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Would You and How?

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  • Would You and How?

    I was at this neighborhood festival today with DH and DS. They had a bouncy castle, food, music, etc and lots of kids. I was chatting with a mom and dad of 14 month old twin girls and our kids were playing together nicely. I wanted to mention that I am a daycare provider that lives in the neighborhood but I didn't know if it would be appropriate or how I would work it into the conversation.

    Would you? If so how would you bring it up?

  • #2
    ABSOLUTELY I would mention it! It is a great way to make business connections!

    I would have enjoyed the time together and when either they or I were getting up to leave, I would have said "Hey, it sure was nice talking with you and I love that Timmy got along so well with your little one. Just so you know, I am a child care provider and if you are ever looking for services, here is my card. Have a great night! Bye" or something similar

    PERFECT situation to make connections and hand out your business cards!!

    BTW~ How was your trip to MN? Nice to see you back on the board!


    • #3
      Definitely! Word of mouth is the best way to get new kids - especially after they've had the chance to spend a bit of time with you like that. The worst that can happen is that they'll say no thanks. But they might remember and pass your info along to someone else, too. Don't be shy!


      • #4
        I always mention it.... people ask me when im out if all the kids are mine. So of course i correct them
        "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
        Acts 13:22


        • #5
          Sure you should!
          You could have said something like - Wow, your little ones are adorable and seem to really like my DD. If ever you are looking for childcare, give me a call. I would love to have them!

          I used to always mention openings to other moms at events when I was looking for SA DCKS. Especially if I knew there was a new family that just moved near us. I would make a point of letting them know I had an opening. No shame LOL
          I now have a waiting list just from word of mouth so I don't advertise anymore but you get used to bringing up the subject to other moms once you've done it enough times

          I used to always say - Do you know anyone looking for Afterschool care? I have an opening that I would like to fill so if you hear of anyone looking could you let them know?


          • #6
            Word of mouth is better than any other form of advertisement

            I knew a woman who had her in-home daycare/preschool for over 30 years in a big town and other than business cards she doesn't have any printed advertisements (not even anything free like a craigslist ad)- she is almost always at her max and it is all from word of mouth. One thing you can do is carry business cards around in your purse and you can pin them up on local bulleten boards, if you start a conversation with a parent you can ask "So what do you do? what does your spouse/significant other do?" This will get them talking about careers and they will likely ask you what you do and you can say: "I own a family child care" or "I am a Family child care provider" this makes you sound professional (the legal term for this business) and it sounds more caring because the word "family" pops out more than "daycare"- which most people think of centers when they hear "daycare" and to most people: daycare centers= germs and chaos.

            This also gives you a chance to scope out their child care needs. If they say they are a stay at home parent they may not need regular child care- but if you still keep in contact (playdates for your kids) and you offer occational drop ins or family/date nights once in a while for other parent you can still be available for if they need to run errands or a night out. If the parent says she too is a family child care provider you guys can talk more and you can have a friend who understands what you go through everyday- even if they don't need child care. this also lets youknow your compitition and what other providers are available if you are full. If they said they have a child care service are happy with their current provider you can offer subbing or drop in care if their current provider is sick or if their daycare for some reason cannot take them (overbooking- short staffedd) or if they have a freind who may need child care soon they can recomment you.


            • #7
              I tell EVERYONE any time I can. I am FOREVER talking about my daycare to anyone who crosses my path.

              I love being in the grocery store lugging 2 or 3 shopping carts at a time. People will always comment "wow, you must have a lot of mouths to feed!" and I always say "yup, I do daycare, here's my card!" LOL

              I also have signs on my van, so that gets a lot of attention when I'm pumping gas.

              And I'll always try and work it in to conversation. Once a little boy was goofing off and bumped in to me. The mother was apologizing, and I said "I understand, I have a daycare." Turned out she was looking for new childcare at that time.

              In your case, I pobably would have tried to make a connections between her child and one of, "oh I see your little girl has an elmo shirt on, I have a daycare girl the same age as yours and she just loves elmo...she wears her elmo shirt everyday to my house!" Totally just an example, but you get my drift.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                I was at this neighborhood festival today with DH and DS. They had a bouncy castle, food, music, etc and lots of kids. I was chatting with a mom and dad of 14 month old twin girls and our kids were playing together nicely. I wanted to mention that I am a daycare provider that lives in the neighborhood but I didn't know if it would be appropriate or how I would work it into the conversation.

                Would you? If so how would you bring it up?
                And by the way...if this was a neighborhood festival, not only would I have handed out cards to everyone, I would've had a tshirt with my daycare name on it, or even handed out balloons with my card attached.... Could you have even set up your own booth and done face painting or a simple craft?!

