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iPad App

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  • iPad App

    I know this came up before but I cannot find the post..... Can anyone recommend an app for signing in and out. Are there any other apps you love..

  • #2
    I just got an ipad and wanted to use an app to do my daily reports. I downloaded tadpoles to try because it was free. After I did that, I realized that only the app was free, but you had to pay to use the program. I am trying to find just a basic program I can use that is inexpensive. I searched here and found Baby Connect

    Is this one what you were looking for?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Fruitloops1 View Post
      Is this one what you were looking for?
      no. But I will read it more. It was a post on signing in and out. Thank you though!1


      • #4
        There are several apps that have been discussed on the forum, here are a few of them that I can remember off the top of my head....hope one of them is what you are looking for.



        • #5
          I have a question since I use one of these apps. The APp does have drop off and pick up times I can log , but how can I prove it they are true if the parent isnt signing in themselves? For example if a parent is late picking up. Is the app good enough for that? If so, then I wont need to use a real sign in sheet right?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Holiday Park View Post
            I have a question since I use one of these apps. The APp does have drop off and pick up times I can log , but how can I prove it they are true if the parent isnt signing in themselves? For example if a parent is late picking up. Is the app good enough for that? If so, then I wont need to use a real sign in sheet right?
            Exactly! There was an app that was discussed where the parents sign in and out on your tablet...


            • #7
              I don't know if this is the one or not but there is an app that I used to use (had to go to my association's website to find the name) called Tadpoles Pro. It's for apple but I'm not sure if it has a sign in feature or not, I can't remember.

              I've always just used Minute Menu Kids Pro and sign in sheets for attendance. Tadpoles is free for the provider but costs money for the parent if they want to see the info. It's not available for Android (which is what I use now) so I couldn't check to see if it has a sign in part or not.

              I couldn't find the thread you were looking for .


              • #8
                Oh wait is this it???



