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Mud Pie Outdoor Area

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  • Mud Pie Outdoor Area

    Okay, I seem to remember reading how some providers have an outdoor play area for dirt play and mud pies? I searched and can't find anything....My dcb's seem obsessed with the dirt in my yard (due to cooler weather and lots of shade in my back yard). They dig in the dirt with all the tools from the sand and water table and it's actually less of a mess than the sand. So...I was thinking of making some kind of area in the yard for digging in the dirt. Does anyone have something like this in their play yard dc area? Pics would be awesome!

  • #2
    Maybe the thread is one of these:


    • #3
      google mud kitchens! LOVE these


      • #4
        I have a "mud kitchen," and it's where the kids choose to spend most of their outdoor time. I don't have pics at the moment--will take some. But there are a ton on Pinterest.

        Mine is:
        The back corner of our yard, in "the woods" (tiny strip of trees between houses). Separated from the rest of the yard by a line of "stumps" (sections of tree trunk). There's a stump "table" surrounded by stump stools. There's another beat-up old wood table (free on the side of the road), which gives a great big surface for working on. The "counter" and "cabinets" and "stove" are really just an old shelf, two big wooded boxes, and a board. We've re-arranged and re-arranged, and now have an arrangement we like, so we nailed it in place. There's an old Christmas tree with all its branches trimmed to a few inches or a foot long or so, stuck in the dirt. We use it as a "pot tree," to hang up all the pots and pans. I prefer metal to plastic, and we have lots of kinds of interesting things--colanders, jello molds, muffin tins, pots, tea kettle, etc. Lots of spoons, though those are often lost under leaves or somewhere in the lawn. It is not pretty and pinterest-worthy, and though of course I wish it were, it's still completely magical and in constant use.


        • #5
          Took some pics of our mud kitchen

          All right, I took some pics this morning. Of course, it's more interesting with kids and mud, but I don't share the kids' pics online.

          Shoot. I thought I uploaded these correctly, but they don't seem to be showing up in the thread. Any suggestions? I think you could view them in my album or in the decor group, though.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nothingwithoutjoy View Post
            All right, I took some pics this morning. Of course, it's more interesting with kids and mud, but I don't share the kids' pics online.
            I love it!! I had a place like that when I was a little girl and my brother and I used to play out there for hours.


