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What Ages To You Take On Field Trips?

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  • What Ages To You Take On Field Trips?

    Last week when I took a few of my DCks to the pumpkin patch i met a fellow provider who had a few kids the same ages as mine (2 & 3yrs) but she also had two little ones (under a year) with her and it got me thinking about outings.

    When do you starting taking the little ones on field trips (if you do them)? This provider seemed to have everything under control and I'm not judging her care, it just got me thinking about the little ones in my care.

    I have no qualms about taking my own child (nearly a year) along on any and all field trips I do with the 2 and up crowd but I'm wondering when other providers usually start doing activities outside the DC with younger DCKs, or if you do it at all. I don't necessarily mean large field trips. I take the younger ones to the park when we all walk there but other activities I usually plan on days the little ones aren't there.

  • #2
    I do outtings but I plan them on the days I have the least amount of kids. I have taken babies on the outtings, it does make for more work but I have been really lucky with having good kids.
    The only time I had a problem with a baby was one of our walking field trips to the park, she started to cry and I new if I could just us there I could get her a bottle and then she would be fine. Well there was an older women there who immediately started offering to hold the baby. I said no thanks and that she was just hungary and that I was handling it, she walked away but came right back and kept looking my direction and looked really uncomfortable and kept offering to hold the baby, I said no again and finally she left. (baby calmed right down after a bottle). Other than that it has been smooth sailing. I dont have the luxury of leaving kids home with anyone so I schedule our outtings pretty carefully. Its usually places like the park, playroom (indoor playplace). Depends on the ages I have.


    • #3
      I take all my dck on field trips, but I do try to plan them when the infants aren't here. I have ages 3mnths through 3 yrs. I only ever have 4 at a time and only 1 infant at a time, but usually it's a 1yr old, 2 yr old and 3 yr old. And when I take the little ones they are pretty much in a stroller. I am not going to limit what the older ones can do because I have an infant.

      But I make that all clear during the interview. I do try to schedule my trips for when I only have the older ones though.


      • #4
        I start taking them as soon as I get them.

        I took a 3 week old to Palm Springs for a weekend. I took a 6 week old to the LA Zoo.


        • #5
          I only take kiddos 12 months and up... and I start taking them on field trips as soon as I get them


          • #6
            I take them as soon as I get them.

            In August we went to the zoo, I had all 14 kids with 5 parent helpers and two teenage boys pulling wagons.

            Normally I have 6 at a time, and will do that alone. Depending on the ages, I usually have one in a moby or other carrier, one or two in a stroller, and the rest are walkers.

            It really all depends though on the ages, their temperments and personalities, and where we are going.


            • #7
              Originally posted by melskids View Post

              It really all depends though on the ages, their temperments and personalities, and where we are going.
              Yep. All of these factors determine an outing for me too. I have had really chill 12 month olds that would be happy anywhere and far too rambunctious three year olds that I would have to seriously think about bringing too far from home. I don't usually have kids younger than 12 months because I'm in Canada and our mat leaves last for a year.


              • #8
                Any age. I work alone, so if I want to do an outing I take them all....infants, toddlers, etc.

