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OT. No Show at Valentine Party

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  • OT. No Show at Valentine Party

    I know this is off topic but this makes me so sad n I know you ladies would understand.....

    Was on the phone this morning with a friend who I seem to be growing apart from. Her childs DCC is having a Valentine's Day party and parents are invited. She told me that she was leaving work early today (she owns her own business) to go tanning and get botox so she doesnt have time to go to her child's party. What??????? It is none of my business but makes me so sad. I asked her if her child will be upset when other parents show and she isn't there. She replied that she just doesnt have the time. I almost want to pack up all my DKK's n go to his party in her place. I really would but one DCM doesn't allow child to be transported. So sad.

  • #2
    That is really said for this child. Starting next school year I will only be taking kids that I am allowed to transport because I do not want my child to be the one at functions without a parent there.


    • #3
      At my kids school parents r not invited to any functions during school hours except for end of year party. For that I will take day off. They do have parties in school and as class mom I send in lots of party food, goodies bags, decorations, and gifts for teachers. It would be nice to attend but since parents are not invited I do as much as I can so my child feels my love there. Once home we make a point to celebrate also as a family. I can't imagine not celebrating with my children given the opportunity.


      • #4
        This is VERY sad. If she couldn't get off work, it would be understandable...but to get off work early to go do 'her' things is pretty selfish.

        These kinds of things mean so much to the kids. I have adult children who every once in a while will bring up something I had missed when they were in school. I went to most things, but it's the ones I missed that they remember...and don't let me forget about either. LOL


        • #5
          I'd be sad for kiddo too!! Really? You don't have 'time' for your child's party, but do for botox and tanning. She couldn't schedule those things for another day? Especially if she has her own business and can take off early. Why even have kids if they aren't priority?
          lovethis daymommy to 7 kiddos - 5 girls and 2 boys


          • #6
            Awwww poor child! I can't believe the mom can go get things done for herself, but not have the time to go to her child's party. I understand if you have to work and can't take it off, but for the things she was doing... I go to my daughters party's as often as I can. I have even taken off of work to go in the past. I feel guilty if I don't go, if I can.

