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What Are Your Rules

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  • What Are Your Rules

    I am trying to come up with some catchy rules appropriate for 2-5 year olds. The kids have been gone for a week while I was on "vacation". When they come back they will find a newly set-up classroom area and some new expectations. I am going to re-teach routines to start out the new school year right. What rules do you have? Do you have them written on a poster with picture clues or anything? How often do you go over the rules?

  • #2
    I have a small poster hanging up. No specific pics though...
    Manners and Practices:
    • Play together and respect others with no pushing, grabbing, kicking, hitting, biting or spitting.
    • Please no roughhousing, climbing on one another or lifting or carrying other children.
    • Please do not stand on, jump on, or climb on any toys, tables or furniture.
    • Please no going out the front or back doors at anytime without an adult.
    • Please use your quiet voice inside, loud voices are for outside.
    • Please use walking feet inside, running feet are for outside.
    • Please treat others as you would like to be treated.
    • Please no name calling or teasing other children.
    • Please share all toys and take turns.

    When the kids get a little unruly (or have been gone for an extended amount of time) we read the rules together as a group. When an individual misbehaves and breaks one of the rules, I point out the rule they broke, reading it to them as a reminder of what we can and cannot do.
    Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


    • #3
      We have no rules... There just made for breaking...
      We have choices!!

      We can choose to be nice, share, get long, or be meanand sit on the thinking spot!!
      I have 15 of these choices and consequences!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by booroo View Post
        We have no rules... There just made for breaking...
        We have choices!!

        We can choose to be nice, share, get long, or be meanand sit on the thinking spot!!
        I have 15 of these choices and consequences!!!
        That's clever... Makes them more aware / responsible for their actions. Do you have the choices and consequences listed out for the children to see?
        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GretasLittleFriends View Post
          That's clever... Makes them more aware / responsible for their actions. Do you have the choices and consequences listed out for the children to see?
          Yes all of my choices are wrote up, with different consequences.... Example:

          We can choose to sit nicely on the furniture or jump and wrestle on it a loss the use of all the furniture of the day and sit in the thinking spot for 5mintures.... If this happens in the moring... I even make them eat there lunch standing up and snack.

          Each time they make a bad choice.... I say "Oh No K you made a bad choice... then I take them to the Choice and consequences chart and we find the consequence for what they did. Then I for instant would say: K you made a choice to jump on the couch... now your conseques for this action is no use of furniture for the rest of the day and 5 mintues on the thinking spot.

          I believe that by giving the choices... Im helping them be able to make strong choice as a younge adult.... SO far my 13 year has made some really good choices.

          My own children have other choice and consequeces.... for grades, there bedroom, there chorus..... I had someone come in one time to clean the kids room because they wouldnt do it.... When the clean lady was done.... I made all my children pay her with there money.....Quess what.... they all clean there room when asked and it never as messy as it was that very first time I did it....


          • #6
            let them make the rules (and yes they can do it)

            keep it simple - only 3 or 4 rules that cover everything.

            instead of "no hitting, no kicking, no pinching" it should be "treat people with respect" or WHATEVER!

            they feel more obligated to follow the rules when they helped make them. it's not like YOUR rules - it's an agreement. and actually - you can tell them they're making an agreement and have them all agree to the rules they make and then write their name - hang it up on a poster.

