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Some of These Threads.....

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  • Some of These Threads.....

    Are just not very believeable. The thread on a just turned 2 yr old telling a 15 mo old to touch his penis......hmm, and the thread on the teacher making a child eat "dirt" which was cocoa.....hmm again. Sorry, but just not very believeable stories to me.

  • #2
    Simply don't answer them if you don't believe them. They are both registered and their info and IP look good.
    Last edited by Michael; 08-12-2010, 04:49 PM.


    • #3
      I didn't answer them, just saying sometimes things.....just don't look or sound quite believeable. A just turned 2 yr old saying that???????


      • #4
        Originally posted by mac60 View Post
        I didn't answer them, just saying sometimes things.....just don't look or sound quite believeable. A just turned 2 yr old saying that???????
        I am surprised at what kids these days say and do at such young ages. Is it me or are they growing up way too fast. Did you read the other day where girls are starting puberty at seven?


        • #5
          Really not believable huh. A 2 year old telling another kid to touch his penis, Why do you think I looked for a forum to ask about it, Because I couldnt believe it and it happened right in front of me, You really think I would just post that for what......Laughs? That 15 month old little girl is my own daughter, you have no idea how disturbed that made me, Hes so young, And I'm friends with his mother.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
            Are just not very believeable. The thread on a just turned 2 yr old telling a 15 mo old to touch his penis......hmm, and the thread on the teacher making a child eat "dirt" which was cocoa.....hmm again. Sorry, but just not very believeable stories to me.
            I think both of these threads are very believable and I don't know why someone would register and then make this stuff up.


            • #7
              I see different sides of the story. IMO yes I believe there are people on here who register and try to cause friction between everyone. However the admin says that all the info is good, so we must give the new members the benefit of the doubt and believe them.

              Then again, if these people are legit etc. I, too, find it hard to believe some of these stories. Esp. the dirt one. I have always believed that as an adult in the childcare profession ( or just as adult in general), I have a voice. I need to be that voice to someone (child, elderly, animal) who can't speak for themselves. It would wear on my conscience to sit back and do nothing other than worry about my job. NO job whatsoever is worth watching a helpless human being being abused. There are NO excuses.

              However I also agree with Michael on this. If you don't like it, or don't believe them (for whatever reason), simply move on.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
                I see different sides of the story. IMO yes I believe there are people on here who register and try to cause friction between everyone. However the admin says that all the info is good, so we must give the new members the benefit of the doubt and believe them.

                Then again, if these people are legit etc. I, too, find it hard to believe some of these stories. Esp. the dirt one. I have always believed that as an adult in the childcare profession ( or just as adult in general), I have a voice. I need to be that voice to someone (child, elderly, animal) who can't speak for themselves. It would wear on my conscience to sit back and do nothing other than worry about my job. NO job whatsoever is worth watching a helpless human being being abused. There are NO excuses.

                However I also agree with Michael on this. If you don't like it, or don't believe them (for whatever reason), simply move on.
                Thanks, that was an even tempered post


                • #9
                  Maybe you all didn't notice, I never responded to "those threads".


                  • #10
                    May I ask then what was the purpose of this post? :confused:


                    • #11
                      I think she is trying to get the boot like Nan! :: Since we were told to stop going off of subject on threads I guess the new thing to do is to bash new members and there threads by making up ridiculous threads of our own to bash them on! Mac60 once again everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but sometimes it is better to just keep them to ourselves!! Didn't your mother ever teach you this simple statement, in which I am sure she did and you probably use it in your childcare setting, "If you can't say something nice, than don't say anything at all!" You should try that yourself, if you don't like it or believe it ignore it and move on, as simple as 1, 2, 3!


                      • #12
                        Whatever....just like you are entitled to say whatever opinion you want, I am entitled to my opinion too. I simply stated some things seemed unbelieveable. It is the rest of you making a big deal out of my opinion. Have a good day.


                        • #13
                          to answer your question, YES those issues do seem unbelievable. And that is exactly what I would mutter over and over in my head if I had to deal with them.
                          As far as the threads themselves, I do not think any less of myself for reading or responding. If they are fake, then OOOOh, you got me. At least they got me thinking about the oddities of minding kids, and help me not to get caught off guard.
                          Not a big deal one way or another. At worst, they are entertaining...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                            Are just not very believeable. The thread on a just turned 2 yr old telling a 15 mo old to touch his penis......hmm, and the thread on the teacher making a child eat "dirt" which was cocoa.....hmm again. Sorry, but just not very believeable stories to me.
                            I can assure you that the "dirt/cocoa" story was absolutely true. As you can obviously see it was my first post, but the incident so disturbed me that I turned to strangers for advice, which turns out was my mistake, seeing as how I have been accused of a) making the story up and b) turning a blind eye to abuse.

                            I told the teacher at the time that what she was doing was against state licensing regulations (she just shrugged and said "whatever") and took the little boy to the bathroom to wash his face and gave him a cup of water.

                            Someone pointed out that I was a mandated reporter, which hadn't crossed my mind, so I got some good advice, but I don't think I'll be coming back if this is how honest newcomers are treated.


                            • #15
                              Hi Jane,

                              Sorry about that. Disregard some of the members. We are moving some of them out of the forum. If you need anything please Private Message me.

                              Last edited by Michael; 08-13-2010, 05:29 PM.

