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I Think One of My dcks Has a Staph Infection...

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  • I Think One of My dcks Has a Staph Infection...

    I emailed her mom today and told her I was a bit concerned about this nickel-size pimple-looking boil in her diaper area. It just looked like a tiny pimple late last week but today it is much more red, it's larger and I touched it today and could feel the puss and she was definitely in pain when I barely touched it.

    I did some research on my own and the closest thing I could find (that has a similar appearance) is MRSA which is a super contagious staph infection. Now I'm freaking out and really want her pedi to diagnose it before I take her back. I would just hate for it to spread.

    What would you guys do? Have her see the pedi? I just don't know because it could just be an ingrown hair or some other random thing but I just don't want to take any chances. Thing is though that she's had it since the middle of last week but it didn't look anything like it does today.


    Mom took her after pick-up to the pedi. They laced it, drained it, put her on an antibiotic and gave her some medicated cream. Mom left me a voicemail telling me tomorrow I need to apply the cream with a glove and Qtip b/c it is easily spread.

    I just wonder if anyone has ever asked anyone to keep their little one home that has an open staph infection.

  • #2
    The poor little thing! I used to suffer from boils at a very young age as well, and nothing was ever diagnosed as a staph infection. Just diagnosed with boils. But, it doesn't hurt to ask that she sees the pediatrician before bringing her back. As a parent, I would want to get it checked out, too. If it's not staph, the dr. will probably want to open it and eliminate the puss anyway. It needs medical attention, especially since it's in such a tender area, susceptible to bacteria, and VERY painful!


    • #3
      At the very least it's a infection that probably requires some sort of treatment, especially if it's growing and causing the kid pain.
      If I thought MY kid had a MRSA lesion or any type of staph infection I would be hot footing her over to the Dr. asap.
      Mom needs to find out for the kid's sake, for your sake (clean, clean, clean), and for the sake of the rest of the children in your care.
      Good luck.
      I worked at a center where a child had a staph infection and it was loads of fun disinfecting everything. EVERYTHING.
      Blech (as in ick, or ugh, or some other noise made in distaste, not bleach), gives me a headache just thinking about it.
      Last edited by Vesta; 07-12-2010, 01:03 PM. Reason: words, I can't spell words! But I can spell a lot of them. Sometimes.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vesta View Post
        At the very least it's a infection that probably requires some sort of treatment, especially if it's growing and causing the kid pain.
        If I thought MY kid had a MRSA lesion or any type of staph infection I would be hot footing her over to the Dr. asap.
        Mom needs to find out for the kid's sake, for your sake (clean, clean, clean), and for the sake of the rest of the children in your care.
        Good luck.
        I worked at a center where a child had a staph infection and it was loads of fun disinfecting everything. EVERYTHING.
        Bleach, gives me a headache just thinking about it.
        If you don't like bleach there is a post with some good alternatives:


        • #5
          Originally posted by twinmama View Post
          I emailed her mom today and told her I was a bit concerned about this nickel-size pimple-looking boil in her diaper area. It just looked like a tiny pimple late last week but today it is much more red, it's larger and I touched it today and could feel the puss and she was definitely in pain when I barely touched it.

          I did some research on my own and the closest thing I could find (that has a similar appearance) is MRSA which is a super contagious staph infection. Now I'm freaking out and really want her pedi to diagnose it before I take her back. I would just hate for it to spread.

          What would you guys do? Have her see the pedi? I just don't know because it could just be an ingrown hair or some other random thing but I just don't want to take any chances. Thing is though that she's had it since the middle of last week but it didn't look anything like it does today.

          I know this may sound crazy, but I wouldn't freak out. I would have her examined, but I feel completely prepared. We use essential oils and there is an oil that has been proven to fight MRSA with 100% effectiveness. I have witnessed this first hand! But I would ask mom to have it checked out. Keep us posted!


          • #6
            Originally posted by michael View Post
            If you don't like bleach there is a post with some good alternatives:
            I fixed my post back.
            I don't like bleach, but that's not what I was shooting for


            • #7
              I don't know about sending the child home early if the bubble hasn't ruptured but I would deffinetely have a talk with the parent. I'd let her know that you were concerned and although it could be nothing serious you couldn't take a chance if it happened to be something contageous or serious like a staff infection. I'd have her take the baby to the Dr's and require a note to be allowed back in that specifically states what the bubble is and that is it NOT contageous. That way even if it nothing more than a harmless boil you are covered.


              • #8
                Originally posted by michael View Post
                If you don't like bleach there is a post with some good alternatives:
                Originally posted by Vesta View Post
                I fixed my post back.
                I don't like bleach, but that's not what I was shooting for
                The link also has information regarding MRSA


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
                  I know this may sound crazy, but I wouldn't freak out. I would have her examined, but I feel completely prepared. We use essential oils and there is an oil that has been proven to fight MRSA with 100% effectiveness. I have witnessed this first hand! But I would ask mom to have it checked out. Keep us posted!
                  tea tree? If not, more details please lplease please


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by misol View Post
                    tea tree? If not, more details please lplease please
                    Thieves essential oil! It is amazing! Google it, but if you would like me to give you more info message me!


                    • #11
                      I put an update in the original post and just wondered if anyone had asked people to keep their kid home with a staph infection.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by twinmama View Post
                        I emailed her mom today and told her I was a bit concerned about this nickel-size pimple-looking boil in her diaper area. It just looked like a tiny pimple late last week but today it is much more red, it's larger and I touched it today and could feel the puss and she was definitely in pain when I barely touched it.

                        I did some research on my own and the closest thing I could find (that has a similar appearance) is MRSA which is a super contagious staph infection. Now I'm freaking out and really want her pedi to diagnose it before I take her back. I would just hate for it to spread.

                        What would you guys do? Have her see the pedi? I just don't know because it could just be an ingrown hair or some other random thing but I just don't want to take any chances. Thing is though that she's had it since the middle of last week but it didn't look anything like it does today.


                        Mom took her after pick-up to the pedi. They laced it, drained it, put her on an antibiotic and gave her some medicated cream. Mom left me a voicemail telling me tomorrow I need to apply the cream with a glove and Qtip b/c it is easily spread.

                        I just wonder if anyone has ever asked anyone to keep their little one home that has an open staph infection.
                        I know for infections, like Strep, my kids school wants them home on antibiotics for 24hours from the start of meds. Normally that means no school the next day. I'd play it safe and say no to her for daycare. It's better to be safe than sorry, especially for staph.


                        • #13
                          I have one family where both kids and the parents have MRSA. It looks exactly as you describe, and can be quite painful. If one of them gets an outbreak, they keep it covered and are immediately on antibiotics. The kids have only had it on their diaper area, which makes it east to keep covered I have never had to put anything on it-the parents did that at home only. Is this an every diaper change thing, or more like 2x/day and they want you to be the one to do it?
                          My usual diaper disinfecting routine is sufficient for MRSA, and I also disinfect the bathroom after the older boy uses it. They have been with me for 4 years with no problems.
                          According to their Dr. it is now quite common for kids to get this in the diaper area now, not rare like it used to be.


                          • #14
                            She wanted me to do it every diaper change but when she sent her today she had one of those large bandaid bandages on it and it was so painful when I took it off (as you can imagine!!). I think mom just put the bandaid on this morning to make me happy b/c I had asked her last night if the doctor told her to keep it covered under the diaper. Because had she had to change that bandaid even once she would have never put another one one. Way too painful. So when I changed her I used a gauze pad instead with a couple of pieces of tape. She told me to do it every change but the ointment says 3xs a day...which is what I will definitely do.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by twinmama View Post
                              She wanted me to do it every diaper change but when she sent her today she had one of those large bandaid bandages on it and it was so painful when I took it off (as you can imagine!!). I think mom just put the bandaid on this morning to make me happy b/c I had asked her last night if the doctor told her to keep it covered under the diaper. Because had she had to change that bandaid even once she would have never put another one one. Way to painful. So when I changed her I used a gauze pad instead with a couple of pieces of tape. She told me to do it every change but the ointment says 3xs a day.
                              If the package says 3x/day, I would not legally be able to put it on every change--we can only follow the directions on the package, unless she has written Dr. orders. She can do all three at home I would think.
                              I can't believe she would put a band=aid like that on-ouch!:confused:
                              Good luck!

