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ADD/ADHD-Has Anyone Noticed This

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  • #16
    I live in a predominately white area. I've only had one dck that I strongly suspect will be diagnosed once in school. He does happen to have lighter colored hair and eyes but I believe it's more my area.


    • #17

      This doesn't exclude anyone of other coloring, but my pediatrician told me that he's never had a single male patient with the combo of
      very dark hair and clearly blue eyes who was not eventually diagnosed (by someone else; he chooses not to diagnose ADD/ADHD but to let school personnel or to refer patients on tu phild psychiatrists or pediatric neurologists depending upon the symptoms present) with ADHD. He said boys with blonde hair and green eyes come in second.

      He told my I probably wouldn't find it cited anywhere on the Internet, or at least that he's never seen a study on it.


      • #18

        Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
        I thought about having her tested for that. But she is a straight A student in all advanced placement classes now that she is in HS. She just hates to read. Somehow she gets the grades though I just don't get it .
        Not everyone is hard-wired to love reading. Those of us who do love to read find it hard to understand when anyone else, particularly our children, don't possess the same innate love of reading that we do. It's possible there is a diagnosis - dysiexia or something else - at work, but if she is fortunate enough to be thriving in spite of whatever is going on, I would leave well enough alone unless the time comes that it is getting the better of her.


        • #19
          My husband's severe ADD comes across as dyslexia--he has to read aloud and trace the words with his finger (or his mouse cursor on the computer monitor), and he can't tell right from left.

          He was light-haired as a small child but has black hair now. I think it's just more common for Caucasian kids to have light hair when they're small.

