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All My "Giving A Crap" About Anything Is All Gone. Bye Bye. Adios. SEE YA

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  • All My "Giving A Crap" About Anything Is All Gone. Bye Bye. Adios. SEE YA

    I've had my daycare exactly 3 yrs and any type of "gives a crap" is gone.

    When I first opened I tried my hardest (and did up till this new school year) to feed these kids a well balanced meal. I'm not licensed but still fed them as if I were. I advertised as healthy and home made. I'm not a granola mom by any means but I've raised my son with what I feel is healthy eating habits. Last year I had to start a diabetic diet myself and dropped 40lbs while doing so and putting me beyond my healthy BMI range (woo woo). I model good eating habits and incorporate it into my daycare.

    Well, NOT ANY MORE! None of these daycare kids, and I mean NONE eat anything I make. Carrots and hummus? Nah. My kid will eat it sure! Egg omelet muffins? NOPE. Fruits, veggies? LOLYEAHRIGHT.

    I wasted so much food in 3 yrs that this year I said "screw it" and stopped taking time and energy. Instead of kale chips it's Lays chips. Low carb no flour muffins? PPFFT entemans coffee cake it is!

    I have one 4.5 yr old who weighs (NO LIE) 70lbs. His mom tells me the doc mentioned she needs to cut his carb intake but doesn't know how since "that's all he will eat". I know. She brought him to me 2yrs ago saying she hopes my healthy cooking with tempt him. Nah. Never happened. I'm part time with these kids so when they are in my care 2days a week my carrots at lunch isn't gonna help. His sister is the same way. She's little and there are times she eats no lunch for me. He has a gagging issue too. Don't like the food? GAG GAG!

    Fun times.

    I had another parent try and get me to do full time. I went 3 days a week this year. All parents last year needed that so I made it official this year as it better suits my time with my son who is getting older in a flash.

    In may my new contract goes out. 1st day of school mom goes "oh my backup can't watch for a few weeks". On the spot I said "k for a few weeks". Few weeks turned into "forever" in her eyes. I told her shed have to the new year to find care. Come dec1st I give out her updated contract. I make full time care REALLY SUPER EXPENSIVE. She's a teacher and on Christmas break she says she's finding daycare (she has since sept to look).

    We all know where this is going.

    She calls me 1st Friday into Christmas break "I found a daycare and they are expensive to do just 2 days or I go with them full time. You don't have to get back to me now, just think about it. It's just till June". I tell her in 5 seconds "I figured that Would be the case and that you guys would be better going somewhere full time anyways. I have his stuff here for when you want to collect it"


    She tells me we'd be in touch and hurries me off the phone. I know well that she hasn't found care. She wanted to give me the "all or nothing" speech.


    I tell dh, she'll call back. She does. She waits till two days before she needs to go back to work to tell me "I was slow in finding care and I jumped the gun. I have no one for next week. When/would you be willing to watch him this next week?". I tell her I'd do 3 days at the normal rate or all 5 days, like in the new contract, at the OUTRAGEOUS price (new contract has 3 emergency full time weeks a year at $$$$). She picks just 3 days.

    His last day was last Friday and she tells me "lemme know if you change your mind, it's just till June". I told her no I won't. She seems put off but I don't care. He needed 10-11hrs a day 5x a week care and I was no longer a fit for her.

    Parents "forget" about my "contact me by 7:30pm the night before" rule if they need to change schedule. If you text me at 10:30 at night asking to drop your kid off before I'm opened and I don't answer you back don't show up at my house at 6:45 or you'll wait till I'm done getting ready at 7:30. Sure you can call my phone 10 times when I'm in the shower but it's not my fault. Manage your schedule better.

    Someone learned that the hard way today.

    I also demand you get your kid when they are sick. if you take your sweet time that's fine since I call your backup over and over again making them annoyed and you look like the doof to your mom or Ex husband.

    Fees are fun too aren't they? It's nice that they are so insanely expensive that if you're late or make get up too early it's like having to pay for another day. No one wants to do that.

    Happened 1 time.

    This was long I know and thanks for reading. After 3years doing this I've heard every story and excuse. Now I just blink at them when they say something.

    Apparently I run a rocket science facility because everything is so hard or so hard to understand.

    I no longer have sympathy for anyone. How many cares do I give?

    NONE! happyface
    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".

  • #2
    I want your back bone! Good for you, standing your ground! I know it had to come on because people take advantage, but still. I am sorry the healthy food didn't work out, that just stinks and is sad. Kids these days don't want it unless it's McDonalds. Ridiculous. At least you tried!


    • #3
      Ha! You crack me up. I thought I was the only one who said "crickets"

      Let me tell ya, I know EXACTLY what you mean when it comes to the meals. I waste a ton of food too & my kids don't eat most of what I make. It's so annoying. I am on the food program, so I offer what I have to offer, but I try to do it as inexpensively as possible. The parents don't care. The kids don't care. I give them all the components they need for a meal, but take the time to make my own homemade breaded chicken tenders? Nope. It's Tyson all the way. I read all the posts on here about healthy eating & processed foods and it makes me feel I'm not good enough...but honestly, these kids just waste 1/2 of what I make anyway, so why bother? No one here is overweight. In fact, I'm the heaviest one in the whole house & I don't even eat chicken nuggets!

      As for the parents, trust me...I've seen/heard it all in my 9 years of business. They seem to think that WE work for THEM. Our own families don't matter. Our schedules don't matter. There's a total lack of respect for what we do. In my experience, the parents don't even read the contract I hand out. It's sad, really.

      I'm sorry you're going through this, I hope things get better.
      Wish I had some encouraging words for you...
      Hang in there!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Daycarelady1979 View Post
        Ha! You crack me up. I thought I was the only one who said "crickets"

        Let me tell ya, I know EXACTLY what you mean when it comes to the meals. I waste a ton of food too & my kids don't eat most of what I make. It's so annoying. I am on the food program, so I offer what I have to offer, but I try to do it as inexpensively as possible. The parents don't care. The kids don't care. I give them all the components they need for a meal, but take the time to make my own homemade breaded chicken tenders? Nope. It's Tyson all the way. I read all the posts on here about healthy eating & processed foods and it makes me feel I'm not good enough...but honestly, these kids just waste 1/2 of what I make anyway, so why bother? No one here is overweight. In fact, I'm the heaviest one in the whole house & I don't even eat chicken nuggets!

        As for the parents, trust me...I've seen/heard it all in my 9 years of business. They seem to think that WE work for THEM. Our own families don't matter. Our schedules don't matter. There's a total lack of respect for what we do. In my experience, the parents don't even read the contract I hand out. It's sad, really.

        I'm sorry you're going through this, I hope things get better.
        Wish I had some encouraging words for you...
        Hang in there!
        daycarelady im so glad you chimed in.. i too have felt bad reading because although my husband DETESTS processed food, i have it for the my own kids for quick snacks.. so when i got on the food program, i thought along with homemade food, i could have some frozen chicken nuggets and fish sticks.. i was SHOCKED to see the rules.. but i tried and was very excited about offering the kids homemade foods.. BUT they dont eat it! i even had a 4 year old that didnt know what a GRAPE was.. this is not the kinda stuff offered in their homes so they dont want it at daycare! Im all for requiring kids to have healthy habits and introducing them to new foods, but the food programs requirements are getting to be a lil much when my kids dont eat half of the food..
        TELL ME..when you do your frozen nuggets, do you just offer egg or something like that so it can still count for the food program? i was thinking about doing that or just getting off the program all together because thats still defeating the purpose and wasting food? :confused:


        • #5
          Yesterday-rolled ham,cheese,triscuits,carrots,grape tomatoes,and fresh assorted fruit.

          Threw 3-4 plates away out of 5 kids! I know my kids are hungry because we don't do a morning snack because then none of them would eat, so they really haven't eaten in almost 5 hours by the time we have lunch. They have to be hungry!
          Each day is a fresh start
          Never look back on regrets
          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #6
            go e daycare go e daycare GO!!!happyfacehappyface

            3 years??? i hope you can rub off on my by the start of my 2nd year in august.. im already getting tired of these excuses, set ups and issues!!


            • #7
              It is hard when kids are used to junk. I can always tell which ones are served healthy foods at home, because they gobble up the food at meals and even tell me how yummy it is!

              I have a group of very picky eaters right now and have been wasting lots of food at lunch...I know the kids must be hungry, but instead of caving in to them at snack, I serve apple slices, grapes, oranges or pears at snack with some yogurt or peanut butter crackers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                Yesterday-rolled ham,cheese,triscuits,carrots,grape tomatoes,and fresh assorted fruit.

                Threw 3-4 plates away out of 5 kids! I know my kids are hungry because we don't do a morning snack because then none of them would eat, so they really haven't eaten in almost 5 hours by the time we have lunch. They have to be hungry!
                open a bag of cheetos randomly and i bet you will see how hungry they are


                • #9
                  Originally posted by allsmiles View Post
                  daycarelady im so glad you chimed in.. i too have felt bad reading because although my husband DETESTS processed food, i have it for the my own kids for quick snacks.. so when i got on the food program, i thought along with homemade food, i could have some frozen chicken nuggets and fish sticks.. i was SHOCKED to see the rules.. but i tried and was very excited about offering the kids homemade foods.. BUT they dont eat it! i even had a 4 year old that didnt know what a GRAPE was.. this is not the kinda stuff offered in their homes so they dont want it at daycare! Im all for requiring kids to have healthy habits and introducing them to new foods, but the food programs requirements are getting to be a lil much when my kids dont eat half of the food..
                  TELL ME..when you do your frozen nuggets, do you just offer egg or something like that so it can still count for the food program? i was thinking about doing that or just getting off the program all together because thats still defeating the purpose and wasting food? :confused:

                  I don't know how accurate this is, but a friend of mine who is a provider said that her food program rep told her that most companies that manufacture processed foods, will send you a CN label for it if you ask them to.

                  I do, serve a hard boiled egg with my premise chicken nuggets (when I use premade) - as I have not asked for a CN label.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by E Daycare View Post
                    I've had my daycare exactly 3 yrs and any type of "gives a crap" is gone.

                    I had another parent try and get me to do full time. I went 3 days a week this year. All parents last year needed that so I made it official this year as it better suits my time with my son who is getting older in a flash.

                    In may my new contract goes out. 1st day of school mom goes "oh my backup can't watch for a few weeks". On the spot I said "k for a few weeks". Few weeks turned into "forever" in her eyes. I told her shed have to the new year to find care. Come dec1st I give out her updated contract. I make full time care REALLY SUPER EXPENSIVE. She's a teacher and on Christmas break she says she's finding daycare (she has since sept to look).

                    We all know where this is going.

                    She calls me 1st Friday into Christmas break "I found a daycare and they are expensive to do just 2 days or I go with them full time. You don't have to get back to me now, just think about it. It's just till June". I tell her in 5 seconds "I figured that Would be the case and that you guys would be better going somewhere full time anyways. I have his stuff here for when you want to collect it"


                    She tells me we'd be in touch and hurries me off the phone. I know well that she hasn't found care. She wanted to give me the "all or nothing" speech.

                    I'LL TAKE NOTHING

                    I tell dh, she'll call back. She does. She waits till two days before she needs to go back to work to tell me "I was slow in finding care and I jumped the gun. I have no one for next week. When/would you be willing to watch him this next week?". I tell her I'd do 3 days at the normal rate or all 5 days, like in the new contract, at the OUTRAGEOUS price (new contract has 3 emergency full time weeks a year at $$$$). She picks just 3 days.

                    His last day was last Friday and she tells me "lemme know if you change your mind, it's just till June". I told her no I won't. She seems put off but I don't care. He needed 10-11hrs a day 5x a week care and I was no longer a fit for her.

                    I no longer have sympathy for anyone. How many cares do I give?

                    NONE! happyface
                    your back and forth with this mom is hilarious LOL.. im sure had it been me i woulda been totally stressed out by her constant trying to get her way.. you handled it like a champ.. REALLY lady? telling me you have found someone just to trick me into keeping you full time?? wow LOL


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by allsmiles View Post
                      TELL ME..when you do your frozen nuggets, do you just offer egg or something like that so it can still count for the food program? i was thinking about doing that or just getting off the program all together because thats still defeating the purpose and wasting food? :confused:
                      There are certain chicken nuggets, fish sticks, etc. that are crediable for the food program. I think your local agency can give you a list of items that are approved in your market area. There are a couple generic brands here that work for us, though I don't serve them very often.

                      I still believe in serving healthy foods. Yes, I throw away alot, but it's worth it to me to know that I may be the one person in their life that is caring about the foods they eat and I think that the parents do care! I just think they are too busy to acknowlege it or follow up with it at home.

                      I seem to throw away less food once I switched to family style serving instead of plated. Atleast I can save the uneaten, untouched food and serve it to my own family.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blandino View Post
                        I don't know how accurate this is, but a friend of mine who is a provider said that her food program rep told her that most companies that manufacture processed foods, will send you a CN label for it if you ask them to.

                        I do, serve a hard boiled egg with my premise chicken nuggets (when I use premade) - as I have not asked for a CN label.
                        I see! THANKS

                        oh okay, cool to know! i might just look into the CN label.. i really like getting reimbursed for food, but i just hate to have her look down on me if she comes one of the days i have my tyson nuggets on the plate LOL..


                        • #13
                          Ummm...I'm not sure what you mean. ?? My food program must be different. I'm in Ohio & I participate in the Children's Hunger Alliance. I'm allowed to serve chicken nuggets. I'm essentially allowed to serve whatever I want, but it has to follow the guidelines, for example, lunch has to be 5 components:
                          1 protein
                          1 grain
                          1 fruit
                          1 veggie
                          (I can serve 2 fruits or 2 veggies instead of 1 of each...and I can serve chocolate or strawberry milk instead of white if I want to.)

                          What kind of food program are you guys using?


                          • #14
                            It always amazes me the run around given for daycares. You want your little "angel baby Johnny snuggle muffin" to have stellar day care yet parents complain about pricing, or whine about your contract, or dont follow any rules and try to take advantage.

                            My next contract is gonna be titled: "Dont take advantage of this good situation".

                            I know I offer good services just like you guys know you do too. I see CL and the ads of incompetent providers. I had to term a family from not following my rules and they cried heading out the door. I wish them well but I know they wished they paid a little more attention to how things worked.

                            They forget it's a business and not a personal nanny service. There are other families here including my own. Some do well in home daycare and others need a facility daycare. I'm not in a facility for a reason (other than being home with my son).

                            Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Or whom you depend on.
                            "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Daycarelady1979 View Post
                              Ummm...I'm not sure what you mean. ?? My food program must be different. I'm in Ohio & I participate in the Children's Hunger Alliance. I'm allowed to serve chicken nuggets. I'm essentially allowed to serve whatever I want, but it has to follow the guidelines, for example, lunch has to be 5 components:
                              1 protein
                              1 grain
                              1 fruit
                              1 veggie
                              (I can serve 2 fruits or 2 veggies instead of 1 of each...and I can serve chocolate or strawberry milk instead of white if I want to.)

                              What kind of food program are you guys using?
                              I'm in Ohio too! I use "E's feeding you nothing but lucky charms today" program.

                              Still doesn't work.

                              Jk jk. Some days though, it's too much of an effort to prepare otherwise. I've had the same kids in my care the entire duration of me being open (give or take 6mo) and one has been here since she was born (1.5yrs now). They love entemans though!

                              I'm pre-diabetic with a gluten allergy so I'm sure I'd love entemans too if I could stomach it. Lol
                              "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".

