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Mom Says Another Child Put His Hand Down Her Daughter’s Pants

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  • Mom Says Another Child Put His Hand Down Her Daughter’s Pants

    i had a phone call sat from a mom who claims her 2 1/2 year old daughter said another 2 1/2 year old little boy put his hand down her pants, touched her pee pee and it tickled.
    this mother says her childs story has changed a few times and i say it didnt happen at all. the mother said her child told her dad right after he picked her up friday. i guess he called the mom at work and told her, she immeditaly called cps. she called me sat.

    i dont believe it happened at all. the two children never play together. the girl says all the time she doesnt like the boy cause he is black so she will not play with him, she doesnt even want him talking to her.
    she told me she was removing the girl from dc because being here would remind her of the awful thing that happened to her.

    i have a small inhome dc although it is in my walk out basement and it is set up like a daycare center. right now i only have 6 kids and i still have 2 people here all the time. but like i said the two never are together. the girl plays with my son in the preschool room and the boy stays in the toddler room almost all day, the only time they were together on friday was at the table at snack, the boy didnt even come till 3pm and left at 5pm that day.
    the girl claims she told my morning worker, but my worker was gone at noon, the boy didnt get here till 3. the girl has change the location of the incendent twice.
    the only thing i can think of is on wed the boy at nap time pulled down his pants and took off his diaper, i was like think god it was only pee pee.
    Last edited by Michael; 10-02-2012, 12:04 PM.

  • #2
    Odd thought, but since the child's story has so many holes in it, could this have happened either several days (or even weeks?) prior?

    Or could it have been a dream?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      I would say that someone, somewhere touched this little girl's "peepee" and it tickled.

      I really doubt that anyone will really know where, when, or who. My 3 yo can rarely tell me exactly what happened when she gets hurt other than to point at the other personal involved. If she trips and I see it and ask her what happened, she will point at one of the other kids and say he hurt me.

      At this age, and taking into consideration what supposedly happened, it will only become a big issue if the mom makes it one. IMHO, Mom is blowing things way out of proportion.


      • #4
        wow that child must have impecable language. So I'm thinking that the story is made up.


        • #5
          She called CPS? So then what? It certainly wouldn't have ended there if mom actually did. Did they contact you? Do an eval (physical and psychological) on the girl? What were the findings?

          Just a wild stab, but I would guess this is entirely about race.

          A 3 year old won't say they don't like another child simply because he/she is black unless the parents are teaching her to say and believe such ridiculousness.

          I would have at the very least had a VERY serious conversation with the parents the first time I heard that line, and at most I would have terminated immediately. I hope the other child being accused doesn't get dragged into what sounds like some pretty disgusting prejudice.

          I'd be willing to bet the girls parents were planning and betting on you terminating the other child once they let the accusation fly. When you didn't now they're pulling her because she was traumatized?? Right....just like she's near traumatized when he dare talks to her too I'm sure, which is why she wouldn't play with him or let him speak to her.....

          I'd definitely be proactive and run it by licensing no matter what I thought personally, but I definitely would never continue caring for a racist family whether they wanted me to or not. Sounds like that's exactly what you've got on your hands. If there is an investigation make absolutely sure that you mention the 3 year old "victim" here already held some racial prejudice before any sort of accusations were ever made. People like that will do some pretty outrageous and repulsive things to "cleanse" their worlds, I would not put something like this past someone who teaches their child isn't all fine and good to shun another child because of the color of their skin.


          • #6
            First let me say that I'm sorry this is happening...Hugs to you. Second I would be sure that you document everything right now while it is fresh in your memory. Who was there that day, your activities and dcg's activities. I'm sure you haven't heard the end of this. Whether or not the dcg had been touched, no one will probably ever know, but this is scary because if you have a child like this, you never know who she'll accuse next. She may not even be trying to accuse anyone, and dcp may be embellishing her story. Document, document, and document some more....


            • #7
              Since the little girl mentioned telling your morning worker about it and she left at noon on Friday, but the boy hadn't even came until 3 pm that day, I would also highlight the sign-in sheet for the time the boy was dropped off that day. Do you keep records of your employee's hours? If so, highlight what time she left that day, as well. Have you talked to your morning worker yet, to see if the little girl really did mention anything to her? Find as many records as possible to prove where all the "holes" are in the girl's story. What if the dad did it, and wanted to cover himself knowing girl would tell, and so convinced the girl it happend at daycare, etc? Horrible thought, but it happens a lot. Also, my opinion is that if it really happend at daycare the girl would have told whoever picked her up on the very day it happened. So if she told dad on Friday, something probably did happen on Friday. Or maybe it's happening somwhere else, and she had a dream on Friday, during nap maybe, that the dcb did it. 3 yr olds can have some pretty bad dreams that make you wonder what is going on in their lives.


              • #8
                thanks to all of you who replied. it is upsetting that this has happened but i do have everything written down just in case and i guess i will just move on from here. its hard when daycare providers give so much of themselves for this stuff to happen it totally makes me want to retire.

