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To Those Who Use MMK

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  • To Those Who Use MMK

    I am on the free trial rightnow, and I have a question:

    On the expense page, do you list every item seperately? or would you just put down the total you spent say at Walmart or somewhere?

    Also, some supplies I may use 100% for DC and others time/space %, and they are on the same reciept, so would I do those separetely any how?

    And another, do you include the sales tax & shipping charges? Or would that vary by state tax laws?


  • #2
    List types of items separateley: food - books and materials for children - paper supplies, gifts for children, maintenance, etc. They should all have their own category. So, if you have three items from the same category, you can put the total amount. If you have three items, one from three different categories, list them separately. Sales tax should have it's own category and should not be included in your subtotal for supplies/materials.

    If you have 100% deduction, list the entire amount. If you have time/space % list the amount your claiming and make a note on the reciept.


    • #3
      I do totals by category. At places like Walmart or Target, I try to separate 100% daycare from ts% items and have the cashier ring them separately. It just makes my life easier.

      Tax and shipping should be included. You paid it, right? Then write it off! LOL~every penny counts at tax time


      • #4
        Help me out. What is MMK?


        • #5
          minute menu kids

          It's the food program software.

          You can view it through redleaf press


          • #6
            Originally posted by Crystal View Post
            minute menu kids

            It's the food program software.

            You can view it through redleaf press
            Thanks, that one is going on our Acronyms thread: Forum Acronyms - Legend


            • #7
              MMk doesnt seem to have enough catergories for me, LOL, some of the stuff I buy I'm not quite sure which catergory I am suppose to use. The cleaning supplies is a no brainer, LOL, so if I understand this right, if I had multiple items on a sales slip, I would take the total for all cleaning supplies, and total for other catergories, and use that?

              What category do you use for sales tax & shipping charges? I'm amazed we can write off sales tax!

