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Mom is Mad I Asked Her to Come Get dcg...

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  • Mom is Mad I Asked Her to Come Get dcg...

    I just called my dkg's mom to tell her I needed someone to come pick her up. I posted yesterday about thinking she had a staph infection. She went last night and had it drained and tested for MRSA staph but she said it was a staph infection. She is super mad now and told me she doesn't know what she's going to do. She doesn't have anymore days at work and her mom has been on vacation and is just now back to work so she can't get her either. Dcm is a single mom.

    They put her on antibiotics and she dropped her off this morning and asked me to give her the antibiotics and treat the wound with a medicated ointment.

    I took her but thought it was strange she would be back the next day. I said last night to her if the pedi said it was ok for her to return I would take her. So she brought her.

    Today I called my pedi and hers and asked what they thought and my pedi said they should always be out of care/school for 24 hours after starting any antibiotic regardless. Her pedi hasn't called me back yet but I left a message seeing if they had told her anything about staying home.

    I'm just wondering if I waited too long to pull the trigger and if I should have told her last night not to bring her but since she told me the pedi said it was ok I thought the same thing.

    I'm definitely adding something to my contract today about staying home for 24 hours after starting ANY antibiotic.

  • #2
    Personally I wouldn't have taken her back unless I had a Dr's note clearing her and saying that she could come back to daycare. I also hope you got an Authorization to Administer Medication form from her. If for some odd chance something happens (alergic reaction to the antibiotics etc) you could find yourself in some trouble. Why this parent is mad at YOU because HER child has a staph infection is beyond me. The fact that she doesn't have vacation/sick time etc is not really your problem.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
      Personally I wouldn't have taken her back unless I had a Dr's note clearing her and saying that she could come back to daycare. I also hope you got an Authorization to Administer Medication form from her. If for some odd chance something happens (alergic reaction to the antibiotics etc) you could find yourself in some trouble. Why this parent is mad at YOU because HER child has a staph infection is beyond me. The fact that she doesn't have vacation/sick time etc is not really your problem.
      I know I'm kicking myself that I let her back today. That was definitely my fault. I called her pedi and they said she could come back as long as it is covered so now that's her argument to me. I'm going to keep her today (while stomping my feet ) but have learned my lesson. I have definitely added to my contract the wording about remaining home for 24 after beginning ANY antibiotic.

      Luckily I also have everyone sign an Authorization to Adminster Medication at enrollment.


      • #4
        Around here the doctors would not be allowed to give any information out.


        • #5
          Originally posted by twinmama View Post
          I know I'm kicking myself that I let her back today. That was definitely my fault. I called her pedi and they said she could come back as long as it is covered so now that's her argument to me. I'm going to keep her today (while stomping my feet ) but have learned my lesson. I have definitely added to my contract the wording about remaining home for 24 after beginning ANY antibiotic.

          Luckily I also have everyone sign an Authorization to Adminster Medication at enrollment.
          Be careful,, staph inf. is very contagious!!! I also added I may ask for a Dr.s note before daycare child can return as well. I have had in if on an antibiotic, this means you are contagious, and not allowed to come back 24 hrs. after starting the antibiotic. I even added this as well- if you are called for a sick child(fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) you are not allowed to come the following day at all!! There were times, they had a fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, and the parents said it broke or they had nothing else, so the child can come back tomorrow at this time, correct??? THis has happened several times to friends that do daycare as well- so I added this for the next day, just in case. I had one daycare family take child home at noon, so needless to say brought back the next day at noon, and sure enough an hr. into nap, woke up screaming, very hot, I had to call the parents for pickup. THey said there weren't any fevers since left my house!!! UGHH!!!! My entire daycare inc. myself, got the fevers, and we were leaving on vac. in 2 days. Needless to say I added it when we returned!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by twinmama View Post
            I just called my dkg's mom to tell her I needed someone to come pick her up. I posted yesterday about thinking she had a staph infection. She went last night and had it drained and tested for MRSA staph but she said it was a staph infection. She is super mad now and told me she doesn't know what she's going to do. She doesn't have anymore days at work and her mom has been on vacation and is just now back to work so she can't get her either. Dcm is a single mom.

            They put her on antibiotics and she dropped her off this morning and asked me to give her the antibiotics and treat the wound with a medicated ointment.

            I took her but thought it was strange she would be back the next day. I said last night to her if the pedi said it was ok for her to return I would take her. So she brought her.

            Today I called my pedi and hers and asked what they thought and my pedi said they should always be out of care/school for 24 hours after starting any antibiotic regardless. Her pedi hasn't called me back yet but I left a message seeing if they had told her anything about staying home.

            I'm just wondering if I waited too long to pull the trigger and if I should have told her last night not to bring her but since she told me the pedi said it was ok I thought the same thing.

            I'm definitely adding something to my contract today about staying home for 24 hours after starting ANY antibiotic.
            Don't beat yourself up over allowing the child back in care because it really isn't a bad decision. I am not a doctor but a science geek and know quite a bit about infectious diseases, biology, etc. MRSA/Staph Aureus is quite different from a systemic infection. It is when a child has a systemic infection that being on antibiotics for 24hrs is helpful and you may want to exclude a child from care (depending on the illness IMO). This child has a staph infection on her skin and treating it with antibiotic ointment for 24hrs will not rid the AREA from infection. The doctor is correct--keeping the area covered (where the bandage is not draining) will do the trick. I cannot remember the details of how long MRSA has to be treated. I have read of some cases taking several months before the infection is gone. If you are changing the child's diapers (cannot remember if you stated her age previously) or applying her medication, be sure to wear gloves and thoroughly wash hands afterwards. And if diapers are involved, do not allow the diapers to touch surfaces of your home---go straight to the trash with them.

            Just as a thought--try and look up MRSA or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus areaus. I bet it will put your mind at ease for allowing the child back in care. Our school system in my area does not exclude students with MRSA from school.


            • #7
              Yes, as long as they are on the antibiotics for 24 hrs. and the area is covered, it should be fine. I had a small one that had it, and the dr. didn't want it to be covered, I told her my rules, here it had to be covered in order to be here and around all the other children, inc. my own. THe child didn't return for about 4 days-


              • #8
                Just to throw another wrench in the mix - MRSA has been known to show a resistance to antibiotics. They shut down schools around here after known cases to disinfect for awhile then stopped doing that. Contact your local health dept and ask them what to do.
                I see little people.


                • #9

                  MRSA is not something that I would want to have to deal with. I'm no doctor, but I do know that staph infections get spread so easily and sometimes they will not respond to antbiotics. I agree with Aya's post.

                  I use gloves for everything. I should have stock in nitrile glove production companies because I go through so many. I won't touch any type of sore or open wound without gloves. I even use gloves for all diaper changes and wiping noses.


                  • #10
                    I think your supposed to let the department of social services or health department know when there is an outbreak like that. Just FYI, i'd get their opinion.

