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Do I Charge or Not?

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  • Do I Charge or Not?

    Ok, here is the situation. We went camping this last weekend, and got a LOT of sun. My middle son is really sensitive to it, and got sick last night. Could be from the sun, could be the flu that the dcb had last week. He only got sick once, but I notified my dc families anyways to give them a heads up. I told them that if they needed to bring their kids, that was fine that I could keep my middle son in his room and he could watch movies all day. Anyways, I had one family that came, two that didn't. Since I didn't technically close, but they chose to not bring their children, do I charge for the day or not? In my contract I say they don't have to pay for MY sick days, but I am fully capable of caring for their children, it was my son who was under the weather and I didn't close. So, what are your thoughts?

  • #2
    I guess I'm confused as to why you would notify your clients about this - if your son is old enough to stay in his room all day and wouldn't be with the kids, and you say you're able to care for your clients anyway...why would you call them?

    Personally, I wouldn't charge the clients that chose to stay home for the day....if your son's illness was severe enough to call everyone ahead of time and give them a "heads up", then that's the same as you calling off sick for the day - in my opinion.


    • #3
      I don't even tell my daycare parents that my 8 yr. old daughter is sick, when she is, we keep her in her room all day. She is not allowed to come out for anything for at least 24 hrs. When I first started doing daycare, I had given the choice to many of the parents- I only had one decide to come. THe others didn't pay me, even though I told them I was open and it was their choice to come or not. I would have my daughter in her room all day. SO from now on I don't even mention it at all to them. As long as I keep her seperated and clean, sanitize before they come, etc. I don't tell anyone that she is even home sick!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pammie View Post
        I guess I'm confused as to why you would notify your clients about this - if your son is old enough to stay in his room all day and wouldn't be with the kids, and you say you're able to care for your clients anyway...why would you call them?

        Personally, I wouldn't charge the clients that chose to stay home for the day....if your son's illness was severe enough to call everyone ahead of time and give them a "heads up", then that's the same as you calling off sick for the day - in my opinion.
        I guess I thought it was the right thing to do. :confused: I explained to them all that I would remain open, and that I was going around the house disinfecting and that my son could be kept content in his room (yes, he is old enough), but as a courtesy (because I would want to know and be able to make my own decision), I let my dc parents know.


        • #5
          I would still charge.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
            I don't even tell my daycare parents that my 8 yr. old daughter is sick, when she is, we keep her in her room all day. She is not allowed to come out for anything for at least 24 hrs. When I first started doing daycare, I had given the choice to many of the parents- I only had one decide to come. THe others didn't pay me, even though I told them I was open and it was their choice to come or not. I would have my daughter in her room all day. SO from now on I don't even mention it at all to them. As long as I keep her seperated and clean, sanitize before they come, etc. I don't tell anyone that she is even home sick!
            Thanks. I will make this my policy too I guess. Unless it is my younger child.


            • #7
              I don't tell my daycare parents if my child is sick. I dont think it is necessary to let them know unless if you have small child/ren. If my child is sick and she will be in her room all day. Both of my daughters are very rarely get sick. My daughter hits with high fever back in Feb 2009 for a long time. I decided I took her to the doctor when I have back up provider to take care of dc kids while I was gone. Found out that my daughter had strep throat for the first time that causes high fever. She still stays in her room when we got back from the dr. I kept open and no one gets from her at all.

              I would charge the parents since you are not closed.


              • #8
                In this current situation I wouldn't charge the parents who didn't come. That's how I do it. I call to give everyone a heads up and if they choose to come they pay. If they find alternate care they don't. I like to give them the choice to expose them or not and if they do find alternate care and I wouldn't want them to have to double pay for the day when it's my kids that are sick. (Now I don't offer the option of finding alternate care and not paying to the family that brought the sick dck last week and got us sick in the first place.) Keeping them separated once they are old enough is a good idea, but not doable over here. My house is just too small and only 1 bathroom to boot.


                • #9
                  If you normanly charge when they do not come then that is what you need to do. If my son is sick (17yr) I let the parents know & give them there choose. If he is puking, most of the time I will close. Yes he is old enough but I dont spend much time with him now & he doesnt need me as much so when he does need TLC I want to be able to give it to him.


                  • #10
                    If its not spelled out in your contract, I would give them a pass this time. From here on out, I wouldn't tell them unless your child needs constant help/comforting.

                    When my kids are ill (1 year and 4 years) my husband can come home and help if needed or my mother in law stops by to help out. But my kids are easy when they are sick. They just like to lay in bed and watch movies. I don't even tell my dc clients because its a non-issue since my kids have no contact with theirs at all.


                    • #11
                      I would give them a 50% discount for the day. That way no one is taking the complete hit. I feel that we are obligated to let the DCPs know when there has been an exposure. Especially since we would be PISSED if they just brought their sick kid and dumped him.her on us without a heads up, then infected everyone. So I give my DCPs the same courtesy I expect from them. But if I'm open, then they should pay for not coming. However, I can see the point of, why should they pay when the whole reason they are not coming is technically your issue (not your fault). So I would charge only 50% to the ones that did not come, except the family that brought a sick child last week. Good Luck!


                      • #12
                        I would still charge. If you let them know that you were not closing and were able to care for their children while your child was separated and they chose not to come then that's what it was, their choice.


                        • #13
                          I would not charge. I feel it's our obligation to the parents to let them know if any of our children are sick, and if they choose not to come; they should not have to pay.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
                            I guess I thought it was the right thing to do. :confused: I explained to them all that I would remain open, and that I was going around the house disinfecting and that my son could be kept content in his room (yes, he is old enough), but as a courtesy (because I would want to know and be able to make my own decision), I let my dc parents know.
                            In the future - if your child is old enough to stay COMPLETELY separated from the kids all day and you are going to remain open anyway, then I don't feel there is a need to notify the parents. Their children y were most likely already exposed days before anyway.

                            As far as whether you shoud charge this time, I would wait and see if the parents offer to pay you or not. If they include that day in their weekly payment then great! If they don't include it then don't say anything about it. If they ask before they write the check then just let them slide for having the courtesy to ask
                            Last edited by misol; 07-19-2010, 07:32 PM. Reason: grammar


                            • #15
                              I don't tell my parents either when my kids are sick because they are old enough to take care of themselves in their rooms, BUT back when they weren't if I called them and gave them that option, I would not charge them, if you were sick and had to close they wouldn't pay you (would they? I don't charge if I had to call in sick). So for me giving them the option to keep them out I and that's what they chose I wouldn't. They may have to pay someone else to watch them. Just my opionion

