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Annoying DCM

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  • Annoying DCM

    1yo dcbaby has been sick with a double ear infection since Thursday. She is also "teething." Since Thursday she has been on a constant diet of rotating Tylenol and Advil. She was home with Mom yesterday. Yesterday I talked to mom about giving her medicine and told her (in a joking manner) not to cut her off her meds today, do it either last night or tonight when she is not here.) So, guess what? She comes this morning and dcbaby has had nothing since last night and she is clearly grumpy and crabby.

    I just really don't like this dcm. She also:
    ~ is the only dcm I have who will not allow her children to go in the car.
    ~ started bringing the baby in pajamas even though she gets here at a normal time in the morning. I started leaving baby in pjs so she stopped.
    ~ brings a ridiculous amount of crap for her 2 kids each day even though I have told her we don't need anything she brings in the 2 GIANT bags.
    ~ gives her older kid junk food snacks after preschool on the way to my house and then expresses concern when he doesn't eat lunch. (I have talked to her about this also but she can't say not to the boy.)
    ~ subtracts the holiday pay off her bill and acts like it is a misunderstanding

    Also last week she asked my assistant to babysit at their house and what her rate is. Her rate is $9/hour. So after babysitting for 4 hours dcm hands my assistant $30. Why did she bother to ask the rate if she wasn't gonna pay that??????????

    This dcm is a thorn in my side. My dh says to get rid of them. I am full and getting calls. How do you get rid of someone because you just don't like them? And is this even worthy of termination?

  • #2
    I get to see this dcm THREE times a day too. In the morning at drop-off, when she brings older child after preschool, and at pick-up. I'm a lucky lady!


    • #3
      Would she just leave if you start cracking down? TELL her no bag. If she tries to drop it say, "No bags can take those back to the car with you." You can tell her that riding in the car is no longer negotiable with you and that you need her to either find alternate care or sign a release allowing you to drive her children.


      • #4
        :: I HATE parents like this that think they are the exception to the rule and play dumb. They either learn pretty quickly that I don't play games and stop or they end up looking for new daycare.

        I would terminate in a heartbeat... I don't like her either and have never met her!

        P.S. We have a no diaper bag allowed rule here... the only thing that can come and go is the child!


        • #5
          I would crack down on all the things you want to see changed so you dont have to replace two kids. If she shows attitude or just want work on it, then go ahead and term. You can have a talk or send a letter with the message being "this is what I need to see changed so we can continue working together. I appreciate your cooperation". Its up to you if you think it is worth one more shot. you can come across nicely but firmly. The bags issues is easy, hand them back to her right at the door.


          • #6
            Look directly in her eyes without averting eye contact and say...
            "You know it's really become apparent that my policies aren't a good fit for your families needs. Would you like me to get you the number to our local resource and referral agency?"
            Followed with a long and uncomfortable pause to no matter what she says.

            Unless you're willing to nip these problems in the bud these types of parents (that think that they are the exception to the rules) never change on their own.


            • #7
              I hate it when parents pretend they don't know the rules. It's such passive agressive BS. It doesn't matter if it's worthy of termination or not, if she's not a good fit for you, then let her go asap! You'll be happy you did.


              • #8
                I had a dcd here who I just couldn't stomach to have around..he was just totally obnoxious and SO freakin' nosy! I tried to get rid of them a few times but it always kept working out somehow (she was laid off work but kept the kid here even though they whined about being so broke..I said I'd understand if they had to pull him but NOOOO...they wanted him to stay here so they didn't lose their spot) ...finally, after she had found another job and I knew there wasn't any hope of them just leaving on their own, I resorted to picking a fight with them!!

                I'm not proud of it and it all started out over a very minor problem but I saw a light at the end of the tunnel for me so I dove in and made a big deal out of it to the point where I terminated them and made it look like THEY had started it...

