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How Often Should A Toddler Be Bathed?

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  • How Often Should A Toddler Be Bathed?

    I know there isn't a definitive answer to this question and of course this depends on the days activities etc. But, in general how often do you bathe your own or how often do you think a 2 or 3 year old should be bathed? Its quite a production to bathe DS he wants bubbles, has to get a million toys out and still hates and often cries when rinsing his hair. DH and I bathe him every other night unless he got really messy outside that day. It saves a lot of time and he seems perfectly clean. However 3 of my dcfs have told me recently that they bathe every night and I'm wondering if I should be too.

  • #2
    I've read that kids that take a bath every day get sick more often than those that take less frequent baths. It's also not good for those that have dry skin. I think every other day is good...unless he gets really dirty/sweaty or something.

    Bathing every night can be a great part of a nighttime, relaxing before bed etc. but it doesn't sound like it is for your little guy!


    • #3
      Originally posted by thinkinboutstarting View Post
      I know there isn't a definitive answer to this question and of course this depends on the days activities etc. But, in general how often do you bathe your own or how often do you think a 2 or 3 year old should be bathed? Its quite a production to bathe DS he wants bubbles, has to get a million toys out and still hates and often cries when rinsing his hair. DH and I bathe him every other night unless he got really messy outside that day. It saves a lot of time and he seems perfectly clean. However 3 of my dcfs have told me recently that they bathe every night and I'm wondering if I should be too.
      I also bathe every other day unless we did something really messy or dirty.

      When he was younger (now 5) we did every 2 nights because he had bad exma(sp)
      The soap and water made it worse.

      I think your fine


      • #4
        I did not start making my children bathe everyday until puberty.


        • #5
          Mostly every night because he gets so messy during dinner. If I could get away with every other I would!!


          • #6
            My toddler daughters get a bath daily! They dig for worms, bugs and anything else they can find so I feel they need a good soak each night. I lotion them up and they have silky smooth skin. I do their hair every other day but their body daily. They are healthy and I feel they need it. I also have three sons ages 11, 16 & 17 and they shower daily as do DH and I. Needless to say our water bill is a lot but no one has body odor! ::::::
            Proud Mommy of Six...


            • #7
              My children all got a bath daily during the summer months as they all got really grubby playing outside everyday.

              In the winter it all depended on whether or not they needed one. I had two bed wetters so these 2 needed a daily bath but the others was as needed.


              • #8
                Every other night is sufficient. Every night dries out sensitive skin.

                I wish some of my families would bathe their children every night/every other night.


                • #9
                  My kids take baths every other or every third depending on our schedules. My DS now takes an occassional quick shower with dad if schedules dont allow for the big bath ordeal. And I do occassionally give my dd a bath with dck here. Flame me. But when she only eats banana and blueberry she tends to finish lunch brown. Bath needed.


                  • #10
                    I didn't bathe everyday as a young child. I also didn't play outside that much until I started school, because my grandmother felt children belonged in the house where adults can watch them .

                    I think a kid that plays outside goes to daycare/preschool and spends a good deal of time outdoors oughta have a bath at least every other day, with a wash-up and underwear/sock change daily.

                    My nephew is a heavy sweater so he usually gets a bath daily. He think he needs bubbles and a ton of toys every bath too. We usually just let him have it. He's responsible for putting all the toys away though.


                    • #11
                      Let me add. That on non bathing days we washcloth my ds down.
                      No soap because it irritates his skin


                      • #12
                        My 1 year old (who acts much more like a 2 year old!!!) only gets bathed every 3 days, sometimes maybe just once a week. BUT let me explain, he is outside a TON, barefoot in the grass, dirt, mulch, sandbox, pool, water table, etc. He almost daily gets sprayed off with the hose. I know this sounds pretty trashy probably, but it makes sense! When he's covered in sand and has played, I usually end up taking off his wet clothes and his diaper to let him have some "air time" all over. :P Then he usually gets sprayed off with the hose after he's helped water the trees, he loves to play in the hose! Plus he has exzema so I want to keep out out of the bath unless necessary.

                        I myself also only shower twice a week, but I change my undergarments multiple times a day cuz I do get sweaty, but again, I usually end up soaked in the hose too after spraying down the outdoor play stuff and kids!


                        • #13
                          every other night unless they are dirty and stinky!! I know when DD was little I could skip 2 nights but could never do that for my DS - he's much stinkier and messier than she was!

                          We had "quick" bath nights and bubble bath nights - quick bath nights meant no toys and we kind of (safely) made a game out of taking a fast bath. Bubble bath nights were longer w/toys, bubbles etc. - usually a sunday night and whenever else we had an easy night.


                          • #14
                            We give our DD a bath every 3-4 nights. I do wash her face (and feet in the summer) every night, but she really doesn't get dirty enough to warrant more frequent baths. She also gets fresh underwear/clothes every day.


                            • #15
                              My 8yo daughter mostly bathes/showers every other night. On the nights that she doesn't, she takes a "wipe bath" with baby wipes and changes her undies. She has long, very thick hair and it gets very dry if it is washed every day.

