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Help with ADD and ADDHD please

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  • Help with ADD and ADDHD please

    Is there is a thread or link on this subject please direct me to it before I give up.

    Today was the worse day with one of my DCB who is 4. The throwing (not mean or at other kids) is done because if he is not running, fidgeting with something (anything), lying about some thing he has done or broken, he continuously stretches the limits by breaking everything from toys, books and rules. He is so hyper that I'm at my witts end. I know he can not help himself so I'm trying to work with him by giving him time limits with each toy. For example he only has to play with a toy for 5 minutes at a time before a buzzer goes off and then he can change or stay with it for 5 more minutes. It works sometimes, sometimes not. I can't afford to lose both him and his brother so I'm stuck.

    My question is how do I broach this subject with the parents. They have made no mention of suspecting he has ADD or ADDHD for that matter however has mentioned about problems he is having at home. The other day she arrived at daycare and told me what he did. He decided that he and his 2 year old brother would pull out all the drawers to the dresser and climb the mountain. Well the whole dresser fell over on them (thank goodness not one of them got hurt). As you can see she is experiencing this child with high energy as well but has not put two and two together.

    How do I tell her that I suspect her child of having these symptoms?

  • #2
    Stick with it for a while longer and if Mom doesn't get the hint'll have to try and replace. It is NOT worth your sanity. I have an 8dcg that is ADD and in the beginning it was horrendous. Finally mom got her tested and she's now on meds and "most" days she's a totally different child than she was in the beginning.


    • #3
      Check here:

      Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children

