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  • Vent!!

    So I met with a family on Friday night that were in a bit of a situation and needed to find daycare asap for their two children. I was told that their last provider notified them the Friday before that she was moving on the Monday therefore that was their last day of care (I don't know if this is true or not).

    So they interviewed quite had a lot of great questions, kids seemed well behaved, dad showed up and was pretty hands on so I had given the family the paperwork to review over the weekend and get back to me (we did review it quickly during the interview). Mom asked me on the way out if I would take her kids as of Monday, and I said sure! She said her and hubby would review and sign all paperwork and bring Monday morning when drop off the kids. I made sure she knew it was important that they arrive with ALL paperwork.

    Monday morning came and mom only had part of the contract which she ended up taking back with her (by accident) so I didn't have any paperwork (the rest of the paperwork she told me she forgot at home b/c she had on counter for hubby to sign so forgot it there). I told her that as long as I have ALL paperwork Tuesday before daycare it wouldn't be a problem...she said ok.

    So this morning guess what?!?! Yep! Still no paperwork!!! GRRR!!! Well, she brought a bag of extra clothes and had everything except the contract in there, but all the paperwork was only signed by mom (and i require both signatures). The contract was no where to be seen. Since I didn't actually go through the bag and paperwork while mom was here, she left and then I found all this out.

    So I wrote a letter to go home tonight (and I will speak to her at pick up) and let her know that her and hubby will have to fill out ALL paperwork and BOTH sign and return TONIGHT or no daycare tomorrow. No if's, and's or butt's.

    I'm so angry that this family is either very ignorant or aloof....or going to take advantage of me! Normally I would just terminate and move on, however, I'm not in a position to just let this family go right now. We really need this income (if they even pay me! ugh!)

    I continue to lack the confidence and experience to even approach this with mom tonight. I know I have to...and I know I have to stick to my guns (I am not about to provide care without money...or a signed contract!!) and I know my first mistake was even allowing them in here both days so far without everything, but because we really are relying on this extra money I've been a sucker. So pick up time is coming near and I'm starting to get anxious.

    This is the first time I have ever been in this position. Ugh

  • #2
    I think "anger" is too strong of a word.....why are you angry with THEM when YOU are the one that set and then broke your own rule? Give them one more chance to complete all paperwork and do not take children till they do. If they cant get it together, then you need to move on to the next family. Unfortunately you already started off on the wrong foot by not having everything in order before allowing kids to be dropped off. You are doing the right thing in correcting your mistake but again, I dont think it is right to be all upset at them, as if this is only their issue and not yours too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
      I think "anger" is too strong of a word.....why are you angry with THEM when YOU are the one that set and then broke your own rule? Give them one more chance to complete all paperwork and do not take children till they do. If they cant get it together, then you need to move on to the next family. Unfortunately you already started off on the wrong foot by not having everything in order before allowing kids to be dropped off. You are doing the right thing in correcting your mistake but again, I dont think it is right to be all upset at them, as if this is only their issue and not yours too.
      yes and I think we all learn this the hard way.

      Verbally tell them tonight at pick up that if they don't have paper work in the morning you are not going to be able to accept the kids. You should have them pay you in advance, you don't know them yet- why chance it. I started asking for my new clients to have my money on monday- I can hold it till friday and then pay myself as I like being paid on fridays- silly but makes me feel like I worked hard for the week- just my little quirk thing. Most people ask to be paid on monday and many ask to be paid a week ahead or even two. This is fixable. Tonight at pick up- just do the above, before it goes another day. your both new to each other and now is the time to get it together so you don't have resentments.
      Best- blame it on licensing regulations- all paperwork must be signed and filled out by both parents before care takes place.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        I think "anger" is too strong of a word.....why are you angry with THEM when YOU are the one that set and then broke your own rule? Give them one more chance to complete all paperwork and do not take children till they do. If they cant get it together, then you need to move on to the next family. Unfortunately you already started off on the wrong foot by not having everything in order before allowing kids to be dropped off. You are doing the right thing in correcting your mistake but again, I dont think it is right to be all upset at them, as if this is only their issue and not yours too.

        Oh believe me, I'm super angry with myself too!! Absolutely! and definitely a lesson learned here.


        • #5
          Originally posted by My3cents View Post
          yes and I think we all learn this the hard way.

          Verbally tell them tonight at pick up that if they don't have paper work in the morning you are not going to be able to accept the kids. You should have them pay you in advance, you don't know them yet- why chance it. I started asking for my new clients to have my money on monday- I can hold it till friday and then pay myself as I like being paid on fridays- silly but makes me feel like I worked hard for the week- just my little quirk thing. Most people ask to be paid on monday and many ask to be paid a week ahead or even two. This is fixable. Tonight at pick up- just do the above, before it goes another day. your both new to each other and now is the time to get it together so you don't have resentments.
          Best- blame it on licensing regulations- all paperwork must be signed and filled out by both parents before care takes place.
          Having this family pay a week in advance is a great idea, however, the contract that they were handed says I except payment each Friday (for that week). How can I change this now? (technically the contract isn't even signed as I do not have it yet, but how do I even bring this up to this family?)


          • #6
            I agree with My3cents.

            It's law here that I cannot have a kiddo in care until ALL paperwork is completed and in my hands.

            The potential of losing my license isn't something I'd ever be wishy washy over.

            I'd call and let mom and dad know right now that it needs to be in your hands or you won't let them through your front door tomorrow. Tell her legally, you can't.


            • #7
              OP you let parents pay AFTER services rendered....oh hunny, you need to change that for all families immediately. That is setting yourself up for a very bad situation!


              • #8
                If this happens again, I would make them come drop off paper work on sunday. Make sure you have it all and go over it sunday after drop off to make sure that nothing is missing. If there is something missing you call and let then now that they need it when they arrive on Monday for care. If its not there on Monday, its out the door everyone goes and they can return when they have the paperwork or whatever is needed....

                I require at least 1 day before start date:

                all necessary paper work signed
                payment in full
                clothing, toileting supplies, blanket/sheet
                any other items needed to care for child.

                If they don't have the above, then I don't start care for them, however, will start charging them from our contract start date.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                  OP you let parents pay AFTER services rendered....oh hunny, you need to change that for all families immediately. That is setting yourself up for a very bad situation!

                  I don't pay the a/c repair man before he comes and fixes my a/c. I don't pay my car service man before he changes my alternator. I don't pay the sewer pump guy before he pumps our tanks. People working outside of the home don't get their paychecks before they put in their two weeks.

                  I cannot think of many services that are paid for before they are actually rendered. That's just not how the world typically works.

                  I've never charged in advance and cannot see myself ever doing so. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


                  • #10
                    I have charged for the week in advance since I started dc. So..even when I was brand new When checking around my area, this is primarily the custom so it wasn't any big deal. Even my state pay clients know that I must have funds and all paperwork completed, including shots updated if need be BEFORE the start. I always get this at least two days before care so I can go over it and make sure there isn't anything missing.


                    • #11
                      I do pay my cable provider, cell phone service, and other things a month prior to service.

                      Even now if I have to have blood drawn the lab swipes my debit card and puts a hold on it until my health insurance pays for it.

                      I personally charge on Friday for the week after services are rendered but I have good families for the most part. If I was not comfortable with the set up I would most certainly charge before services are rendered..... JMO


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JennyBear View Post
                        Having this family pay a week in advance is a great idea, however, the contract that they were handed says I except payment each Friday (for that week). How can I change this now? (technically the contract isn't even signed as I do not have it yet, but how do I even bring this up to this family?)
                        I don't usually correct grammar or spelling mistakes, but this one is important if it is spelled like this in your contract. 'except' should be 'accept' -- it's a whole different meaning that could be detrimental to you. Do not mean to offend

                        Edited to add: may be you meant 'expect'? maybe just a typo


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Willow View Post

                          I don't pay the a/c repair man before he comes and fixes my a/c. I don't pay my car service man before he changes my alternator. I don't pay the sewer pump guy before he pumps our tanks. People working outside of the home don't get their paychecks before they put in their two weeks.

                          I cannot think of many services that are paid for before they are actually rendered. That's just not how the world typically works.

                          I've never charged in advance and cannot see myself ever doing so. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
                          I have never charged too and here i thought I was the only one who did this. Glad to see that someone else doesn't charge either.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                            I have never charged too and here i thought I was the only one who did this. Glad to see that someone else doesn't charge either.
                            None of the local providers I've networked with charge in advance. This board is the first place I'd even heard of it being done actually.

                            Not that there's anything wrong with either way, I just didn't want the OP feeling pressured to change the way she was doing things as if she'd missed the boat on how she was supposed to be charging.

                            Glad to see someone else support her in that way


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wahmof3 View Post

                              Even now if I have to have blood drawn the lab swipes my debit card and puts a hold on it until my health insurance pays for it.

                              Super OT birdwalk but......that's so wrong!!!

