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  • Please Sign..

    If you are a childcare provider in Iowa, if you are a childcare provider in another state, if you are a parent or a person who knows a little something about changing technology. I would love to know if your state requires a copper based land line or if just any land line is fine, if you are even required to have a landline or if you know how copper landlines and VoIP services work. I shouldn't have titled my last post "Iowa Providers Unite" I should have just named it "Unite". The government needs to know that if they want us to follow a rule it needs to be voted into code. We shouldn't have different inspectors require different things from us. We shouldn't be told different things when we call to get clarification on a subject related to our businesses.

  • #2
    NYS requires copper landlines.

    Big Lou


    • #3
      not in CA.... I am a cell phone only home

      oh your link did not open.....


      • #4
        North Dakota requires a working phone. That's all.

        In fact, when I got my license, I was waiting out my contract on a cell phone from a different area of the state, and wasn't using my phone. My liscenser was fine with me using my husbands cell phone (since he worked from home).

        I am also an all cell phone home.


        • #5
          I just did a little on line research and found that more than likely the reason the state is requiring you to have a copper based landline is because newer technology such as VoIP and Fiber-optics wiring seem to have some issues during power outages leaving people unable to access outside phone service or even 911 if needed.

          Here is a Consumer Reports article about copper, fiber-optics and VoIP wiring.

          Other tidbits I picked up from info on line is receiving your phone service through your cable or internet provider such as Media-com is not always reliable and there are several forums where people complain about random and unexplained outages, static on the line, phones not connecting properly as well as the above mentioned loss of service during storms or power outages.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I just did a little on line research and found that more than likely the reason the state is requiring you to have a copper based landline is because newer technology such as VoIP and Fiber-optics wiring seem to have some issues during power outages leaving people unable to access outside phone service or even 911 if needed.

            Here is a Consumer Reports article about copper, fiber-optics and VoIP wiring.

            Other tidbits I picked up from info on line is receiving your phone service through your cable or internet provider such as Media-com is not always reliable and there are several forums where people complain about random and unexplained outages, static on the line, phones not connecting properly as well as the above mentioned loss of service during storms or power outages.

            The problem here is our copper landlines are so old and with the weather in Iowa it doesn't take much for them to go down. The copper landline I had up until a few months ago when I was told by DHS we could use Magic Jack was out for 8 months straight and I didn't even know it (of course I still had to pay the bills for that 8 months). A friend of mine had her copper landline go out the other day for the entire day and it was nice and sunny. I think the state is thinking these lines are more reliable than they actually are and is thinking that we are still in the years when cell phones and VoIP was new technology.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
              The problem here is our copper landlines are so old and with the weather in Iowa it doesn't take much for them to go down. The copper landline I had up until a few months ago when I was told by DHS we could use Magic Jack was out for 8 months straight and I didn't even know it (of course I still had to pay the bills for that 8 months). A friend of mine had her copper landline go out the other day for the entire day and it was nice and sunny. I think the state is thinking these lines are more reliable than they actually are and is thinking that we are still in the years when cell phones and VoIP was new technology.
              I should also add that even though copper landlines might work in the event of a power outage the cordless phone you have them hooked up on will not.


              • #8
                So very true and good luck trying to find a phone that's not cordless??


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  I just did a little on line research and found that more than likely the reason the state is requiring you to have a copper based landline is because newer technology such as VoIP and Fiber-optics wiring seem to have some issues during power outages leaving people unable to access outside phone service or even 911 if needed.

                  Here is a Consumer Reports article about copper, fiber-optics and VoIP wiring.

                  Other tidbits I picked up from info on line is receiving your phone service through your cable or internet provider such as Media-com is not always reliable and there are several forums where people complain about random and unexplained outages, static on the line, phones not connecting properly as well as the above mentioned loss of service during storms or power outages.

                  Thanks for the link...I've been researching like a madwoman. I'm on a mission. I'm trying to compile everything I will need for an eventual appeal (if it gets that far) and this article contained a lot of useful information.
                  I should add that my problem isn't with the saying they want us to have copper lines. If this was actually written into Iowa code and I was expected to use copper landlines from the start I would still try to change the code but I wouldn't be as mad. My problem is that nowhere is Iowa code for home daycares does it say we have to have a copper landline. In fact for years we've been told that any old landline would work now they are changing it up when providers are contracted for 2 years with companies such as Mediacom for their phone service. They are not trying to rewrite the code they are just saying "hey, do this and do it now". There are also a lot of areas in Iowa that do not have access to copper so this will effect those providers. One provider went to Mediacom after her copper line became completely unreliable, they threatened to revoke her registration and told her she had to have copper. When she said "so, you would rather me have a copper landline that never works instead of a line from Mediacom that usually works". The answer was yes. She is now unregistered.
                  Another provider does not have access to copper lines. She lives in a new housing addition. The only provider that still uses copper lines will not run copper to her home. She has no options. DHS doesn't care their answer is, "you need a copper landline".


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by biglou View Post
                    NYS requires copper landlines.

                    Big Lou
                    It must be regional because I am in NY and I didn't have to have one!


                    • #11

                      Please sign, this is not a stupid problem for us. I urge you to help us fight this being required because it is not part of the code we are guided by. If they do this and providers just bow down and do what they are told whats going to stop them next time they want us to do something that hasn't been voted on? No going on field trips? No transporting children? Only being able to have non-cordless phones? Leaving our doors unlocked for surprise visits? I could go on and on. My biggest problem is that this is not code and yet they are revoking and denying registration because of it.

                      If you have any problems with the link please let me know!


                      • #12
                        I cannot sign your petition because I am not a US citizen, but I certainly empathize!


                        • #13
                          Will it make a difference if people out of state sign your petition? I know that when we were asking for signatures for a petition against unionizing daycare providers (amongst others) that only the signatures of people in the same state that would be effected could sign. I'll sign it if my signature counts of course


                          • #14
                            Yes, it will certainly make a difference. Petitions are less about the signers and more about what happens each time someone signs. Every time someone signs everyone who is recognized at the top of the petition receives an e-mail. Petitions are about annoying these people so much that they actually look at the petition. Please do sign!


                            • #15
                              In MO we must have a landline and they want us to have one no cordless phone so incase of emergency we have a phone.

                              They do not consider magic Jack a landline here
                              It:: will wait

