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Cleaning Tips...

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  • Cleaning Tips...

    With all this sickness going around I was wondering what is some ways you all clean your toys? Besides the bleach solution and a rag...We have a good big of play good and dishes and Im looking for a way to get the play food super clean since that is the first thing they want to mouth especially when they are sick.
    Has anyone ever put it in the dishwasher?

  • #2
    I use this as a sensory activity. I fill dish bins with warm soapy water and clear water. I let the kids play with the toys in the soapy water, then rinse them in the clear. We lay them to dry then.

    The kids love it so much! And I love that they are involved, it's not on my time, and the toys get clean. I typically do this on Friday mornings, because Friday naptime is when I mop my floors anyway.

    We do this with all our toys but the wooden ones. Cars, trains, Little People, doctor set, tool set, etc. I lay the wooden ones out on the daycare table and spray them with bleach solution, and allow to dry.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
      I use this as a sensory activity. I fill dish bins with warm soapy water and clear water. I let the kids play with the toys in the soapy water, then rinse them in the clear. We lay them to dry then.

      The kids love it so much! And I love that they are involved, it's not on my time, and the toys get clean. I typically do this on Friday mornings, because Friday naptime is when I mop my floors anyway.

      We do this with all our toys but the wooden ones. Cars, trains, Little People, doctor set, tool set, etc. I lay the wooden ones out on the daycare table and spray them with bleach solution, and allow to dry.
      I do this as well. Killing two birds and all
      But I also run toys through the dishwasher, or washing machine weekly. I do it during naptime mostly so it's done by the time the kids leave on Friday.
      For general disinfection I follow my state regs using bleach.


      • #4
        I clean the toys in a variety of ways.

        If there is a ton of sickness I feel the best way is bleach. I'll either use a bucket and rag or I'll fill the kitchen sink and dump them in while I tidy up other areas.

        I also use the dishwasher on sanitize cycle.

        I launder all the fabric items in the washing machine.

        I'll use clorox wipes and give the kids a diaper wipe so they can "help" too - keeps them from taking out a ton of toys while I'm actually cleaning.

        I'll spray lysol over the toys during nap time or at the end of the day.


        • #5
          When you wash your little people in a sink of water, how do you get the inside of them dry? I did it once and had a heck of a time with them. I could hear the water inside when I shook them I tried blasting canned air in them, shaking the water out, Taking the blow dryer to them... in the end i stood them upside down on a window sill for a few days to dry out. Now I just wipe them


          • #6
            I put alot of toys in lingerie bags and put them in the dishwasher.


            • #7
              I use warm dish soap and water, I figure if dish soap is good enough for washing utensils we stick in our mouths, its good enough for the toys, wooden toys I wipe with a wash cloth of soapy water, rinse and dry right away, I wipe bigger toys down with soap and water, and also spray them with lysol (but only stuff that can't be mouthed, I bleach the toilets, sink, toilet handles, soap pumps everyday, and we wash our hands a lot, with normal soap not antibacterial, ugh we have not had a cold yet this season, I feel lucky and I have 10 kids in here weekly, I did just have a new little girl start last week 2 days, and she was pretty sick, so I've been waiting for someone else to catch it, but not yet.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jewels View Post
                I use warm dish soap and water, I figure if dish soap is good enough for washing utensils we stick in our mouths, its good enough for the toys, wooden toys I wipe with a wash cloth of soapy water, rinse and dry right away, I wipe bigger toys down with soap and water, and also spray them with lysol (but only stuff that can't be mouthed, I bleach the toilets, sink, toilet handles, soap pumps everyday, and we wash our hands a lot, with normal soap not antibacterial, ugh we have not had a cold yet this season, I feel lucky and I have 10 kids in here weekly, I did just have a new little girl start last week 2 days, and she was pretty sick, so I've been waiting for someone else to catch it, but not yet.
                Just curious why don't you use antibacterial? It's required in my state.


                • #9
                  regular soap is just as effective without the added chemicals, warm water and soap is all you need, even the FDA is not a fan of the over use of anti bacterial soaps, they should be saved for hospitals and clinics, there are good bacterias out there. just google regular vs antibacteria hand soap. Its not a requirement where I am.


                  • #10
                    If I had a dishwasher I would put mine in that. But I don't so they get washed by hand with soapy water, rinsed and soaked in bleach water, then air dried.
                    lovethis daymommy to 7 kiddos - 5 girls and 2 boys


                    • #11
                      Have any of you ever used the dishwasher for play food?? I put it in a sink of bleach water, but water gets inside them :\


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Provider_Manda View Post
                        Have any of you ever used the dishwasher for play food?? I put it in a sink of bleach water, but water gets inside them :\
                        yup I do. put it in a lingerie bag and run it through


                        • #13
                          Not really a toy/house cleaning tip but....

                          If you don't already, make sure that kids wash their hands not only before/after eating and using bathroom; but, also when they arrive/ depart from daycare and before/after playing with certain toys (playdough/clay, crayons, books, water/sand tables), petting pets (if you have pets), and after touching their faces (eyes, nose, mouth). Also after you wash your hands try to use a hand lotion to prevent drying and chapping which can make it harder to wash them efficiantly and easier for germs to seek in. Also avoid using "community" towles and use either one-time use paper towles or personal hand towles that are only for that one child and washed at the end of the day.

                          You can also teach the kids how to wash their hands properly by getting this stuff called "Germ Glow" they put it on their hands and rub it in and then they wash their hands as you show them how to for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water, and then turn of the lights/close the curtains and use a blacklight to see how well they cleaned their hands and then continue showing them how to wash their hands and see a week later if they notice a differnece.

                          Also maybe cleaning curtains at least once a month (either steam clean and vaccum or machine wash depending on your curtains) or machine wash any blankets/pillowcases once a week/every other week and maybe once or twice a week vacuum any soft surface furnture that cannot go in the washing machine (like the sofa, love seat, cot) and use a nonstaining disinfectant/ fabreeze spray as needed.

                          For baby items (if you have them) you can try boiling the bottles, teething rings, and pacifiers, baby bottle brushes, scissors, nail clippers, hair brushes/tooth brushes (if you have kids brush their teeth), rubber dish/cleaning gloves, some plastic/wooden utensils, and possibly any pens that you use for daycare purpouses (signing in/out, paper work) in a big metal cooking pot once a week/month for about 5 minutes and then leave them out to air dry in the dish rack or just wipe dry with a clean towle. Pretty much works with anything that is made of metal, woods, and hard solid plastic/rubber (avoid doing this with most fabric, safter plastic, electrical/battery operated items). Also make sure to sturr the items with a wooden spoon to avoid sticking/melting and never leave the items un attended. Also wash the pot well after, before using it on a new item.

                          For sponges and rags (between laundry times) you can try to put them either the dishwasher or put them in the microwave full of water for about 30 seconds to kill the germs (Tip: either wait a few minutes to get it out or wear gloves to avoid burns) or, like in the previous paragraph, you might be able to boiling them. No matter which method you use make sure there are no cleaning salutions in the sponge or rag to avoid a safety hazard.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Provider_Manda View Post
                            With all this sickness going around I was wondering what is some ways you all clean your toys? Besides the bleach solution and a rag...We have a good big of play good and dishes and Im looking for a way to get the play food super clean since that is the first thing they want to mouth especially when they are sick.
                            Has anyone ever put it in the dishwasher?
                            Apart from the bleach/water solution I like to run plastic toys through the dishwasher including play food. The paper labels fall off but I don't mind and the kids don't mind, they can pretend the cans and containers are whatever they want them to be. I throw soft plastic stuff in the top rack (playfood) and harder plastic toys on the bottom rack (duplos, mega blocks, little people etc). I put them through the Sani cycle. I'm not one for battery opperated toys much so I removed the batteries from my little people vehicles (bus, safari jeep, pirate ship, airplane etc) and throw those in the dishwasher too. They won't work now (don't make noise) but honestly I like it better when they don't ::.

                            The regular plush toys get thrown in the washer with a little bleach and the ones with sound boxes in them (we have animals that make animal noises) and those just get thrown in the dryer for 20-30 minutes (without washing) kind of like when there's a lice outbreak.

                            Other than that I just keep the windows opened and the kids in their jackets (but I live in southern CA so our temp rarely goes below 55 degrees) to keep the temperature low and air circulated.


                            • #15
                              I wash all toys either in the dishwasher in lingerie bags, directly on racks etc or following the 3 sink method as if I was handwashing dishes.

                              In a daycare setting handwashing the way you might for your own family (soap and water) doesn't cut it. You need to do a hot water and bleach rinse. like this I don't have 3 sinks so I empty out my second sink and use that one to sanitize.

