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How Often Do You Change Your Daycare Setup?

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  • #16
    Rarely, I am a never rearrange the furniture person!


    • #17
      Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
      I haven't changed anything since we moved into our current home 3 years ago, ! I take kiddos 12 months through 5 years and I have age appropriate toys for everyone between but I don't have a "baby side" and "big kid side" to my playroom - it's just one large open area with shelving and baskets filled with toys... the kids find the ones that work for them and that's it.
      May I ask how you keep the little ones away from the older kids small toys?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Trummynme View Post
        So NOW I've basically split it into 3rds with a sa area, a preschool area, and a baby area.

        Back to my question-how often do you change your setup?
        I like to move things when I WANT to, not because I HAVE to; I base it on the idea that at any given time I can have a range between 6 weeks & 5 years. I have a nursery that is open to the preschool classroom, an art studio and an indoor playground (still being built) that is gated in. They can rotate with similar ages between the areas and I won't have to keep moving things unless I feel like it :-)


        • #19
          Originally posted by EchoMom View Post
          As often as the modd strikes me! I'm a CHRONIC furtniture rearranger! I mean CHRONIC! I move SOMETHING at least once a week. And a big change, probably at least monthly. Including my whole house not just daycare room.

          Lol I am too. Sometimes I think I have OCD.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Trummynme View Post
            May I ask how you keep the little ones away from the older kids small toys?
            Honestly, they don't even show an interest in it. On the rare occasion they do, I tell them "That's for babies... you go find some toys that are for big kids" and they do. I have pretty easy to manage kiddos.

