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Pregnant, Should I Start Business or Wait?

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  • Pregnant, Should I Start Business or Wait?

    Hi all,
    I recently got licensed and within a week, I found out I was pregnant. I'm wondering if I should wait to open my home daycare or take kids now. I'm concerned about the doctor appointments and maternity leave I will need to take and how taking that time off will be for the parents. Should I start now (I'm only 9 weeks along) or wait until after the baby comes? Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Do you plan on having a sub? If so this will solve the issue of your dr. appts & maternity leave. If not, you could open & just let potential parents know that you are expecting & that you will have to go to the dr. once a month and so on. Try to schedule all your appts on the same day & time from the first one if you can. I did this & it was really easy to remember when I went,(prior to dc though) which means it may be easier for parents to remember too. The only problem is that some parents may be hesitant to sign on knowing that you are newly pregnant & will need time off for maternity leave in a few months. Not to mention that so many women seem to have high risk pregnancies. I hope this won't be the case for you! If you really want to open you might want to consider a sub, maybe just a family member who doesn't work & would want to make a little income? I do think that they would need to get licensed too though. Good luck in whatever you decide! I am new to this & love being able to be home with my sons! Please keep in mind that you will continue to be very tired most of your pregnancy but, there are plenty of people on here that do it so I am sure you can too!


    • #3
      If you can afford it, not opening would be a benefit, but that's just me! I've read on here many who go through pregnancies without too much trouble, so I guess it all depends on you! You could also consider just taking in 1-2 wee ones, that would help you manage your time and stress a bit better...if they are good kids of course!

      I'd also guess it would be harder to find families once you tell them you are preggo, and IMO I think you really should offer that up front. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking from my point of view and if I knew a potential provider was pregnant and wanting to take some time off, I'd likely look elsewhere to avoid having to search again in 9 months or less! It wouldn't be so much the appointments, it would be the time after the baby was born I'd be worried about.


      • #4
        My personal opinion would be to open, but be straight forward with your parents. I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant and I make sure all my appointments are on Friday's at 4:30 and all my parents know that. Just make sure your parents know of your appointments well in advance and if something pops up, you let them know. I'm having to make adjustments already with my daycare as far as not lifting the kids to the changing table and refraining from dead lifting the kids off the floor too.

        If you've had a history of rough pregnancies, I'd hold off on opening, but if not, I'd say open.


        • #5
          Thanks for help

          I think I'm going to open. I'm sure I can limit the number of kids I take and explain to the families ahead of time. I do plan to get a substitute but I believe that will take time with the background check and all. We really need the money and I can't see just sitting around here doing nothing for the next 7 months, I need to be working and helping to support the family. Thanks for all of your help


          • #6
            I was newly pregnant when I started and I made the mistake of saying that I probably wouldn't need a lot of time off after the baby comes. Now that I know the kids I have in daycare, there is no possible way I could watch them and care for a newborn right away. So please be realistic about how much time you will need off. The right family will be okay with that.


            • #7
              I agree about taking enough time off. With my second son, I was only watching one family of 3 kids, plus my newborn and our 2 year old son. I got a whole 3 weeks off and I tell ya what, it wasn't enough for me. This time around, I'm taking 8 weeks off if its a natural delivery and if its a c-section I'll go to 12 weeks off.

