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Weird Response To My Ad...

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  • Weird Response To My Ad...

    I have been running ads everywhere for Child care.. well this morning I get a text message asking about my services.. they preceed to tell me that they will pay me 300 a week to care for their child.. I ask them to come and meet me to see if we are a fit..( my rates are not this high...) I get to thinking something is up since I tried to call the number and no one answers but I get another text stating the are having phone problems so is texting ok.. sure, than they come back and tell me they will pay me 15 an hour now to watch there child.... I ask them where they are located.. ( I have a feeling something is not right...even from the beginning.. )

    They tell me it is a place an hour away in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION! :confused:

    I really am thinking by this time that this is some kind of scam thing.. so I ask them if they knew I lived an hour from them... I get in reply the same text I got stating the phone problems and wanting to know if texting is ok...

    Ya.... I have no idea who are what they were trying to accomplish.. but I never give out my home address or anything like that in a text.. and I will not take a child I have not interviewed the parent of!

  • #2
    Sounds super fishy to me. I can't imagine someone offering MORE for childcare than you charge. And an hour away? Weird! I would be very cautious.


    • #3
      It wouldn't surprise me if someone isn't trying to pioneer a new SMishing scam or something like that. Definitely weird.


      • #4
        I would say its against your policy to take children from that far away due to emergency pick-up scenarios. Then I would tell them it's also against your policy to communicate via text message due to the nature of your business.

        Sounds a lil creepy halloweenish to me! ::
        “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss


        • #5
          It's a scam. The 2 names that are commonly used are Tina Miller or David Johnson.
          Just stop responding at all to their texts.


          • #6
            Wow I just googled smishing. Are you serious?! It seems like yesterday when cell phones looked like cordless phones, and now we have this going on. I feel so out of the current events when I come across this sort of thing!
            “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss


            • #7
              I did stop responding and they have not texted me again. I did do a reverse look up and its a land line from CA. ... so yes I was correct...


              • #8
                I have one word for that Scam!


                • #9
                  You have to be so careful. Alot of times they will mail you a check for a product or service and then say, oh I overpaid you can you send money back. Then you find out the orignal check they sent you is bogus.

                  A friend of mine was looking for a house to rent. The person said they were out of town and that if he mailed him a deposit, the guy would mail a key. Come to find out, the guy didn't even own the home he said he was renting. Luckily, my friend was smart!!


                  • #10
                    I got an email that is very similar to your scam. The first email just asked me about my rates. I sent an email back to her explaining some info about my home daycare, the rates, hours, etc... After sending all of the info, I got a response that made me realize it was a scam. Here is what they said:

                    Thanks for getting back to us.I'm Elliot and my wife,s name is Kassandra
                    and our daughter is Mary we are from Chicago.We are relocating to
                    your area and we`ll be staying there for a period of a year.I'm a
                    Building Contractor and got some project there to execute within the
                    period of our stay and my wife will be undergoing a course on IT. We
                    need you for our daughter when my wife is out for lectures,She is Mary
                    and 2years old and you can watch her in our apartment or my wife can
                    also bring her to you whenever she`s going for lectures,thus you will
                    be taking care of our her from 9am-12noon. Monday to Friday.
                    We are willing to offer you $250 weekly, ($200 as your wages and $50
                    for your transport allowance). kindly let us know if you are satisfy
                    with our offer so that we can make arrangement for your payment
                    because my wife is going to begin her lecture on 2nd of August and we
                    need you to start working as soon as she begin her lecture. My
                    daughter is friendly and love to play a lot with toys.Kindly let me
                    know if you are ready to work for us and also so get back to me with
                    the following details of yours so that i can make arrangement for your
                    first week payment in other to secure your service before my wife
                    arrival because i wont be around till 7th of August.

                    I require the following details from you...
                    Full Name:
                    Physical Contact Address:
                    Zip code:
                    Phone #: "

                    I never responded and I didn't hear from them again. Kind of scary stuff though!

