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Handing Out Business Cards With Halloween Candy

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  • Handing Out Business Cards With Halloween Candy

    Has anyone done this before? I know I have heard people before suggest it, but I personally always felt it was tacky (no offense to anyone that does). I just always thought the parents to the children getting the cards wouldn't appreciate it. I could be wrong though.

    I haven't been able to fill a couple spots since my kids went to kindergarten, so i was thinking maybe I need to do this. Up until last year, we would normally get about 300 trick or treaters. Most people in our area know we are the ones that give out the regular size candy bars (we buy by the case from Costco). A tradition my husband and I have done since we got married 26 years ago.

    However, last year we only got maybe 100 kids, so not sure what this year will be like. But, I am thinking I need to change my way of thinking and take this opportunity to drop a business card with the candy bar in each kiddies treat bag/bucket.

    Opinions? Pros? Cons?

  • #2
    This makes no sense at all but for some reason in my opinion if you are giving FULL SIZE candy bars then that makes it not seem quite as tacky to add a business card. LOL I would stick the cards onto the back of the candy bars with tape or a dab of glue stick.

    Another idea I like is to donate books to pediatrician offices and have your business card taped to the front.


    • #3
      I do this every year. I get Halloween pencils from either Party City or Oriental Trading Co., etc - punch a hole in the top corner of my business card, tie it on the eraser end with curling ribbon and hand them out to each child with a couple of small pieces of candy too. That way there's something for Kiddo and for Mom and Dad! I've never had anyone give me other than a great big thank you when I've dropped them into the buckets ... and I have gotten calls off of them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by crazydaycarelady View Post

        Another idea I like is to donate books to pediatrician offices and have your business card taped to the front.
        This is a great idea, thanks!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kimberli View Post
          I do this every year. I get Halloween pencils from either Party City or Oriental Trading Co., etc - punch a hole in the top corner of my business card, tie it on the eraser end with curling ribbon and hand them out to each child with a couple of small pieces of candy too. That way there's something for Kiddo and for Mom and Dad! I've never had anyone give me other than a great big thank you when I've dropped them into the buckets ... and I have gotten calls off of them.
          Oh I love the pencil idea. Nice that you got calls from that too. I think I'm going to do this. This also gives me another idea, thank you so much!


          • #6
            Last year I put return labels on mini packages of pretzels. I gave out 250 and didn't get a single call. I won't be doing it this year.


            • #7
              I might be wrong but I read in one of Tom Copeland's books that if you do this you can right off the cost of the candy as advertising. I think I will be doing that this year.


              • #8
                I don't think it's tacky at all. I would do it if we had openings.

                I like the pencil idea. I just saw some in the Target $ section, and they also have them at Dollar Tree if they have those by you.


                • #9
                  I don't think it's tacky, either. In fact, if I were a parent, I would see it as nice safety feature. Even if I didn't need child care, the business card has your contact information on it so I would know the candy (if that's was you hand out) would most likely be safe for my child to consume. I just wish we got more trick or treaters in my neighborhood so I could use that idea! If we get 1 family, we consider ourselves lucky.


                  • #10
                    I think it's a great idea if I had openings I would do it to. Love the book idea to I have never heard of that before.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                      Last year I put return labels on mini packages of pretzels. I gave out 250 and didn't get a single call. I won't be doing it this year.
                      same exact thing and I am also not doing it again...


                      • #12
                        My first year I did little goodie bags with candy, plastic rings and a pencil and attached the card. I didn't get any business from it but they looked cute!


                        • #13
                          I do like kimberli but with glow bracelets, I started handing out glow bracelets a because I don't want to hand out candy. Then when I opened the daycare I added my cards to it and yes it is a business expense. My husband thinks it is tacky but I don't, and I have gotten calls from them and several neighbors saying oh I didn't know you did daycare,.


                          • #14
                            Every year I make little candy baggies and include a business card. Every year I get phone calls Why would anyone think it's tacky??


                            • #15
                              Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I ordered some pencils, note pads, bracelets, and some cute bags. So those 3 items plus a regular size candy bar. I think I will have my business card hanging from the ribbon on the outside. Should look really cute and professional when they are all done.

                              I really appreciate these suggestions, It never occurred to me to make little goody bags, I don't think of it tacky this way.

