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Dilemma: Help Me Solve?

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  • Dilemma: Help Me Solve?

    We have two play kitchens in the house. One is a nice wooden KidKraft one that we gave DD for Christmas 3 years ago when she was two. It has seen much love and carefree play from both her and the daycare kids. It has had doors break several times and so far Kidkraft has never charged me for their replacement, but it just had a door break AGAIN and i'm annoyed because the thing was expensive when we bought it. They are HARD on things. It's this one, basically:

    then we have this one we got for free from my in-laws when they moved this summer. DD has had it in her room but is now giving it up in favor of having more space right now. it's plastic, and I think it's really quite dumb, personally (and, ours is different colors, this is just the same style and design):

    I only need one play kitchen and would like to get rid of one of these. Which one should I keep, and which should I pass on (or more likely sell to Once Upon a Child)?
    Last edited by Michael; 12-26-2012, 03:44 PM.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    Some more threads on play kitchens:

    It looks like the plastic one would be more durable. The wooden one looks great and to us adults seems more "likable".

    Do the kids like the plastic one? If so, I would keep the plastic and sell the wooden one.

    The wooden one would be a better "seller" to the ones that have money.


    • #3
      The daycare kids have never seen the plastic one, it has lived in DD's room. They love the wooden one, which is showing the love.

      I don't know why this is such a tough decision...I prefer wooden toys and don't really like the plastic kitchen for a variety of reasons, but I have a hard time getting rid of things, ever, especially when "I might need it someday" but I don't have enough space for that many "mights".
      Last edited by Michael; 12-26-2012, 03:55 PM.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        That's hard. I have one very similar to #1 and while I like it, it does break all the time. Any chance of selling both and getting another more visually appealing (to us adults) but more durable like the bottom one?? Like maybe one specifically for daycare/heavy use?


        • #5
          Originally posted by KEG123 View Post
          That's hard. I have one very similar to #1 and while I like it, it does break all the time. Any chance of selling both and getting another more visually appealing (to us adults) but more durable like the bottom one?? Like maybe one specifically for daycare/heavy use?
          No, not right now. We're barely making ends meet. Maybe if I fill my last space or when DH gets a better job. For now though, we're stuck with one of these.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
            The daycare kids have never seen the plastic one, it has lived in DD's room. They love the wooden one, which is showing the love.

            I don't know why this is such a tough decision...I prefer wooden toys and don't really like the plastic kitchen for a variety of reasons, but I have a hard time getting rid of things, ever, especially when "I might need it someday" but I don't have enough space for that many "mights".
            I'm the same way. End of year you might want to think about donating a lot of the "might want" stuff and write it off on your taxes next year.

            My rule; If you haven't used it in six months its time to let it go and make room for something new. (note; doesn't apply to spouse)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Michael View Post
              I'm the same way. End of year you might want to think about donating a lot of the "might want" stuff and write it off on your taxes next year.

              My rule; If you haven't used it in six months its time to let it go and make room for something new. (note; doesn't apply to spouse)
              I snickered at the spouse comment :P ::

              That is a good rule of thumb, one I'm trying to keep in mind actually. it's just tough; and it comes of not having the money to just go get another one if I decide we need it...but right now I'm wanting space more than stuff, so I'm trying!
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                Personally, I'm the opposite of a hoarder and people close to me have joked that if we didn't use it YESTERDAY then I'll probably throw it away. I absolutely love to rearrange furniture and I love to purge. I don't know how I constantly find more things to de clutter since I honestly don't have that much clutter in the first place.

                Anyway, this is just my opinion of course, but I agree that the 2nd one looks dumb. I wouldn't want it in my daycare, even if it was more durable. It's just not the image I want to project and it would irk me knowing that my true love was wooden toys. But that's totally JMO.


                • #9
                  Oh and have you checked CL because there are some plastic, but nicer looking (step 2 I think) play kitchens that have been being reposted on CL almost daily for a month and still haven't sold even though the pics look nice. I know you said you don't have the money, but the price seemed really good. Just mentioning since we're in the same area and I've seen it on CL myself.


                  • #10
                    can you put both in the playroom and see which the kids like more?


                    • #11
                      If it is for dckids I would probably keep the plastic one. Little Tikes stuff seems to hold up really well.


                      • #12
                        Silver, I wish you lived closer to me...LOL! I have 2 Little Tike Kitchens and you could have them both! (one is brand new)

                        I despise plastic! I HATE any of the Little Tikes toys (although I am a former addict ) and am trying really hard to convert to all wood toys.

                        DH is building me a kitchen center and since I am partial to wood, I say toss the plastic one and keep the wooden one.


                        • #13
                          I say keep both and put the plastic one outside. Or rotate them to keep interesting


                          • #14
                            I like wood a lot but I'm also practical. I got the same Little Tykes kitchen this summer and it's basically brand new. I got it at a rummage sale for $10.00 . I think you should keep both if you can't replace the wooden one if it keeps falling apart. You might need it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by EchoMom View Post
                              Personally, I'm the opposite of a hoarder and people close to me have joked that if we didn't use it YESTERDAY then I'll probably throw it away. I absolutely love to rearrange furniture and I love to purge. I don't know how I constantly find more things to de clutter since I honestly don't have that much clutter in the first place.

                              Anyway, this is just my opinion of course, but I agree that the 2nd one looks dumb. I wouldn't want it in my daycare, even if it was more durable. It's just not the image I want to project and it would irk me knowing that my true love was wooden toys. But that's totally JMO.
                              I'm the same! I also hate plastic toys. You can't repair them like wooden things.

