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Providing Care For Friends - Bad Idea

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  • Providing Care For Friends - Bad Idea

    I thought I crossed all my T's and dotted all my i's. Well a friend of my husbands son filled my last opening and his wife refuses to pay ahead of time. She also drops her son off at all kinds of hours.

    I have explained to her that I need a schedule for when he would be there so I can be prepared for him when he comes. I don't have the heart to not feed him when he comes after lunch.

    My other families pay at the end of every week for the next week. And they communicate the day before if there are any schedule changes. They are all around AWESOME!

    I have a backbone and will be talking to her. However it SUCKS that with only 4 openings the one person I have a problem with is the one we know.

  • #2
    I have also had this issue with friends! It seriously makes me not want to take friends children from now on!!


    • #3
      If she is this disrespectful she is no kind of friend. I would fill
      The spot as soon as possible.


      • #4
        Same here...this is my last one. He goes to school in the fall so it'll end then!


        • #5
          Good advice, she text me today at 2pm and said that her son would not be here today.

          I took that as a chance to review my policies ask for a schedule and let her know that I would like to fill the days he is not present.

          This is so the last time I do this.

          On top of all of this I had my other AWESOME parent tell me that she would bring me a check for next week tomorrow. Her kids don't come for the rest of the week. She said that she wanted to be sure she that she did not lose her spot.

          At least I know that I am doing a good job and its not me.

