waking up. Lately, we have 8-12, but are allowed up to 16, so somedays go better than others.


                  • #10
                    At the daycare I work at now, we had 14 on cots and 2 in playpens. The babies sleep fine--of course, but we always have the older 5 always talking across the room, jumping up and down on their cots and trying to scoot under the tables to play with the legs. Frustrating when it is always the same few children who make our "break" only five minutes.

                    I'm looking forward to being in a house environment and only having 7 instead of up to 18.


                    • #11
                      The other posters are absolutely right -- it will take time. But make sure that whatever your routine is, that you keep it consistent. The kids will come to expect nap time because of the routine, and after awhile their bodies will get tired at exactly the right time. It may be tough in the meantime, but your hard work will pay off eventually!


                      • #12
                        Today's update

                        Today was decent. 3 of the 4 were really well behaved and at least layed quietly. My one that was wiggling yesterday was still wiggling...but he also went to sleep at 5:45 last night! Hopefully his body adjusts like you guys say. Thanks!


                        • #13
                          How about the wigglier... stay with him an extra 5-10 minutes rubbing back! Do you have a relaxing cd? If not go to the library and get one!


                          • #14
                            I like the tent idea (I have 2 that fold flat) and I would put under 3 in a playpen-I find they sleep better than on the floor. Also, I would buy smoke detectors and put them thruout the house so you can use other rooms. It will get better, but who knows what goes on at home--probably no routines.


                            • #15
                              i went through this for the first few weeks, with a 3 and 5 year old. I have a room off of my living room that they plan and nap in, considering the size of my house, I still have things to do during the day and can't get done, if they are nappin in my living room. The father didn't want them to have quite time, but I had to keep pushing it. he wanted them to sit on the couch for that time. I tried and all they did was fight and argue. So now they both go down, for a week or so, I had to sit in the room and make sure they understood that it was quite time. The sooner they take it the sooner they get to play

