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Oh Parents!

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  • Oh Parents!

    Ok, I have talked about these parents before and well.. Every day they make me like them less and less. So, My toddler loves an item that one of these parents kiddos has, Dad tells me where they sell it, but guess what ? They also recommended me to find another place to buy them because this is a very expensive store

    This family is always crying about being broke, since the beginning, they fed me with this little story about how hard things are financially and how they needed for me to get the price down for them, so, STUPID me, I did, and then, after they started coming I started to notice their lifestyle, expensive this, expensive that, expensive everything, I mean everything, in another situation I would not mind, but come one, you gave me this little story so I could go down on the price...
    So last week they asked for another discount, they are basing it on the kids being here less time but same amount of days. I said NO, is not going to work for me, because of the same thing, I see they are not being honest about what they are telling me. So After I said no, Mom came to me and asked me to "really" think about it, because they are behind on this and that, and having 3 kids is so expensive and how things are difficult for everyone blah blah blah, I was furious but not as furious as I got yesterday when I saw mom in her brand new Mercedes SUV...

    I mean, I can care less what my families buy, how they live or how they spend their money, but to tell me they can't pay me and go do all this things? Are you kidding me? It really makes me think about terminating them, Am I overeating? How would you guys feel about this happening to you?

    I honestly feel so disrespected by this family.:confused:
    Last edited by Michael; 10-31-2012, 12:18 PM.

  • #2
    We had a family that wouldn't pay an additional $30 a week for extended care for their two overactive, naughty children. Yet, Mom would show us her new tattoos, her new pedicures, discuss her massage, buy expensive new things, etc. We even told Mom a new route that would allow her to get home from work faster. But, she didn't "want to rush." She would often go do things right after work like grocery shop.

    We wouldn't give them extra time for free so they left after giving us a sob story about how SAD it was that their poor kids have to switch when they REALLY like it here. Uh yeah. If they would not have left, we would have terminated them.


    • #3
      I always say "you give an inch and they'll take a mile" don't back down. I wonder if she negotiated the price on her suv, I doubt it, so why would she negotiate care of her children, I guess her car is more important.


      • #4
        This is one of those things that gets under my skin. Just had a sob story from a parent on Monday-I soooo wanted to roll my eyes. While she was giving me the "I'm so poor" story she was sneaking looks to see my reaction. I felt like saying "You can work the system but you won't work me!" Obviously I didn't say it but definately wanted to!


        • #5
          Oh my ! That's what I wish I could tell them "I am not able to help you, if you need to balance your budget I have some advice for you" and start telling them all the real things they can do to balance their budget that do not involve me cutting down on things so they can afford more.


          • #6
            OH I can soooooooo relate..

            I had a family that money coming out their noses, the most expensive of everything, but always tried to get me to drop my prices for their kids.

            What finally got them to stop asking was by sending this letter...

            Sorry for all of the confusion. I really wish that I could afford to offer you a 10% discount, however, I just can’t afford any further discount than what is already being offered.

            I would like to show you why I can’t offer any further discount:

            My hours worked each week are 81 hours. This includes hours of operation, PNO, shopping for food and supplies, accounting, preparing the curriculum, sending emails, cleaning, laundry, food program paper work, cleaning supplies and etc.
            Overhead expenses. Just to name a few:

            Electric, water, taxes,food, Daycare Insurance, increased rate for car insurance to cover all daycare children, art supplies, curriculum, cleaning supplies, and much, much more.

            Even though we are not charged by the hour, this is how it is broken down:
            Johnny attends about 40 hours each week. At $200.00 (normal rate is $225.00) per week that comes down to $5.00 per hour. Now take into consideration all of the overhead expenses that I need to pay and it breaks down to less than $2.31 per hour (without discount).

            I know for a fact with all of the benefits that I offer I have the lowest price in town, if not in town, in the county, guaranteed. Why is my price so low?

            Because I love what I do and I am not in the business to compete with all the other daycares and preschools prices. I believe that all children should be given the opportunity of learning without having to cost the parents their child’s college savings.

            Maybe you can try something like this. Some parents need to have their benefits spelled out for them. It just sucks that they can't already see it......


            • #7
              Wow, I would be mad too! The nerve of some parents!!! I don't get why some parents behave this way. When my dd was in daycare that was one of my top expenses in my budget, right under car payment and rent. I mean how is someone going to work if they don't have child care? Grrrr....


              • #8
                Thanks for the advice I think I might do something like that.

                The thing is that by them doing this, is like them telling me "your time is worth nothing for me, I have so many more material things that are more much valuable than your time" in other words I feel like they are disrespecting me, my, time, my intellect, and my family. Because they are basically saying that the money that I NEED to support my family is less important than the one they "need" to support their material things, they are telling me that I have to take away from my family so they can give useless things to their family. They have also come in here talking about other programs to other parents, and even advice another family to look in to this other programs so they can have their kids in them I mean, you are playing with my income in every single way and aspect that there is.
                And then, they try to be nice, and they can be to a certain point, then I feel bad for being so angry at them, but then always something happens again that makes me even madder than before. I just can't stand them!


                • #9
                  Term. Immediately.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jokalima View Post
                    Thanks for the advice I think I might do something like that.

                    The thing is that by them doing this, is like them telling me "your time is worth nothing for me, I have so many more material things that are more much valuable than your time" in other words I feel like they are disrespecting me, my, time, my intellect, and my family. Because they are basically saying that the money that I NEED to support my family is less important than the one they "need" to support their material things, they are telling me that I have to take away from my family so they can give useless things to their family. They have also come in here talking about other programs to other parents, and even advice another family to look in to this other programs so they can have their kids in them I mean, you are playing with my income in every single way and aspect that there is.
                    And then, they try to be nice, and they can be to a certain point, then I feel bad for being so angry at them, but then always something happens again that makes me even madder than before. I just can't stand them!
                    If you can't stand them, let them go...... I eventually got to a point where I let the family go too.... Royal pain in the you know what....

                    Something funny....I ran into the DCM that I was telling you about...(we will call her high maintaince mary.....) at the mall.

                    She was trying to return a purse at the coach store that she bought LAST YEAR....She was yelling at the sales attended and being very very rude. I walked up right behind her and said Hi Mary, how are the kids?? LMAO you should have seen the look on her face.....

                    Boy was I happy that I gave them the BOOT!!!!!!

