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Daycare Rates

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  • Daycare Rates

    Are your daycare rates negotiable?

  • #2
    No. If I had to increase, I would work with an existing family if they couldn't afford it, but I wouldn't take on a new family that tried to talk me down.


    • #3

      i dont get to negotiate what i pay for curriculum, liability insurance, food from the grocery store, my water bill or electic.


      • #4
        I have offered discounted rates depending on my financial ability at the time and specific parental situations.

        I also tend to have one of two here for "no-pay" due to extreme medical bills/etc.... (childhood cancer/cardiac/renal disease) BUT I will never give it to someone who asks/expects it.

        It is a gift I offer parents in private and the other parents will never be aware of it.


        • #5
          Daycare rates

          I'm pretty firm on my rates, so I would say that I'm not flexible in general. However, if I have a situation where a daycare family has a schedule that will fill in the gaps for my attendance, then I would be willing to work out a different rate because it helps me, too.


          • #6


            • #7


              • #8
                For ME, once the contract is signed, that's it.
                If I feel generous, it's got to be MY idea, and in private, like the PP said.
                Never ever ever AFTER care is given and a bill goes out.


                • #9
                  I have given tons of breaks in the past, and they always, I repeat always bite you in the butt!! Never again!!!!


                  • #10
                    I used to me flexible and negotiate but now I stick to my rates. I also require that the kids arrive by a certain time and are picked up after a certain time. I have found that this deters a lot of the families that I wouldn't get along with anyway. I have great families and one that asked me to charge them for tuition to give me more money out of an account through their office
                    Celebrate! ::


                    • #11
                      I used to because I feel so sorry for family who cannot afford but now I am not doing it anymore. I found there is no excuse because they can afford to buy $50 or more pack of cigarettes per week or two, pedicure, color hairs, etc..


                      • #12
                        Yes - but to a degree...Im not going to turn away an enrollment because of a few bucks if I can afford to do so.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by safechner View Post
                          I used to because I feel so sorry for family who cannot afford but now I am not doing it anymore. I found there is no excuse because they can afford to buy $50 or more pack of cigarettes per week or two, pedicure, color hairs, etc..
                          I know exactly what you mean, or have tons of new toys, etc... when you are giving them breaks!!


                          • #14
                            No, not really. But I can't say that anyone has ever challenged them. I will negotiate on late pick up fees and late payment fees, but that is at my discretion.

                            That is the beauty of owning your own business~it's your decision to make


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Heather View Post
                              Yes - but to a degree...Im not going to turn away an enrollment because of a few bucks if I can afford to do so.
                              Same here. Of course I'd rather them pay my rate but if they ask the right way (without a sense of entitlement) and they really seem like a good fit then I may give them the rate they are asking as long as they are not trying to lowball me. Or I might even come back with a counteroffer! ::

