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Have You Ever Done Backup Care For A Friend

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  • Have You Ever Done Backup Care For A Friend

    and, then wondered what the heck she's doing to these kids?

    I took a set of twins for a week while my friend is in Hawaii.

    She warned me they are hard to feed. But, for a week, I can handle it. My friend texts me a list of what they WILL eat.

    KRAFT mac n cheese, frozen processed chicken nuggets (still frozen) Frozen waffles (still frozen) Soft pretzels and "the usual staples like cookies and chips".

    Okaaay.... well, I can do Mac n cheese one day. But, when I do mac n cheese, I make one box for ALL the kids. The mom yelled at me this morning because "Barb makes a box for each twin". A BOX???? They just turned three in August.

    So far this week, they ate one piece of white bread with butter, a scoop of mac and cheese and four cookies. Mom is furious with me, because "Barb always accommodates them".

    Carbs? That is all they eat? Just carbs? Frozen carbs no less.

    My friend Barb was a nurse until a few years ago. Wouldn't this make her cringe? I can get that "Whatever...they aren't my kids" attitude, but I can't feed three year olds nothing but unlimited carbs.

    Tomorrow is their last day. I reminded mom to make sure they eat a lot in the morning, because I am not serving an entire box of mac and cheese per twin.

  • #2
    Actually most of the nurses I know (my mom was one) so I have meet many over my life actually don't live the healthiest lifestyles. Same with nurses aides it seems. Many are over weight, don't eat healthy, SMOKE, and don't practice what the medical field preaches.
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
      and, then wondered what the heck she's doing to these kids?

      I took a set of twins for a week while my friend is in Hawaii.

      She warned me they are hard to feed. But, for a week, I can handle it. My friend texts me a list of what they WILL eat.

      KRAFT mac n cheese, frozen processed chicken nuggets (still frozen) Frozen waffles (still frozen) Soft pretzels and "the usual staples like cookies and chips".

      Okaaay.... well, I can do Mac n cheese one day. But, when I do mac n cheese, I make one box for ALL the kids. The mom yelled at me this morning because "Barb makes a box for each twin". A BOX???? They just turned three in August.

      So far this week, they ate one piece of white bread with butter, a scoop of mac and cheese and four cookies. Mom is furious with me, because "Barb always accommodates them".

      Carbs? That is all they eat? Just carbs? Frozen carbs no less.

      My friend Barb was a nurse until a few years ago. Wouldn't this make her cringe? I can get that "Whatever...they aren't my kids" attitude, but I can't feed three year olds nothing but unlimited carbs.

      Tomorrow is their last day. I reminded mom to make sure they eat a lot in the morning, because I am not serving an entire box of mac and cheese per twin.

      Gross. Poor kids. Poor parenting.

      I don't babysit for friends or family... working with children is my full-time (and then some) job - I want nothing to do with it after hours (and I won't watch friends, family or neighbor kids temporarily during DC hours either)!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
        Actually most of the nurses I know (my mom was one) so I have meet many over my life actually don't live the healthiest lifestyles. Same with nurses aides it seems. Many are over weight, don't eat healthy, SMOKE, and don't practice what the medical field preaches.
        Doctors too!

        I always laugh because it seems like landscapers always have unkempt yards, hairdressers have bad hair, some daycare providers can't control their own kids, doctors/nurses are overweight or smoke...


        • #5
          No, it's just backup for her daycare kids while she's on vacation. She farmed her kids out for the week. They all live very far away from me, but the kid's mom works right by me. (they have a 45 min commute each way, every day) So, for me, it's great...they get here at 8:00 and leave by 3:30 but, my provider friend has them by 7:00 and they don't leave until almost 5:00 because of the commute.

          So, technically, these two have almost an hour to eat breakfast in the car before they get here.

          Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
          Gross. Poor kids. Poor parenting.

          I don't babysit for friends or family... working with children is my full-time (and then some) job - I want nothing to do with it after hours (and I won't watch friends, family or neighbor kids temporarily during DC hours either)!


          • #6
            How did she find out they like frozen nuggets and waffles? I would not know if my dckids like them that way because I have never given it to them still frozen.


            • #7
              Originally posted by crazydaycarelady View Post
              How did she find out they like frozen nuggets and waffles? I would not know if my dckids like them that way because I have never given it to them still frozen.

              Maybe mom told her? Or maybe someone was too lazy to cook them one day, and discovered they liked them? I'm going to ask her when she gets back.


              • #8
                1 whole box of Kraft mac & cheese for 1 3 yo? Even I think that's rediculous. I rarely use the boxed (I prefer the Kraft in a bag stuff if I have to cook it, tastes much better), but I use 1 box for 4 kids.

                Frozen chicken nuggets, that's just YUCK. 2 of my grandkids like their waffles frozen. I gave one to the youngest one time when he was teething, now he prefers them that way.

                It sounds like Barb is way too accommodating.


                • #9
                  yikes. That's a bit nutty, that list. a box of mac n cheese per kid? I can't eat an entire box by myself and that's the gluten free kind htat doesn't make as much as the regular.
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                  • #10
                    Well isn't that interesting? ::


                    • #11
                      my sister works with a lot of nurses and medical staff and says that their health habits are atrocious. she says several of the nurses eat kid processed foods like Uncrustables every day for lunch


                      • #12
                        This is just gross! ICK!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                          Doctors too!

                          I always laugh because it seems like landscapers always have unkempt yards, hairdressers have bad hair, some daycare providers can't control their own kids, doctors/nurses are overweight or smoke...
                          It's so true. My ex mother in law is a hairdresser and get's mad if I let anyone else cut my daughter's hair but she's always so busy my daughter looked homeless and like a wild creature by the time she actually cuts her hair!

                          Daycare providers that can't control their kids? Yep, that's me. My oldest ones 4, 11 and 19 are great but my 2 year old is the only child at daycare that I ever have to redirect, put in time out etc. The rest of the kids are angels. I have to shadow him most days because he was/is a biter and always in the other children's personal spaces. He drives me nuts!
                          My 4 year old was the same way when she was his age, thank goodness she grew out of it because I'm at my wits end with her brother. I even thought about sending him to another daycare but I'm pretty sure he would get kicked out. That's how bad it is.


                          • #14
                            really I think barb needs to feed the kids something better. And I would point this out to her. Also it sounds like barb is lazy in the cooking department. My back up lady feeds my dcg tator tots and fries alot (when I go on vacation) I don't mind as a treat but not everyday. I also don't do sandwiches (I know some do but I just don't and I have a young group)

