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Skype with Parents??

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  • Skype with Parents??

    Does anyone allow their parents to Skype in during the day? My computer just sits on my kitchen counter so I could hear it from anywhere on our daycare level. As a parent it would definitely be a huge plus if I could check-in on my kids during the day just to see how they are doing and that they are happy.

    I'm thinking of adding it to my advertising that it is available for parents if they wanted to check-in during the day.

    Anyone offer this service to their parents??

  • #2
    Nah. I wouldnt offer that. Just because I would be very self aware and not able to really get into my silly moods with the kids if I knew I had parents checking in at any given time. I would offer certain times they could check in, but not all day bc that would just creep me out.


    • #3
      i wouldn't do it . Even though this is my business, it is also my home, and that would feel like an invasion of privacy to me and my family. Also, gettiing such a small view of the day care, in terms of both time and space, is not really a good indicator of what goes on--for example, what if for thier three minute web chat time there is a 2 year old whining about something, would they think that is what happens all day long? It also would make me feel like I need to act differently than I normally would and that would make me very uncomfortable


      • #4
        And it wouldn't be something where I would let them call in at anytime. I would have set times and would also tell them that if the kids were very engaged in something or we were just way too busy we may not answer. My parents are very laid back and would really love it I think. I know they wouldn't be trying to talk every day and would understand if we didn't answer for whatever reason.


        • #5
          the only reason I would not do it for my DC kids is because some of them might not understand it, get upset seeing their parent and wondering why that parent isnt coming to pick them up...Out of sight out of mind.

          Some might love it, but I'm not going to chance upsetting the kids.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Heather View Post
            the only reason I would not do it for my DC kids is because some of them might not understand it, get upset seeing their parent and wondering why that parent isnt coming to pick them up...Out of sight out of mind.

            Some might love it, but I'm not going to chance upsetting the kids.
            I thought the same thing too for a moment but all my kids are 3 1/2 and above and all routinely skype with family and friends. So they understand the whole here one moment, gone the next.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Heather View Post
              the only reason I would not do it for my DC kids is because some of them might not understand it, get upset seeing their parent and wondering why that parent isnt coming to pick them up...Out of sight out of mind.

              Some might love it, but I'm not going to chance upsetting the kids.
              I totally agree. Especially if you have young kids who whimper or cry for a minute or two at drop-off. It would be like 2 drop-off scenes on the days the parent(s) "pop" in. Also, I didn't like having parents "watch" me work. Partly because there are some parents that are very possessive of their children and would get very insecure seeing the affection going on between their child and another woman. Some of these parents may get jealous of the amount of affection you get to share with THEIR child. Then there are parents who are no so much possessive, but have a hard time being away from their kids and it may be like pouring salt in their wounds for them to see the love their children and you share.

              I know as a mom, it would break my heart to see my child running to someone else to kiss her boo boo or just to cuddle. I would feel like I am missing out. So, I wouldn't want to do that to another mom.

              But if the parents you have are VERY secure in their relationship with their child and the relationship you have with their child, then I don't see a problem. But they would need to know that there are times that are relaxed and laid back as well as hectic as all get out. Make sure that they know that they are only seeing a teeny tiny bit of what goes on, and that the mood can change on a dime.


              • #8
                I would not do it. But it sounds like you think it would be a fun addition to your program and would help families connect during the day. Try it out and see how it goes. It might work out great for you!

