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Union in CA

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  • Union in CA

    I had to take dh to the dr's, leaving eldest granddaughter and sil in charge. When I got home, sil gave me a flyer that a union rep dropped off.

    I have no desire to get involved in a union. Nor do I wish to pay union dues.

    Anyone else in CA been approached?

  • #2
    Originally posted by sharlan View Post
    I had t take dh to the dr's, leaving eldest granddaughter and sil in charge. When I got home, sil gave me a flyer that a union rep dropped off.

    I have no desire to get involved in a union. Nor do I wish to pay union dues.

    Anyone else in CA been approached?
    no, but it sounds like DAycare is starting to turn into everything that I don't want to have to deal with...... My dreams of owning a sports gym are getting closer and closer......


    • #3
      Michigan just passed the right to work law, which means that you don't have to participate in any union if you don't want to.


      • #4
        yea, my old neighbor was the president of the daycare union, so I did join at first but got tired of paying dues when I don't have medical/dental and it just seemed I was paying for their trips to Sacramento so they can go to parties and stay in Hotels while I was working 14-16 hours a day.
        I just didn't see the point of it.


        • #5
          I sure hope she doesn't return.


          • #6
            Just say NO!!!!!

            Yes, I have been approached. I have no desire to unionize. I simply say that I am not interested.


            • #7
              I will have NO problem saying no. Both of my daughters work for a school district and I've seen how little the union helps them and the games that "the union" has played with both.


              • #8
                Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                I had to take dh to the dr's, leaving eldest granddaughter and sil in charge. When I got home, sil gave me a flyer that a union rep dropped off.

                I have no desire to get involved in a union. Nor do I wish to pay union dues.

                Anyone else in CA been approached?
                Is there any way for you to scan and post the flyer or if it's not too much trouble can I ask you for the information that's on the flyer?

                I have not yet been approached but I'm interested to see what cockamamie excuses they've concocted to try to convince people that union is the way to go .

                I'd very much rather write a letter to them giving them all the reasons why I think they can take their pretty little union and stuff it in not so pretty little places that would make you blush.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                  Is there any way for you to scan and post the flyer or if it's not too much trouble can I ask you for the information that's on the flyer?

                  I have not yet been approached but I'm interested to see what cockamamie excuses they've concocted to try to convince people that union is the way to go .

                  I'd very much rather write a letter to them giving them all the reasons why I think they can take their pretty little union and stuff it in not so pretty little places that would make you blush.
                  I'm sorry, but I tore it in half and threw in out in the garbage.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                    I'm sorry, but I tore it in half and threw in out in the garbage.
                    No worries ... probably where it belongs anyway ::


                    • #11
                      This is probably the union that visited:


                      • #12
                        No it was this one:

                        fighting for a better future for ourselves, our families and our communities. Learn


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                          No it was this one:

                          We've got SEIU knocking down our doors up here too. My husband works for the state, a represented position by contract, and SEIU also is his union. He said their organizer told him they are trying to get as many in home daycare providers as possible (even offering no dues, which drives my husband crazy because he loses $80/mo in dues) because there are so many of us and it would make SEIU's membership numbers look outstanding.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lyss View Post
                            We've got SEIU up here too. My husband works for the state, a represented position by contract, and SEIU also is his union. He said their organizer told him they are trying to get as many in home daycare providers as possible (even offering no dues, which drives my husband crazy because he loses $80/mo in dues) because there are so many of us and it would make SEIU's membership numbers look outstanding and gain them more funding/support.
                            I for one would be crazy to join ... with or without union dues. I'm not exactly usre of the details because they're hard for me to find however I've heard/read 2 different versionbs of this whole unionizing family child care providers thing.

                            One is that it will not be forced and that FCC providers will be able to choose whether or not to join.

                            And two that the union will be forced if passed and that our dues will be taken out automatically from our subsidized childcare payments. I heard that the only way around it would be to not accept subsidized childcare clients.

                            This is the first that I have heard that they may offer no dues.

                            In any case I find it hard to believe in anything that I don't see in front of my face in writing. I've scoured the internet for articles or info about the union and what it means for FCC but I havn't been able to see anything that gives specifics.

                            I do however see that the union claims to want higher wages for child care providers but subsidy already pays me my full rate without question so if they ask for more money but with the same budget this could mean less families will get subsidized care. I mean do the math. Higher rates doesn't mean more money is getting put into the subsidy budget .

                            They also claim to push on more emphasis on early childhood education for FCC but the state is already doing that by providing funding through programs like PITC, stipends and now with the new rating system.

                            I don't see how they can claim to get things that are already being done .


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                              I for one would be crazy to join ... with or without union dues. I'm not exactly usre of the details because they're hard for me to find however I've heard/read 2 different versionbs of this whole unionizing family child care providers thing.

                              One is that it will not be forced and that FCC providers will be able to choose whether or not to join.

                              And two that the union will be forced if passed and that our dues will be taken out automatically from our subsidized childcare payments. I heard that the only way around it would be to not accept subsidized childcare clients.

                              This is the first that I have heard that they may offer no dues.

                              In any case I find it hard to believe in anything that I don't see in front of my face in writing. I've scoured the internet for articles or info about the union and what it means for FCC but I havn't been able to see anything that gives specifics.

                              I do however see that the union claims to want higher wages for child care providers but subsidy already pays me my full rate without question so if they ask for more money but with the same budget this could mean less families will get subsidized care. I mean do the math. Higher rates doesn't mean more money is getting put into the subsidy budget .

                              They also claim to push on more emphasis on early childhood education for FCC but the state is already doing that by providing funding through programs like PITC, stipends and now with the new rating system.

                              I don't see how they can claim to get things that are already being done .
                              have you tried looking on the child care law website????

