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Changing Naptime for 2 Year Old??

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  • Changing Naptime for 2 Year Old??

    For the kids who only take ONE nap per day, do YOU set the naptime or do the parents? I have 2 year old dcg who has been on one nap at 10/10:30am since she was 16mo here. I want to move her to nap with the rest of the children at 1pm. She does get crabby about 2 of 5 days around 10:30 since she is up at 6/6:30...but sometimes she will just lay there for an hour before falling asleep. Would you just continue with her own naptime, or transition her to later nap?

  • #2
    all of my kids once they do fine on one nap, take it at the same time, between 12-12:30 everyday, I decide the nap/quiet time, Unless a parent requests that they not sleep past a certain time, I have one child whos mom doesn't want her sleeping past 2pm, So I always wake her, and let her watch a little tv, Or color or something while the other kids are still sleeping. But if she was laying there for an hour, I would push it up, shes probably not ready, I want the majority of my kids except babies, to sleep at the same time so I can get my cleaning done, Eat my lunch undisturbed, and have a little break during the day.


    • #3
      I would definitely change the 2 yr old's nap schedule to the same as everyone else's, if they were a child at my daycare. Our toddlers have all had the same nap time as everyone else since the youngest was around 15 months old at least, but probably younger. One of the older toddlers we have used to have a short morning "lay down in the playpen" time until she was about 19 months old, but even then she hardly ever actually went to sleep during that time. Now everyone sleeps on cots, and they all have the same nap time. There's no way we could cater to the parents on this. They all HAVE to take a nap, or at least lay down, at the same time everyday (We wouldn't have the extra room needed for that)!


      • #4
        When I worked at my former center ALL children once out of the infant room went down at 1230 and woke up at 230. The only time we followed the childs' schedule (or parents for that matter) was when the child was in the infant room. You do what is in the best interest of your daycare

        I currently work for a private family. The boy is 2 and a half and the baby girl is just 3 months old. I use to put the boy down around 1230ish, as I stuck as close as I could to my former daycare as I could. Well the boy would be up by 145 or earlier, no matter what he woke up that morning.

        So I started putting him down later. Mom comes downstairs from work (she works from home) at 3:00 p.m. Well since I put him down for nap later, he sleeps later and better for her.

        Mom actually came out and told me that if he sleeps past 3:00 all the better ::


        • #5
          All my kids take their naps at the same time - There is no way I could operate with kids all taking different naps at different times..we have a schedule we ALL follow here...everyone eats, sleeps, pee's etc at the same time

          I have one mom that wants me to only let her daughter sleep for an hour..I told her I would wake her but not allow her to get up from her being open almost 11 hours a day I need my breaks to eat, clean and relax - so I wake her up and give her books to read for the rest of the time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jewels View Post
            Eat my lunch undisturbed
            Isn't that a little slice of heaven when you are around kids all day? Eating a meal undisturbed. Eating a meal that is warmer than room temp. NOT sharing what's on your plate (my DD thinks everything tastes better from mom or dad's plate). Going potty undisturbed. Etc.


            • #7
              Thanks for your thoughts on this. I will mention it to her parents and start transitioning over the next couple weeks. I actually have her AND my 18mo dcb on one schedule (early nap)...and the other kids on a 1-3pm (or later) nap. Add to that my dcb infant who is on his own schedule, and I have ZERO downtime. Hopefully, I'll be able to move the 18mo up to 1pm also....he's just started dropping his 2nd nap so it will be doable soon...


              • #8
                Originally posted by professionalmom View Post
                Isn't that a little slice of heaven when you are around kids all day? Eating a meal undisturbed. Eating a meal that is warmer than room temp. NOT sharing what's on your plate (my DD thinks everything tastes better from mom or dad's plate). Going potty undisturbed. Etc.
                That would be nice. Today I had a slice of cheesecake and a slice of yellow cheese all day. It was just non-stop all day....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Heather View Post
                  I have one mom that wants me to only let her daughter sleep for an hour..I told her I would wake her but not allow her to get up from her being open almost 11 hours a day I need my breaks to eat, clean and relax - so I wake her up and give her books to read for the rest of the time.
                  I don't get that - if she sleeps she probably needs the rest. I will wake at 2 hours if requested though.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Preschool/daycare teacher View Post
                    One of the older toddlers we have used to have a short morning "lay down in the playpen" time until she was about 19 months old, but even then she hardly ever actually went to sleep during that time.
                    during the time she had that "lay down in the playpen time"...did she take the afternoon nap with the older kids as well???


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by professionalmom View Post
                      Isn't that a little slice of heaven when you are around kids all day? Eating a meal undisturbed. Eating a meal that is warmer than room temp. NOT sharing what's on your plate (my DD thinks everything tastes better from mom or dad's plate). Going potty undisturbed. Etc.
                      And not having to answer, "What are you eating?"! I love my peaceful and quiet lunch during naptime!

                      I do the same as others and I set the toddler naptime. My naptime is 12:00-2:45. DD is up way earlier than 2:45, but 1 dcg is a long napper. We need to pick up after school, so 2:45 is the latest they can sleep.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kitkat View Post
                        And not having to answer, "What are you eating?"! I love my peaceful and quiet lunch during naptime!

                        I do the same as others and I set the toddler naptime. My naptime is 12:00-2:45. DD is up way earlier than 2:45, but 1 dcg is a long napper. We need to pick up after school, so 2:45 is the latest they can sleep.
                        We pick up at the bus stop, too - I could probably swing moving her while also moving the 1pm-ers to 12:30 naps. Hmm.... this way I'm not rushing as much at 3.....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ninosqueridos View Post
                          I don't get that - if she sleeps she probably needs the rest. I will wake at 2 hours if requested though.
                          She wants her in bed at night at 7:00 ( because she wants to spend zero time with her kid )


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ninosqueridos View Post
                            during the time she had that "lay down in the playpen time"...did she take the afternoon nap with the older kids as well???
                            Amazingly enough, she did. I think it just went to show that she wasn't tired enough yet midmorning, but come afternoon, she was getting that way. But this dcg didn't arrive until 8 am, and then her parents expected her to take a nap at 9:30 or 10 am. Now that I see the timing of it, I think it was silly to do it that way for so long. But it sounds like in your case, the 2 yr old sleeps in the late morning, but then not in the afternoon. Meaning no break for you. I wouldn't be able to do that. Especially with a toddler awake! Can't exactly sit them in a chair with a book, giving you a little time to clean up and take a break!
                            I think the idea of moving your 2 yr old's nap up a little, and the older kids nap time back a little, sounds like a really good idea. Like you mentioned, you wouldn't have to rush as much at 3. And if they somehow just happend to actually sleep a little longer than scheduled, you'd be able to let them, earning a few extra minutes for yourself.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Preschool/daycare teacher View Post
                              Amazingly enough, she did. I think it just went to show that she wasn't tired enough yet midmorning, but come afternoon, she was getting that way. But this dcg didn't arrive until 8 am, and then her parents expected her to take a nap at 9:30 or 10 am. Now that I see the timing of it, I think it was silly to do it that way for so long. But it sounds like in your case, the 2 yr old sleeps in the late morning, but then not in the afternoon. Meaning no break for you. I wouldn't be able to do that. Especially with a toddler awake! Can't exactly sit them in a chair with a book, giving you a little time to clean up and take a break!
                              I think the idea of moving your 2 yr old's nap up a little, and the older kids nap time back a little, sounds like a really good idea. Like you mentioned, you wouldn't have to rush as much at 3. And if they somehow just happend to actually sleep a little longer than scheduled, you'd be able to let them, earning a few extra minutes for yourself.
                              oh ok - that's great that she did sleep with the older kids!

                              So I gave it a trial run today....and she did great! I put her down at 12:45 along with everyone else and I wish I would have done it sooner!!!!!!!!! She was tired but not crabby.....and she seemed to really enjoy lunch and story time with the other kids which she usually only does with me and maybe the other dcb who is 18mo when he's here. Parents seemed happy about it, too, and they will do the same at home. Yipppeeee!!!

