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  • Opinions Please

    Baby is 10 months old. Mom is concerned that I am not feeding her enough. I let the kid eat until she shows signs that she is done & I do not rush the kid. Additionally, if kid shows signs that she is hungry I will feed her then in addition to the "regular" meal times. So far kid has only shown signs that she is hungry twice while here. Once was when she ate less than normal at a meal & the other was the first week she was here -I explained this to mom. Below I've got the kid's schedule that she's on here (not on one at home. Grazes all day basically) and would like your opinions on if I should add an extra feeding & where. TIA

    6:30am: 8 oz bottle at home
    7:20am: arrives here-plays
    7:50am: take SA to school if she's here
    8:30am: 1/4 C baby oatmeal cereal mixed w/2 oz formula, 2 oz jar fruit, offer 4 oz formula in sippy-usually drinks 2-3 oz of it. Also usually eats whatever fruit we are having cut into small peices & placed on her tray.
    9:00am: 1 hr nap
    11:30am: 8 oz bottle, 2 oz jar fruit, 2 oz jar veggie, 1/4 C rice cereal (usually mixed into the fruit as she's not a fan of it plain).
    12:00pm: play
    12:30pm: 1.5 hr nap
    2:00pm: Gerber puffs & 4 oz formula in sippy (sometimes she drinks it all, sometimes she drinks an oz) afterwards she plays
    2:50pm: walk to school to p/u SA (this is every day, am's are variable)
    3:30pm: 2 oz jar veggies, 4 oz juice, gerber fruit bar, puffs if she's interested
    4:00pm: play (usually outside if the weather is nice-generally a walk)
    4:40pm: 30 minute nap (she is so crabby if she doesn't have one. Though I am trying to get a 2 hr afternoon nap out of her it just isn't happening-finally got to 1.5 hrs this week. When she started she would sleep 30 min at a time, 5 times a day & it felt like that's all she did some days and she was crabby all the time)
    5:10pm: play
    5:30pm: gets picked up
    6:00pm: dinner at her house
    8:00pm: 8 oz bottle & bed

    I should also mention that mom hasn't done meat, eggs, or cheese/yogurt/dairy w/her yet so that's why I don't do it here.
    Okay, lay it on me

  • #2
    Wow, she seems to eat a lot, although I would expect a little more table food at this age, unless mom is delaying table food. I also do not recommend eggs for little ones. My daughter is allergic to them and my doctor said it is actually a very common allergy in young children although most will grow out of it (mine didn't).

    My 1 yo dck started with me when she was about that age and her schedule was

    8am bottle at home
    9am drop off
    9:30 1 large jar mixed fruit and yogurt melts or puffs offer sippy cup
    11:30-12:30 jar of meat and vegetable mixed with rice cereal and puffs and juice
    12:30-2ish nap
    2:00 4 oz bottle
    2:15 pick up
    dcm would give her baby crackers on the way home
    she was basically eating every 2 hours but not as much as what your little one is eating it seems.

    Now that she is one she is eating our table food for lunch but fruit and rice cereal still for snack. and she still gets a bottle at 2 but it's now at 8oz.

    I think she is eating a great deal, but I know each child is different. I am just curious what mom is feeding her at home and compare? Maybe ask her to write down what dcg is eating at what time on the weekend and match it up to what you are feeding her at dc. Maybe she just feels like she dcg is always eating but she really isn't. Don't know if that helped...


    • #3
      Thanks Nickel-those are my thoughts exactly I know every child is different & I'm thinking because dck grazes at home all day long it seems like she's eating a lot more. My feeling is the child is not being force fed & I allow her to eat as much or as little as she wants but it's in the highchair not wander around w/food-she rarely acts hungry. As for the table food-I'm trying to get mom on board...kid LOVES to self feed & I'm not a fan of jar food but it's what mom wants & I knew that going in so I mentioned it & left it at that.

      I have asked mom to write down what dck eats at home on a normal day & she never did, I didn't push it until today when mom again said I was starving her dd & I point blank told her "write down what she eats on a normal day & give me a copy or stop accusing me of starving your daughter. I am not a mind reader & if you feel I am truly starving your daughter then stop bringing her to me & find another daycare. I will not allow ANY child to walk around w/food or drink in my daycare." Yeah it was not the most professional thing I've ever done.

      Anyways, we shall see what happens. I have no problem w/feeding an infant every 2 hrs but this child doesn't seem to want food every 2 hrs so, to me, it makes no sense to do that for this child.

      Additionally this child is VERY active & is 50th percentile for height & weight.

      Thank you again, it is very helpful

      P.S. sorry if I'm coming off b*tchy...I'm not trying to, honest.


      • #4
        are you licensed? even if you arent, you can check reliable resources for recommendations on food and drink amounts for the age of this child and then show mom that these are the guidelines you use.


        • #5
          That is a lot of food for a 10 mo old!! I would maybe mention to mom how much babies love yogurt & other table know something like, "dcg sure has a lot of teeth now! I can't wait until she is on more solids and see how she chews!" and see what she says. How much does she weigh? I am picturing a chunker!:: My son is only 19 lbs at almost a year and a half!


          • #6
            Holy Cow that's a lot of food for a 10 month old!!! None of my own children ever ate that much or that often @ 10 months old. They ate way more table foods and far less formula.

            Is this moms first kid by chance???


            • #7
              Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
              are you licensed? even if you arent, you can check reliable resources for recommendations on food and drink amounts for the age of this child and then show mom that these are the guidelines you use.
              I agree with this. I am on the food program and go by their guidelines. I would print out the info to give to mom. When a child turns one year in my program we are done with bottles and baby foods and they are on the same eating schedule at the other kids but we start that transition around 6/7 months.


              • #8
                wow, thats alot of food. when you feed her baby food, i would mix it with rice cereal to thicken it up. Also, you do need to becareful feeding table food to a child so young. their systems are not mature enough as table food is heavier. Also, they can get constipated more often.

                now did mom write down what she eats at home. And how does mom know that you are starving her. See this is why I purchase the baby food (its a write off and not expensive) so for her I would switch to the larger jars. Also, I would feed her the meat, I have parents who are afraid to feed their kids because they are afraid that their child will choke.


                • #9
                  Not only do I think its a lot of food but you are having to feed her off of a spoon multiple times a day!! I also have a 10 month old. Heres her schedule:

                  6am 6 oz bottle
                  745am: comes to daycare
                  Goes straight down for morning nap
                  9am: 6 oz bottle, 2-4 tbsp oatmeal baby cereal (only if she didnt have at 6am. Mom usually tries to feed her.)
                  1130am: 2 oz fruit, 2 oz vegetable
                  12pm: 4 oz bottle
                  Nap 1230pm-3pm
                  3pm: 6 oz bottle, puffs or some Gerber snack
                  445: goes home.

                  3 bottles and 1-2 spoon feedings


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                    Not only do I think its a lot of food but you are having to feed her off of a spoon multiple times a day!! I also have a 10 month old. Heres her schedule:

                    6am 6 oz bottle
                    745am: comes to daycare
                    Goes straight down for morning nap
                    9am: 6 oz bottle, 2-4 tbsp oatmeal baby cereal (only if she didnt have at 6am. Mom usually tries to feed her.)
                    1130am: 2 oz fruit, 2 oz vegetable
                    12pm: 4 oz bottle
                    Nap 1230pm-3pm
                    3pm: 6 oz bottle, puffs or some Gerber snack
                    445: goes home.

                    3 bottles and 1-2 spoon feedings
                    I have a 9.5 month old and this is pretty much the same schedule they have here.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Trummynme View Post
                      Baby is 10 months old. Mom is concerned that I am not feeding her enough. I let the kid eat until she shows signs that she is done & I do not rush the kid. Additionally, if kid shows signs that she is hungry I will feed her then in addition to the "regular" meal times. So far kid has only shown signs that she is hungry twice while here. Once was when she ate less than normal at a meal & the other was the first week she was here -I explained this to mom. Below I've got the kid's schedule that she's on here (not on one at home. Grazes all day basically) and would like your opinions on if I should add an extra feeding & where. TIA

                      6:30am: 8 oz bottle at home
                      7:20am: arrives here-plays
                      7:50am: take SA to school if she's here
                      8:30am: 1/4 C baby oatmeal cereal mixed w/2 oz formula, 2 oz jar fruit, offer 4 oz formula in sippy-usually drinks 2-3 oz of it. Also usually eats whatever fruit we are having cut into small peices & placed on her tray.
                      9:00am: 1 hr nap
                      11:30am: 8 oz bottle, 2 oz jar fruit, 2 oz jar veggie, 1/4 C rice cereal (usually mixed into the fruit as she's not a fan of it plain).
                      12:00pm: play
                      12:30pm: 1.5 hr nap
                      2:00pm: Gerber puffs & 4 oz formula in sippy (sometimes she drinks it all, sometimes she drinks an oz) afterwards she plays
                      2:50pm: walk to school to p/u SA (this is every day, am's are variable)
                      3:30pm: 2 oz jar veggies, 4 oz juice, gerber fruit bar, puffs if she's interested
                      4:00pm: play (usually outside if the weather is nice-generally a walk)
                      4:40pm: 30 minute nap (she is so crabby if she doesn't have one. Though I am trying to get a 2 hr afternoon nap out of her it just isn't happening-finally got to 1.5 hrs this week. When she started she would sleep 30 min at a time, 5 times a day & it felt like that's all she did some days and she was crabby all the time)
                      5:10pm: play
                      5:30pm: gets picked up
                      6:00pm: dinner at her house
                      8:00pm: 8 oz bottle & bed

                      I should also mention that mom hasn't done meat, eggs, or cheese/yogurt/dairy w/her yet so that's why I don't do it here.
                      Okay, lay it on me
                      She is 10 months old maybe the baby food isnt enough for her anymore IF she is acting hungry still. Has the Mom tried table food? My DS is 10 months and eats ALOT 3 meals and 3 snacks a day BUT will only take 16oz of formula in a day and 2 sippy cups of water/juice.

                      Here is what he will eat in 1 day

                      6am- 1 waffle, dry cereal, and 8 oz of formula
                      9am- 4 Mums Mums
                      11am- whole PB&J sandwich 8oz water/juice
                      2pm- whole banana, 8oz juice/water
                      4pm- cut up chicken, corn, rice, and pears rest of water.juice from snack
                      6pm- yogurt melts, 8oz formula


                      • #12
                        This what I was feeding my 1 yo at 10 mos.

                        8:30 - breakfast - 4 T dry cereal, 2 oz formula, small container of fruit
                        10:00 - 6 oz bottle (I made 8 oz but she rarely drank all of it)
                        12:00 - lunch - small containers of fruit & veg, 1/2 jar of meat
                        3:00 - 6 oz bottle of formula and a couple handfulls of puffs

                        Mom showed up at 5:45 and sometimes nursed.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                          wow, thats alot of food. when you feed her baby food, i would mix it with rice cereal to thicken it up. Also, you do need to becareful feeding table food to a child so young. their systems are not mature enough as table food is heavier. Also, they can get constipated more often.

                          now did mom write down what she eats at home. And how does mom know that you are starving her. See this is why I purchase the baby food (its a write off and not expensive) so for her I would switch to the larger jars. Also, I would feed her the meat, I have parents who are afraid to feed their kids because they are afraid that their child will choke.
                          I agree, that is a lot of food! How could the mom possibly think that her child is starving!? Technically babies can live off of exclusively eating breast milk or formula until they are a year, not that I wouldn't feed babies solids, I do, but technically they could.


                          • #14
                            By 10 months old they are eating table food and drinking from a sippy cup at my daycare. They are eating all the normal food the rest of the children eat but cut up smaller and usually they are off the bottle. If the parents really believe that their child needs a bottle at naptime that's fine with me and I send the bottle home for cleaning. I don't do any extra work. But I will do what the parents want. If they want to send in baby food I'll feed it to their child but I'll recommend switching to real food for the nutritional value ASAP.


                            • #15
                              I have no babies, but for this mom i would just hit her with the facts.
                              Find out how many calories a child this age needs a day. Tell mom
                              What is the reccomended amount of fruits etc.. as someone else mentioned. Tell mom
                              Tally the amount of calories the child eats a day. Compare it to the amount the child takes in on a normal day. Tell mom
                              Tally the amount of fruits, veggies, dairy, etc. Compare it to the amount she takes in. Tell mom
                              mom=mind blown

