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  • CL Ad

    "My husband & I have a couple openings in our daycare. We are open Monday - Saturday 6am - midnight & do overnights for graveyard jobs & the occasional night out. We are DHS approved & have passed strict criminal & CPS back round checks. We have the "Your baby can read" program & other educational videos & activities. We also work with our kids on basic life skills & behavior such as personal safety, manners, how to be a gentleman or young lady, how to behave in public & treat people. We feed our kids a wide variety of healthy home cooked meals to expand the taste buds of picky eaters.
    Charge basic rate + groceries. We know that money is short nowadays so we are willing to barter/trade for product or service, here are a fue ideas : food, remodeling supplys & labor, housekeeping, gift cards, gravel, sod, extra. We are open to other things so if you have any questions just email & we'll get back to you asap. "

    basically 24/hours 6 days a week? yikes!

    "fue"... that really bothers me! !

  • #2
    I think it was just a typo as the "e" and "w" are next to each other on the keyboard.

    You wood thinc that thay wood chek four speling befour posting tho....::::


    • #3
      Your baby can read but sorry we don't teach them to spell.


      • #4
        Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
        Your baby can read but sorry we don't teach them to spell.


        • #5
          I read ads like this and worse every single day here on CL. I often wonder if I'm always full and get clients quickly simply because I spell all my ads correctly and use correct grammar!


          • #6
            I have a lot more respect for a family trying to "earn" or barter for a living versus a family who is simply sitting home collecting benefits for free.

            I also have no issue with the spelling errors.

            We have some pretty bad posts (in regards to grammar and spelling) here on the forum as well as some regular "text talkers" too, so I wouldn't think anything about spelling/grammatical errors in a CL ad.

            The 24 hours 6 days of the week offer is also something that several care facilities/family child care homes around here do so I don't find that odd either.

            I guess it is just further proof that what is the norm in one area isn't always the same for another.


            • #7
              The spelling does bother me, especially in an ad where you are putting your best foot forward (or should be.) It makes me think they cannot attend to the little things.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I have a lot more respect for a family trying to "earn" or barter for a living versus a family who is simply sitting home collecting benefits for free.

                I also have no issue with the spelling errors.

                We have some pretty bad posts (in regards to grammar and spelling) here on the forum as well as some regular "text talkers" too, so I wouldn't think anything about spelling/grammatical errors in a CL ad.

                The 24 hours 6 days of the week offer is also something that several care facilities/family child care homes around here do so I don't find that odd either.

                I guess it is just further proof that what is the norm in one area isn't always the same for another.
                These are my thoughts as well. I don't see anything particularly wrong with the ad in my opinion. Yes, there are spelling errors, but you should really see some of the ads in my area!

                One of the worst ads I remember seeing was one in which the woman was offering childcare in the same home where she offered tattoo services and during the same hours she is available for child care. I personally would not want my child in someone's home where there are complete strangers coming in regularly to get tattoos. And yes, this was mentioned in the ad as an added "incentive."


                • #9
                  I would not put my child in this DC. Obviously spelling does not bother me because I am terrible with English, but it does worries me the trade part and the long hours. As a provider you HAVE to be well rested or the kids are not going to be safe under your care, also trading for housekeeping? I don't see the benefit in that for the provider, for me it looks like someone that wants to have kids under their care no matter what and that is a red flag for me.


                  • #10
                    and let's not talk about curriculum, I don't use a specific curriculum but I do plan for my kids and try as hard as I can to provide them with learning experiences away from the TV

