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Monday Already

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  • Monday Already

    Why do weekends go so fast? I did get to relax this weekend and my husband is taking some time off this week which will be nice for me because he will take my boys out of my hair. I hope the week goes fast I go on vacation in three weeks and can't wait and then school will be starting soon after we get back. Hopefully my six year old I have been having issues with this week will be okay. I just hate how she tries to be the boss and everytime her sister does something wrong she goes over and cuddles her and last week I told her she is not allowed to do this and then she cried so tired of her drama. I nicknamed her Nellie after the Little House girl

  • #2
    Originally posted by boysx5 View Post
    Why do weekends go so fast? I did get to relax this weekend and my husband is taking some time off this week which will be nice for me because he will take my boys out of my hair. I hope the week goes fast I go on vacation in three weeks and can't wait and then school will be starting soon after we get back. Hopefully my six year old I have been having issues with this week will be okay. I just hate how she tries to be the boss and everytime her sister does something wrong she goes over and cuddles her and last week I told her she is not allowed to do this and then she cried so tired of her drama. I nicknamed her Nellie after the Little House girl
    Nellie- that's funny! I'll have to start calling me 6yo niece that! She's the same way! Actually she finds that everything, that EVERYONE is doing is her business. Wow that get old!

    I know what you mean about the weekends! They go too fast! It seems o ce I start actually relaxing and getting stuff done that I need to, it's Sunday night already! Ugh! Hope your day goes well!
    ~Everything happens for a reason~


    • #3
      Nancy was much meaner.
      My dad used to call me Nellie. Punk.

      My "Dr. Evil" comes back today after 2 weeks vacation. Her "Mini Me" will be thrilled.
      Of course we never tell them about their nicknames.
      3 weeks and a day until school starts!!!!


      • #4
        Mondays are usually quiet around here. Most of my dc kids are 2nd shift (normally). That seems to not be the case today. First 3 boys were here around 7:15 (two are brothers). Got a phone call 10 mins ago, mom got called into work on her day off, so that boy will be here shortly, then the last boy arriving around 10:30a. Good news is the last dck will be leaving before 6p. What a way to start the week!
        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.

