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DC Baby Reeks of Cigarettes

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  • DC Baby Reeks of Cigarettes

    Have any of you delt with this?

    Im mean for one thats just plain bad to be smoking around your babies,
    But he just plain out stinks. He is 10 months old.

    I try and wipe him down but that doesnt help.

    The other problem I have is that I quit smoking in October and he aint helping matters!!

    What would you do?

  • #2
    I've never smoked, so I don't know what that would be like.

    But, I don't think there's anything you can do. They aren't going to stop smoking around him, so you either have to get used to it, or let him go.

    If you weren't a recent smoker yourself, I'd say "suck it up", but I think it's much harder for you than others. I wish I had some ideas for you.


    • #3
      I get headaches from cigarette smoke so I would have to term. I am pretty sensitive when it comes to the smell so during the interview I probably would have noticed it and never took them. Did you smell it when you met with them?


      • #4
        Double post


        • #5
          Originally posted by mbullette View Post
          I get headaches from cigarette smoke so I would have to term. I am pretty sensitive when it comes to the smell so during the interview I probably would have noticed it and never took them. Did you smell it when you met with them?
          slightly smelled it on mom, but not the baby.

          Ihave other parents that smoke, but not around the kids.


          • #6
            Most of the smell is probably on the clothes. You can change babies clothes when he comes that have been washed by you.


            • #7
              Third hand exposure is a danger to infants especially. There is evidence it raises the risk of SIDS.

              Even if mom isn't smoking directly around baby the fact that he smells like it means he's been at the very least exposed to all the toxins and chemicals and is without a doubt bringing them into your home.

              I would not allow a baby to come in smelling like that as 1). I wouldn't want the baby or the other children in my care exposed to third hand smoke and all of the associated health risks that come along with that and 2.) I wouldn't want my home to end up smelling like an ash tray and having parents assume I am somehow responsible for that.

              I do smoke on occasion but always outside, during the evening, and when I come in I wash my clothes and take a shower before I care for children again.

              I would tell the parent that the baby could not come in smelling like that and if they can't find a way to manage that I could no longer continue to care for their child.


              • #8
                For more information if you'd like to educate yourself more in preparation for discussion with the parents:


                • #9
                  I'm dealing with this now. At first I thought of terming, but this is the sweetest baby and I really enjoy working with the family. After a couple days I realized it was the infant carrier, so I now put it outdoors in our covered porch while baby is here. Also, I had them stop leaving a diaper bag with me every day (baby's PT but attends regularly). The baby doesn't carry the scent as much as belongings that were going home & returning daily.


                  • #10
                    Poor baby. That makes me so sad. Id have to bathe him and change his clothes into some I keep here. When dcm starts asking why I bathe everyday id say "because i'm trying to wash the harmful 3rd hand smoke off of your child" and watch her jaw drop.

                    Ugh. Both of my boys were preemies who were very susceptible to illnesses like rsv and pneumonia. Any type of second or third hand smoke would only irritate their lungs and increase their risk of illness. My mother once tried to hold my youngest right after she came in from smoking and I about bit her hand off. And I love my mother!


                    • #11
                      Wouldn't that be child neglect if you smoke around a child especially an infant???!!! This makes me so sad...i would tell the parents straight up, even if they don;t smoke directly in the babies face, the fact he smells like it and it is stuck to his belongings can still have an affect on him, and can harm his premature lungs. This actually pisses me off


                      • #12
                        Likely on the clothes. Also when I used to be a smoker I would neber smoke around my son but would smoke in the car on the way to work after I dropped him at daycare - now I realize his car seat probably reeked of smoke.

                        We have more children than I can count who come in reeking of marijuana in my area - the parents pretty much all smoke in the house with their children & a big percentage grow as well. Some you can smell the minute they walk in the room.


                        • #13
                          It could be that the parents/guardian smoked away from the baby and picked up the baby with their clothes smelling like smoke (third hand smoke). I used to live in a house with smokers and I don't miss it one bit! They actually smoked in the house which made the whole house smell. My hair (which is really thick) would always smell. And I was still in high school at the time and I sprayed the outside of my backpack with air freshener all the time because I have asthma and hate that smell. One time, I opened it up and one my teacher would ask me if I smoked (my desk was next to the teacher's desk).

                          Maybe revise or add a section to your policies about the dangers of 2nd and 3rd hand smoke and how it is not only a health hazard to that specific child but the provider and other daycare children/ families who are exposed to it. Remind them that daycare property is as smoke free as possible and (in some states- like CA) it is illegal to smoke with a child under the age of 18 in the car. Maybe something about a child who frequently comes to the daycare smelling like smoke or daycare parents caught smoking on daycare property (including but not limited to the yard/drive way) will be terminated.

