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Would You Accept Child With Possible Staph Infection In Diaper Area?

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  • Would You Accept Child With Possible Staph Infection In Diaper Area?

    I have a 10 mnth old that has been out for almost 2 weeks with diarrhea. So mom called me today, but I was with another parent. I just listened to her message. Her dr thinks she might have a staph infection as her bottom is clearning up but she has nasty pimples still. She has her on 2 creams and an antiobiotic but he said she MIGHT have a staph infection. As far as I know nothing is draining. I tried looking online and I have a call in to my pediatrician, because I want to know before I accept her.

    She is still in diapers and I do clean and sanitize after each diaper change And I wear gloves. So diapering goes:

    Clean diaper, wipes, bag and gloves. Child on table, clean diaper under dirty diaper. Open diaper, clean area, remove soiled diaper, close new diaper, remove gloves put them in plastic bag, replace clothing, put child down. tie bag with diaper and gloves inside, open receptacle, throw away, spray bleach solution on changing pad, wipe clean, spray bleach again, air dry, wash hands with soap and water, dry on papertowel.

    Is that enough to stop the spread? I read it can also be passed through contact. So if she touches something I have to walk around with a spray bottle of bleach? Or is that if the infected area touches something? I am so confused.

    I've read where children should NOT be exluded and then where children SHOULD be excluded. I also read that Staph infection can be MRSA biut not all staph infections ARE mrsa? I am sort of freaking out now. I don't want my children, or the other children here to get sick. I have 2 newborns that I also watch (okay, they are about 11 weeks old) but I would hate for one of them to get it and get realy sick. It would be all my fault.

    I do feel bad because dcg has been out for 2 weeks and I know it's been really hard on dcf, but I need to protect the other children right? Should I require a doctor's note? My doctor has 24 hours to get back to me, so I might not here back from him until tomorrow afternoon, in which case it would be too late, kwim? I don't want to exlude if I don't have to, but .....


  • #2
    I would require a DR note that says she is not contagious.


    • #3
      How is the diarrhea issue? What is your policy on that and has it subsided? Staph aside I'd be pretty focused on that alone, especially because it's been going on for so long.

      I'd say go with your gut. At present I too am hyper-cautious because I have two little ones the same age as your littlest ones. I explain to parents I'd be doing the exact same for them if it was their newborn. We're all a family and need to take care of each other in that sense.

      "Hey mom, sorry I missed your call as I was with another parent, poor peanut! I really don't know a lot about staph but what I've read has me pretty concerned. A doctors note would be needed to return detailing - what to expect, if it's contagious, what to watch out for, extra precautions I may need to take etc. Also, how is the diarrhea? Does doc think the two may be related? Call me back at your earliest convenience....thanks!"


      • #4
        Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
        I would require a DR note that says she is not contagious.

        I can't believe that they are saying it COULD be staph. If I was dcm I would want it cultured!


        • #5
          Yay, the nurse called me back and she was so unbelievable unhelpful! She said that good hygiene would stop the spread. But I am wondering, if she touches a toy and my daughter touches a toy, will it spread? Or is it just the diaper area I need to be concerned about? I know this entire situation stinks! The nurse basically told me to see what her doctor says! Wow.... Not helpful at all.

          The diarrhea has actually cleared up and she had solid poop today (dcm says). So I was thinking of asking her fax over a dr note or she can just bring me one in the morning saying she can return to daycare? I think that is probably the best bet right now. right?


          • #6
            Oh, I just saw the other two posts. I like that better, stating she can return to dc and she is no longer contagious. What to look out for and what to be concerned about. That IS probably the best bet. Poor dcg. I bet she is really hurting


            • #7
              I believe that staph is really bad, I got it in middle school and the dr's office made me go in through a back door where I would not come in contact with anyone or anything to be checked. I would not let her come back without a dr's not stating that it is safe for her to be around other children and that it is no longer contagious.


              • #9
                First, make sure that you have a doctor's note clearing her to return to daycare. I would encourage the parents to have the doctor actually test her for staph so that it can be more definitive than "I think."

                She should be cleared once the diarrhea has solidified and she has been on antibiotics for 24 hours (since it is a bacterial infection). This should ensure that she is no longer contagious.

                As far as your diapering procedures, the MOST IMPORTANT thing I saw that you forgot in your steps is having the child wash their hands after diaper changes. Children are notorious for grabbing down below during diaper changes. Also, I wouldn't put the clean diaper under the dirty diaper because you very easily could contaminate the clean diaper.

                My profession prior to daycare provider was a coordinator for the health department for environmentally related illnesses and in that capacity, we frequently went around to child care centers to teach the providers how to properly change diapers to prevent the spread of illnesses. We taught everyone to follow these procedures:
                1. Take out diaper changing supplies
                2. Put disposable gloves on.
                3. Place child on changing surface (you may lay down a paper towel first, if desired)
                4. Remove clothing and soiled diaper while wiping.
                5. Wrap up soiled diaper with wipes and remove gloves around diaper.
                6. Discard of diaper in trash bin with lid; trash should be unaccessible to children. If clothes are soiled, store in plastic bag in an area also unaccessible to children.
                7. Put on new diaper and clothing.
                8. Wash child's hands with soap and water for 15 seconds.
                9. Spray pad with soap and wipe.
                10. Spray pad with chlorine solution and wipe.
                11. Wash own hands for 15 seconds.

                In regards to toys, I would just ensure that any toys that go into dck's mouth be set aside to be sanitized with the other toys at the end of the day. Otherwise, sanitize toys at the end of the day and wash textiles. Also, wash her bedding once a week (if not more). If she has any sores on exposed areas, ensure that they are properly bandaged. MRSA (I'm sure you've heard of it) is a form of staph and is also highly contagious.


                • #10
                  Thank you, that helps a lot. I am also having dcm bring in a diaper pad to place overtop my stationary one as an added precaution. Then I can sanitize BOTH pads and remove the hers before changing anyone elses and place it in a separate bag. I wish I had a low sink to wash the children's hands. it's hard because I am not a small person and the bathroom is really small. Oh, well. Yes, I will add child's hand washing into that routine as well. Thank you. I was always taught to place the new diaper under the old diaper so that the child's bottom never actually touches the pad. If the bottom diaper gets soiled you have to throw it away as well and get a new one. If the sores are not opened and leaking can I still use the "double diaper" method?

                  I do have a dirty toy bin, so I will just make sure that everything she mouths goes directly in their and will try to keep her a little away from the other children kwim? Maybe give her a blanket to sit on and a section with toys she can play with and then just throw everything into a bin when she leaves. I am also going to wrap up her blanket and sheet for mom to wash. it says to keep her laundry separate from other peoples laundry. So I will ask dcm to wash it in hot water and dry it hot dryer and bring it back on Friday. She is only here mwf. Then I can bleach and sanitize the pnp eventhough she is the only one that sleeps in that one. Just as a precaution... sigh... And of course LOTS of handwashing for everyone!

