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Other Child Care Provider Forums?

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  • Other Child Care Provider Forums?

    Hi All,

    I've only been a member of this forum for a week or so. I joined because I am seeking a supportive community of child care providers that I can turn to with questions or for information. I do not feel like I have found that here. I feel frustrated about the amount of bickering, complaining and belittling on this site.

    I have tried finding other active forums for at-home child care providers without success. Are there other forums out there? What others ones do you visit?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I still think the site is good for advice/policy questions, etc.

    I'm the same as you and I avoid conflict and don't get roped into the drama bickering. I don't think it's as common as you think and I think this is a great site for info. I'm pretty new too...less than a year so don't know of any other provider sites but I'll be interested to see if anyone else has any suggestions.


    • #3
      Originally posted by twinmama View Post
      I still think the site is good for advice/policy questions, etc.

      I'm the same as you and I avoid conflict and don't get roped into the drama bickering. I don't think it's as common as you think and I think this is a great site for info. I'm pretty new too...less than a year so don't know of any other provider sites but I'll be interested to see if anyone else has any suggestions.
      Thanks for responding Twinmama. I can see where it might be a good place to gain some info, I just don't really feel comfortable posting. I've worked in child care centers for years, but doing this at home is a whole different animal, so I'm really looking for a place of support with people that do this at home. Hopefully someone else has some suggestions...


      • #4
        i hope you'll stay. i think you'll find it really is a good forum - but like any forum...there are always disagreements and sometimes emotions run high.

        the "debates" do turn into arguments more than they should though - and usually by the same people. i've noticed that the administrator is aware of it and it's going to stop one way or another.

        it's really sad that people are leaving. i hope you'll change your mind.


        • #5
          It's not always full of drama

          Sometimes we all disagree, but it doesn't take away from the good advice that can be given and it doesn't take awau from this being a pretty good place to get stuff off your chest (for the most part)

          Judy has an amazing forum and blog and I feel like my opinion counts there. If you'd like to join, you could talk to judy about it. The more, the merrier!
          Last edited by Michael; 08-09-2010, 08:22 PM.


          • #6
            Likewise it is important for members to let me know what is going on before it gets to this point. I can not read every thread and your support is needed for me to make this forum more of what you would like it to be. You can always PM me and I will answer you.


            • #7
              i stay out of all the "heated" debates, but i read them all none the less. they are still very informative, and i learn alot. i just choose not to respond or get involved in those type of discussions.

              like mac60 said, www.123child has a forum. but let me tell you. 3 or 4 years back, they had the same type of issues, the bickering and everything. it was crazy. they lost more then half of its members, i'm sure. so it happens on every forum.

              there is another one, they have message boards too. there is never seems to be any bickering there, but they all seem to be friends outside of the forum. i read all the posts there, but hardly ever respond, just cause i feel a bit like an outsider.

              i just want to add, that i really enjoy and value everyone's opinions here. you can learn alot from other people's opinions, if youre open minded to them. ive taken alot of ideas from everyone here, and applied them to my own childcare. i think this forum is helping to make me a better provider. i may not agree with everything everyone says all the time, but i take what i find usefull, and leave all the rest.

              imagine how boring the world would be if we all thought the same way.

              a great big thank you to everyone here who has taught me to be a little more patient, to be a better "teacher", to make me see there may be a better way to do something, to let me vent, to have a little more backbone, to run a better business, or just given me a laugh when i needed it most!


              • #8
                Melskids is right about Activity Idea 123, there was 1 lady in particular that caused major problems, and caused people to leave, and administration at the time would do nothing about it. Her site really went downhill fast, and is struggling to get up again. I hope the administrator learned her lesson on that one. Some of us are trickling back. The administrator over there has tons of valuable information for those who do preschool for their clients along with all of the information on the forums.


                • #9
                  i agree....they are still my favorite site to get ideas for themes and my curriculum!!!!


                  • #10
                    any site will have different opinions its what makes our world go round if we were all the same it would be a very boring world. I have enjoyed this site and I'm new to it and when I'm having a bad day I can always come here to vent or get a good laugh get ideas or just pass the time reading away I love this site


                    • #11
                      I think this forum adequately represents any room filled with women ::

                      Sorry, could not resist. I really enjoy coming here....and will continue for a long time to come.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                        I think this forum adequately represents any room filled with women ::
                        The problem with that comment is that so many of the "heated" discussions are the ones with men posting.

                        I have been happy with, they aren't as mean and vicious as a lot of the posters here.

                        there is another one, they have message boards too. there is never seems to be any bickering there, but they all seem to be friends outside of the forum. i read all the posts there, but hardly ever respond, just cause i feel a bit like an outsider.
                        I felt that way somewhat at first but no longer. I believe it was more my insecurity of being the 'new' kid. I felt worse here, especially when I tried to post my opinion and was ridiculed from the beginning. No one at ever made me angry or upset. I very rarely post here now, just come over occasionally to see what the greater-than-thous are fighting about.
                        I see little people.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                          I think this forum adequately represents any room filled with women ::

                          Sorry, could not resist. I really enjoy coming here....and will continue for a long time to come.
                          I agree. Sadly we women tend to be so much more passionate about our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs, than the men are. But then again, men can bond over a "project" that they are working on, even if none of them say a word.

                          The worst part is that, as women, we are all charged with the hardest job in the world - being moms (even if you are a DC provider without children of your own, you're still "mom" for part of the day). We are human and we make mistakes, but society seems to expect us to "have it all" and be perfect. Or maybe we are the ones putting that expectation on ourselves. Either way, most of the moms I know, myself included, sometimes feel like we are in a fish bowl, being judged by everyone else. And Heaven forbid, we have a few dishes in the sink or a half a basket of dirty laundry! Then there's the SAHM vs. WOHM battle that always rages between the moms. All of it is pointless. We are all doing the best we can with what we've got. But the insecurities creep in and we can get a little overzealous in defending ourselves. It happens to all of us. I loved the character that Janet (and others) have shown when they apologize for how passionate they have gotten (whether they were right or not).

                          Maybe Michael can pop in from time to time just to say, "ladies, ladies, simmer down and show each other some love and respect."

                          Don't let the passion scare you away. It's our passion that drives us, even if it goes too far sometimes. I think most, if not all, of the women on here are passionate about raising children to be phenomenal, extraordinary people. We all have different ways of achieving that, but the goal is the same. We just need to be reminded of that from time to time, while giving each other pats on the back.

                          And, even though I disagree with some people on this forum, I still consider everyone here my sisters-in-childcare. I love each and every one of them - even the ones who can get a little crazy (probably because I can get a little crazy too). I love all of you!!


                          • #14
                            I hope you stay! Yes, there are some strong opinions here. I try to stay out of the heated debates. I feel like you will find this in any forum. I have found this forum to be a good outlet, and great for information you are seeking as a provider.


                            • #15
                              I spent a lot of time when I first joined here 'lurking' and reading, kind of getting to know posters styles. There are strong personalities in all forums; it makes for good reading!

                              I like the debates; sometime very different opinions get you thinking outside of your own box, you know? We all do things differently, have been in business varying amounts of time, some are center-based, some home-based and some like me are kind of in between. I don't have a formal education in early childhood education and I sometimes feel intimidated to post my feelings on a subject but I have been in the business for over 20 years, so I have a lot of on the job training

                              I've been a member at for several years~they are a good group of ladies who are quite friendly. Like here, the're are many combined years of various experiences. There are several that get together in real life; but you won't feel like an outsider if you post~they are very welcoming.

                              I haven't been to the forum in a while; maybe I should check it out again. I do use them for good curriculum ideas though.

                              I hope you stay

