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Just Curious...How Many Extra Hours Do You Work?

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  • Just Curious...How Many Extra Hours Do You Work?

    Its that wonderful time of the year.............LOL NOT.............Christmas just passed and now it's tax time......The time I want to pull my hair out.

    I was just curious to know how many additional hours do you work each month???

    these would be those hours that you work before or after daycare on the week days or weekends.

    doing things like interviews, planning menus, cutting out crafts and etc..

    Thanks ladies.....

  • #2
    It's makes me sad when it's time to count up all my "time-spent" hours because looking at my numbers it makes me feel like I have no life ::.

    I average around (per month):
    3 hours on business calls
    40 hours on cleaning
    7 hours of internet (I blame this site )
    1 hour for food program paperwork
    2 hours for interviews
    4 hours for activity planning
    20 hours for record keeping (I should really start trying to get this done during the day)
    2 hours meal prep (I normally cook fresh)
    4 hours in other (maintenance, repairs, installing stuff etc.)

    So on top of the fact that I work 55 hours a week and can get most of my household and family stuff done during the day (my own family's laundry, meals, dusting etc.) I work an extra 20 hours per week doing business stuff. I need to get a hobby .


    • #3
      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
      It's makes me sad when it's time to count up all my "time-spent" hours because looking at my numbers it makes me feel like I have no life ::.

      I average around (per month):
      3 hours on business calls
      40 hours on cleaning
      7 hours of internet (I blame this site )
      1 hour for food program paperwork
      2 hours for interviews
      4 hours for activity planning
      20 hours for record keeping (I should really start trying to get this done during the day)
      2 hours meal prep (I normally cook fresh)
      4 hours in other (maintenance, repairs, installing stuff etc.)

      So on top of the fact that I work 55 hours a week and can get most of my household and family stuff done during the day (my own family's laundry, meals, dusting etc.) I work an extra 20 hours per week doing business stuff. I need to get a hobby .
      I am in the same boat. I think mine was about 78.5 hours a month.

      I thought it would be higher seeing that I spend about an hour or so a night on my website, uploading pics and so on, but I guess not...

      Glad to know that I also have no life..............


      • #4
        Maybe an hour a day? Two around the rare holiday or birthday?

        I don't do meal planning, I just go bananas at the grocery store and we wing it every day . A lot of my record keeping, cleaning and prep work for things like art projects are done during nap time. Turn over is incredibly rare so I really don't interview or advertise regularly. I don't do any meal prep before my day is started and I loathe telephones

        I keep a pretty small group though so that may be why I don't have nearly as much to do outside of business hours.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          Maybe an hour a day? Two around the rare holiday or birthday?

          I don't do meal planning, I just go bananas at the grocery store and we wing it every day . A lot of my record keeping, cleaning and prep work for things like art projects are done during nap time. Turn over is incredibly rare so I really don't interview or advertise regularly. I don't do any meal prep before my day is started and I loathe telephones

          I keep a pretty small group though so that may be why I don't have nearly as much to do outside of business hours.
          I need to get on your routine...... I seem like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off 99.9$% of the time and it's always daycare related.......


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            I need to get on your routine...... I seem like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off 99.9$% of the time and it's always daycare related.......
            Ugh ditto here too ... but then again I have 7 kids in care on a regular basis and 6 of them are all under age 5 and the youngest being 3 months.

            I get my family stuff done during the day and wait until DK is over to do the daycare stuff. If I did it the other way around I wouldn't be able to claim the time I spend doing business stuff at all because I'd be cleaning and doing my family stuff in the afternoon but would still be doing the same amount of work and spending the same amount of time. I'll do the mending, cooking and laundry during the day thanks so much and I'll keep claiming my business time stuff in the evenings ::.


            • #7
              I don't even keep track of anything I do outside of my actual daycare hours because isn't all that stuff figured into your T/S%?

              I already claim 100% for time and space during my operational hours so I don't see how anything I do on the weekend or after hours could be claimable or countible.....kwim?

              I do things alot like Willow though and all my cleaning and prepping for crafts/activities and meals/snacks is done during nap time.

              One thing I do though is plan the week's meals/snacks a week in advance and then shop only for what I need and then we eat whatever I planned on whateve day works best.


              • #8
                I just looked at my MMK. I average 37 hours/week that children are present + 9 hours/week of outside work. (I'm not open Fridays, but on Thursdays I have kids here for 15 hours).

                So my T/S % is 33%. What is everyone else's T/S %?
                MnMum married to DH 9 years
                Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MNMum View Post
                  I just looked at my MMK. I average 37 hours/week that children are present + 9 hours/week of outside work. (I'm not open Fridays, but on Thursdays I have kids here for 15 hours).

                  So my T/S % is 33%. What is everyone else's T/S %?
                  I work a million hours so it seems but for some reason when I redid my entries, due to some mistakes that I made its only coming out to 29.9...

                  I use the entire bottom floor of my house for daycare, but it's not 100%

                  I am open 11 hours a day, plus about two hours a night after care and about 45 min each morning before./...........


                  • #10
                    I work about 8 hours extra per week, (32/month) but that is because a lot of the stuff gets done when my assistant is here. She'll take care of the kiddos and I'll work on recordkeeping, etc. At naptime is when prep work gets done.
                    lovethis daymommy to 7 kiddos - 5 girls and 2 boys


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      I don't even keep track of anything I do outside of my actual daycare hours because isn't all that stuff figured into your T/S%?

                      I already claim 100% for time and space during my operational hours so I don't see how anything I do on the weekend or after hours could be claimable or countible.....kwim?

                      I do things alot like Willow though and all my cleaning and prepping for crafts/activities and meals/snacks is done during nap time.

                      One thing I do though is plan the week's meals/snacks a week in advance and then shop only for what I need and then we eat whatever I planned on whateve day works best.
                      same here pretty much. i don't keep track of mine either. I'll have to pay more attention at taxtime. I think my tax guy adds on like 1 hour before opening and 1 hour after everyday. I do alot during naptime, snacktime etc.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        I don't even keep track of anything I do outside of my actual daycare hours because isn't all that stuff figured into your T/S%?

                        I already claim 100% for time and space during my operational hours so I don't see how anything I do on the weekend or after hours could be claimable or countible.....kwim?

                        I do things alot like Willow though and all my cleaning and prepping for crafts/activities and meals/snacks is done during nap time.

                        One thing I do though is plan the week's meals/snacks a week in advance and then shop only for what I need and then we eat whatever I planned on whateve day works best.
                        In order to get your time/space % you should include anything you do that can count as a business chore in your equation. Not only does the time that kids are in your care count but also the time you spend doing stuff for your business when they aren't in your care Like updating your website, advertising online, chatting it up on the forum etc. If you can get it all done during the day great, I don't so I'm jealous . That extra hour or two doing morning and evening cleaning followed by planning and recordkeeping and sanitizing on the weekends etc. That all adds up over the year and increases your time/space percent. I go from 29% time/space% to 36% or higher when I add that extra time.
                        Last edited by Michael; 01-03-2013, 12:29 AM.


                        • #13
                          I do very, very little outside of my business hours. I do almost all my cleaning during work hours....all of the daycare cleaning. I grocery shop once per week and I do all my planning and extra work at naptime. My group sleeps for 2-2.5 hours each afternoon.


                          • #14
                            Okay, I am back into child care after 14 yrs. away. I have never heard of the time %. Years ago I only included the % of my home I used for child care. So we can use all the time outside of regular hours we put into child care?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                              I do very, very little outside of my business hours. I do almost all my cleaning during work hours....all of the daycare cleaning. I grocery shop once per week and I do all my planning and extra work at naptime. My group sleeps for 2-2.5 hours each afternoon.
                              This is me as well. I refuse to spend family/personal time working. By the end of the work day my home is back in order, that day's paperwork is done, the next day is planned and I'm ready to move to FST (Family Standard Time)

