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  • Mouse!

    In my house! Heard it last night in our bedroom and didn't sleep a wink. Set four mousetraps. Hope I caught it and any others. Freaking out!

  • #2
    don't worry they won't hurt you. I hate spring time because thats when we get critters. Since you live in the states, you can buy dcon, works good. We buy it and throw it in our crawl space.


    • #3
      OH my gosh I had two last fall. DROVE me nuts until we caught them. They give me the eebie jeebies thinking of them running around my house, in my cabinets! I ripped my whole house apart and re-lined everything after I bleached and lysoled everything and ran everything through the dishwasher about 3 times.

      I feel your pain! I was so nervous because I was going through interviews to fill a spot as well. I was so nervous one was going to make an appearance right during an interview. My husband thought it was so funny how nervous I got about it.


      • #4
        Holy buckets did this thread bring back memories! Long reminiscing thread ahead........

        The last house I moved into had them BAD. Every drawer I opened I found droppings after never having had a mouse in my house in my life!

        I didn't want to do poisons because of the kids, the dogs and the threat of them dying in the walls of the house so I broke down and got a clawed cat the second day I lived there. Literally brought him home and shut him in the worst room in the house, the downstairs master bathroom with every drawer and cupboard open. Opened the door the next day....there was dried blood and bits of fur, tails and feet EVERYWHERE and his belly looked like he had swallowed a basketball (insert puke emoticon here)

        That scenario repeated itself for the better part of TWO WEEKS. I could hear them running through the ceilings at night and I seriously contemplated telling the owners of the house to shove their lease where the sun didn't shine I was so disgusted

        The only ones the cat stunk at getting were in the kitchen. He never went up on the counter tops and there was a ridiculous amount of evidence that it was a common travel area at night. I set tilt traps up there (I thought snap traps were MEAN ). They looked like a black toilet paper squarish tube, I put a spot of this green goo at the end to entice them in, when they'd enter they'd tilt on an axis point and the back end would close up trapping them in. I set them before I went to bed and in less than a half hour I heard banging upstairs. I sat and listened to the noise for a long time because I was so scared to go up and see what had happened with them all! I literally crawled up the stairs and was peering around the corner terrified of what I was going to find!!!!! Come to find out the suckers were freaking out trying to escape and several ended up on the floor! The first one I opened outside (hoping to let it go out there so it would go elsewhere - yes, my hair is of the blond variety). Leaped out, scared the piss out of me and I watched it bee line right back to the house. Yes I learned my lesson.

        From that point on I shook the s**t out of the tube to stun them and then dumped them in a bin outside for the cat. I swear I didn't feed him at all the first couple of months I had him.

        They didn't even look like mice, had weird tails like gerbils

        I freaking hated it. ALL of it.

        Still skeeves me out to think about it......

        I hope you get them all and any others stay away FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Toooooooo funny Willow....

          Reminds me of when I was pregnant with my first baby (many, many, many years ago). We were renting an apartment that was just over run with mice...EVERY WHERE.

          Let my mom talk me into getting decon (I HATE that stuff)...and what they did was get into it and died inside the super overstuffed sofa (thank goodness it came with the apartment).

          The smell was soooooooo horrible we actually had to move. There is NOTHING so rank as a dead mouse who has died from eating decon....


          • #6
            Unfortunately if you live in colder climates you're pretty likely to get some critters moving in for the winter. Mice only need a hole the size of a pencil eraser to get in. I've had them on and off over the last few years but the only time I found them in my house and not in the attic was when I used to own a dog. They would come down to eat the dog food that was always left out. I used the snap traps to get rid of them instead of the d-con in the attic. If you've ever smelled a decaying/dead mouse it isn't pleasant. When we first moved in to our house and did some remodeling we found quite a few dead ones in the walls. Talk about gross.

            I've found that making sure the floor is always cleaned of dropped cheerios and the like eliminated the mice from coming into our living area. I've never had an issue with them getting into the cabinets with the exception of the one over the microwave where they came in through an extra hole that had been drilled for wiring. We covered it and haven't seen them since.

            The only other advice is to check for any holes around the rim joists (the boards on the foundation) of your house to see if that's how they're gaining access. The holes can be filled with a mixture of caulk and steel wool to prevent them from chewing through the holes again.

            Good luck!!! Hope you get the little buggers!!


            • #7
              when I come back I'll share some stories


              • #8
                Originally posted by Willow View Post
                Holy buckets did this thread bring back memories! Long reminiscing thread ahead........

                The last house I moved into had them BAD. Every drawer I opened I found droppings after never having had a mouse in my house in my life!

                I didn't want to do poisons because of the kids, the dogs and the threat of them dying in the walls of the house so I broke down and got a clawed cat the second day I lived there. Literally brought him home and shut him in the worst room in the house, the downstairs master bathroom with every drawer and cupboard open. Opened the door the next day....there was dried blood and bits of fur, tails and feet EVERYWHERE and his belly looked like he had swallowed a basketball (insert puke emoticon here)

                That scenario repeated itself for the better part of TWO WEEKS. I could hear them running through the ceilings at night and I seriously contemplated telling the owners of the house to shove their lease where the sun didn't shine I was so disgusted

                The only ones the cat stunk at getting were in the kitchen. He never went up on the counter tops and there was a ridiculous amount of evidence that it was a common travel area at night. I set tilt traps up there (I thought snap traps were MEAN ). They looked like a black toilet paper squarish tube, I put a spot of this green goo at the end to entice them in, when they'd enter they'd tilt on an axis point and the back end would close up trapping them in. I set them before I went to bed and in less than a half hour I heard banging upstairs. I sat and listened to the noise for a long time because I was so scared to go up and see what had happened with them all! I literally crawled up the stairs and was peering around the corner terrified of what I was going to find!!!!! Come to find out the suckers were freaking out trying to escape and several ended up on the floor! The first one I opened outside (hoping to let it go out there so it would go elsewhere - yes, my hair is of the blond variety). Leaped out, scared the piss out of me and I watched it bee line right back to the house. Yes I learned my lesson.

                From that point on I shook the s**t out of the tube to stun them and then dumped them in a bin outside for the cat. I swear I didn't feed him at all the first couple of months I had him.

                They didn't even look like mice, had weird tails like gerbils

                I freaking hated it. ALL of it.

                Still skeeves me out to think about it......

                I hope you get them all and any others stay away FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                I did not need to hear this today!!!!!!! LOL


                • #9
                  I had them pretty bad for a little while and I am not scared of them at all I just hate finding poop and chewed up food or clothes. I aslo did not want to use poison and didn't want to use the snap ones either becaise I thought it was sad so I got those round ones that they go inside and it closes and kills it. Well they didn't work very well so I got the glue traps (BAD IDEA). I caught a couple mice almost immediately and then I thought, "Now what?" I asked dh what I should do and he said kill it. What! I can't do that! I put it outside for the birds to get. So I got the snap traps and they worked really well. But funny story.... One night I was up really late on the computer and I kept hearing a mouse behind one of my shelves so I went over there and started pulling the shelf out slowly and I saw the mousegoing under the shelf each time I scooted it out so then I pushed the shlef all the way back to the wall and the mouses tail was sticking out from from under the shelf. So, what do I do? I put my finger right down on that tail and the mouse started freaking out trying to get away so I tried lifting the shelf so I could pick up the mouse by its tail but as I was lifting the shelf I lost my grip on the mouse. I was sooo mad


                  • #10
                    Use peanut butter as bait! They love it!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LittleD View Post
                      Use peanut butter as bait! They love it!
                      Crunchy peanut butter


                      • #12
                        I've never found any mice in our current house, but I did have a squirrel once. Funny story, but you really had to be there. Let's just say it involved a toilet, a baseball bat and a steamer trunk - and lots of shrieks (from me) and uncontrollable laughter (from DH) ::.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LittleD View Post
                          Use peanut butter as bait! They love it!
                          Something I was told by a pest expert: If you've already got mice, chances are they are already finding food somewhere so you shouldn't need to bait the traps. Mice will walk along the edges of walls and cabinets so all you have to do in place the traps the way they would be walking. They should walk right into them and SNAP!


                          • #14
                            Angel <--- that is me!!! runs a cat rescue. Would you be interested in a cat? or two? For the record... they eat mice...just sayin'


                            • #15
                              Update: caught 2 mice with one trap with peanut butter. I had 5 traps set but it was the peanut butter they wanted! Thanks for all the advice and stories!

