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  • Wwyd?

    So I have a dck who lies to parents saying that I hit him, when I put him in timeout or correct him he tells me"I'm gping to my mommy you hit me" what should I do?

  • #2
    I would make sure the parent was on board with his behavior being unacceptable. Don't be defensive by any means.. Ask her how she will be handling the situation of his bold lies. Pause...., & wait for her response. How she handles it, speaks volumes to you. If she is Team Kid..., she can take her team some place else.


    • #3
      How old is this child?


      • #4
        Make him admit it on tape.

        I would tell the parents about how he says that and if they do not believe you. I would ask them if it was okay to record this behavour- just hid a camcorder or a tape recorder on a shelf between some toys (or you could use your phone but make sure he doesn't see it and that it records auto) and show/let the parents listen to it when they pick him up then they will see that he is deliberatly telling lies to get his way. Also while you have him on recorder ask him:
        "Why would you say that if it's not true?"
        "You know that is a lying, right?"
        "Why do you think it is okay to tell lie?"

        I bet his answers will reveal that he knows it is a lie so he is doing it on purpose and he will probably say something like "because it is fun" or "because I want to get my way" and then you will have all the evidence you need. Just no matter what he says keep a calm voice and avoid touching him as much as possible. Then I would make sure the parent understands that you do not take lying lightly and that you and the parents need to work together to find away to stop his fibbing.

        If they still don't believe you I would just term them and save the recording as evidence in case they try to call licensing.


        • #5
          I had a dck do this once. Mom emailed me, "Dck said you spanked him today." We had a frank conversation that I would never hit a child and explained how I discpline - again. Luckily this mom, knew my parenting style and was pretty sure when her son told her that, that it was a lie.

          I would just bring it up to the parent that little Johny said this today and tell them the behaviors you have been seeing. I would be very clear with the parents about how you handle the situation and ask how they discipline at home.

          I would be proactive and speak to the parents about it before the dck gets a chance to say such a thing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by littlemisssunshine View Post
            So I have a dck who lies to parents saying that I hit him, when I put him in timeout or correct him he tells me"I'm gping to my mommy you hit me" what should I do?

            I'd tell him GOOD! And I'm going to tell her you took off on a purple dinosaur today after lunch and then asked to eat nothing but prunes and lima beans for the next three weeks! I'm sure she'll happily swing by the grocery store for you on the way home!

            Then have a very blunt conversation in private with the parent about conveying to the child the impact such lies can have on peoples lives. Make sure they are on the same page as you are, and that they trust that you'd never hurt their child.

            If there is any question in their minds terminate effective immediately.


            • #7
              Depends on the situation. If the parents spoil the child and believe he walks on water then that is a recipe for disaster and lawsuits. Say the child falls hits his head, you write a note about the accident but the kid says you hit him. I would tell the parent about the lies but if the parent clearly doesn't believe you and sides with the child I would terminate the relationship right away.


              • #8
                Originally posted by littlemisssunshine View Post
                So I have a dck who lies to parents saying that I hit him, when I put him in timeout or correct him he tells me"I'm gping to my mommy you hit me" what should I do?
                If it were me, I probably wouldn't do time out for this. When he said it, I would say, "Okay, I'll have a talk with her to, and let her know that fibbing and not telling the truth isn't okay with me." I wouldn't overreact in front of him because that may in turn make him do it more for the attention he gets. I would definitely let his parents know...but not make it a huge issue of it. Kids sometimes say things to get a reaction. kwim?

