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Again With The Crying...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hazel View Post
    I just had one like that. Parents would complain when he started that he sleeps for 20 mins at a time.... I noticed it happened here too, but over about 3 weeks he slept longer and longer (still screamed upon waking but I just lived with it.)
    Well parents notice on his daily log that he would sleep for 30 mins, then 45 mins and finally 2 full hours twice a day!!!!
    They didn't get it and since they are young first time parents I talked to them about their routines and habits, asking if they let him TRY to self soothe at all and they really didn't understand what I meant. I went over it with them, not picking him up every time he makes a noise, letting him cry for a minute or so if he hasn't been sleeping long... Dad said they need to do that.
    After 2 months mom looks at the daily log and can't believe he sleeps so well for me... I asked her again, so you pick him up as soon as he cries? She says
    "oh no! I let him cry a bit". I asked how long and she said 10 SECONDS!
    No wonder they can't get a good nights sleep! Lol
    I had the same thing happen. A parent said "we let her cry, sometimes for 3-4 minutes.". And they really thought they were letting her cry it out.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Heidi View Post
      Thanks ladies for your ideas. I emailed my licenser with the Sophie Giraffe and the mobile idea. I'll share her answer once I get it. She was a childcare provider herself for years, so she is typically understanding, but also very "by the book". I thought it was best just to ask upfront rather than risk a citation for something that I missed in the regs. There are, I believe, 764 of them in WI.

      I will come up with something. I honestly feel that these babies are being denied the very important opportunity to self-soothe. It's nice to hear that other loving, caring providers also get that.
      You're right, it's best to be up front with your licenser. Can't wait to hear what she has to say. I'm up for licensing inspection for my renewal this year, I'll have to ask mine to see if it differs per state.

