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ughhh..Thanksgiving Holiday Backbone..

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  • ughhh..Thanksgiving Holiday Backbone..

    I am totally new to this business and i know that Im not going about things the right way trying to be mr nice guy and keep what clients i have..
    I posted a reminder that i would be closed next Thursday and Friday and one of my parents was upset, even though its in the handbook both that im closed and that you are paying for a POSITION not based on ATTENDANCE. i do know that she left another daycare when she came to mine because of the tuiton (FIRST RED FLAG I KNOWWWWWWWWW UGHHH)
    .. she said she had a school worker that was off and would need to pay them to watch her son the other days. So i took $30 off tuition for that week just to appease her.. I dont even wanna deal with her attitude and wondering if she would have left me because of this.. i have a child on the waiting list so WHY am i even doing this to myself.. i know its all my fault, im just venting..thanks..

  • #2
    Call the child on the waiting list (well parent of said child) and see if they are still interested. Tell them you are just updating the list and will let them know if an opening becomes available.

    Then tell this client you have people on the waiting list and you are sticking to your policy. Then ask if she needs an additonal copy or an appointment to go over the contract with you again. Be firm. If this person is already rocking the boat you wont likely keep the client long anyway. If it matters to you boot her, if not warn her and stick to your contract.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
      Call the child on the waiting list (well parent of said child) and see if they are still interested. Tell them you are just updating the list and will let them know if an opening becomes available.

      Then tell this client you have people on the waiting list and you are sticking to your policy. Then ask if she needs an additonal copy or an appointment to go over the contract with you again. Be firm. If this person is already rocking the boat you wont likely keep the client long anyway. If it matters to you boot her, if not warn her and stick to your contract.
      Agree 100%. Although, I would probably just term. Christmas and New Year's aren't too far behind. Is she going to give you a hard about that too, for the days you are closed?


      • #4
        you guys are 100% right.. and I actually did jus thinking about terming all together LOL.. i mean im sure she left her other daycare high and dry and would have no problem leaving me so i need to be looking at other options.. Im only closed christmas day so i dont think that will be an issue. i know its hard to pay for day care but if they only knew OUR SIDE..its hard to do what we do and trying to make ends meet and having fun environment for the kids.. but that goes in one ear and out the other.. all ALOT of parents look at is their bottom line which as a parent myself that paid for daycare i do get..perhaps i should tell her in these terms.. ummm i can only keep 6 kids.. and i have one that is willing to pay for the week in order to have this great price that you switched daycares for?? what say you???? LMBO


        • #5
          Originally posted by ladyquana View Post
          I am totally new to this business and i know that Im not going about things the right way trying to be mr nice guy and keep what clients i have..
          I posted a reminder that i would be closed next Thursday and Friday and one of my parents was upset, even though its in the handbook both that im closed and that you are paying for a POSITION not based on ATTENDANCE. i do know that she left another daycare when she came to mine because of the tuiton (FIRST RED FLAG I KNOWWWWWWWWW UGHHH)
          .. she said she had a school worker that was off and would need to pay them to watch her son the other days. So i took $30 off tuition for that week just to appease her.. I dont even wanna deal with her attitude and wondering if she would have left me because of this.. i have a child on the waiting list so WHY am i even doing this to myself.. i know its all my fault, im just venting..thanks..
          I won't deal with parents like this. And I MOST CERTAINTLY will not short myself any income because a parent is being a brat. As a matter of fact, parents who complain about fees/days off/policy end up being given a much higher increase than my other families each year when I up my fees

          I would phone the family on your wait list and see when they are available for an interview and see how things go. If they're a good fit, I'd give the cheap bratty mom a term notice - effective immediately Afterall, she probably would have dropped you in a heartbeat of you didn't give into breaking your own contract and not charging for a holiday that she already agreed (in writing) to pay for.


          • #6
            Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
            I won't deal with parents like this. And I MOST CERTAINTLY will not short myself any income because a parent is being a brat. As a matter of fact, parents who complain about fees/days off/policy end up being given a much higher increase than my other families each year when I up my fees

            I would phone the family on your wait list and see when they are available for an interview and see how things go. If they're a good fit, I'd give the cheap bratty mom a term notice - effective immediately Afterall, she probably would have dropped you in a heartbeat of you didn't give into breaking your own contract and not charging for a holiday that she already agreed (in writing) to pay for.
            haha missmuffet you are too bad with the increases LOL.. i know she would have dropped me in a heartbeat..thats why i have to get more business minded about this and stop thinking like when i was a parent paying for daycare and trying to make things easier for learning that no matter how many breaks you give, some will not appreciate it and still try to rewrite your policy?? smh..

