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Inspections, How Often?

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  • originalkat
    I am registered so no one comes by unless there is a complaint. I have been registered 3 years and have never had anyone stop by (except for the food program lady). As for licensed (in Kansas), they come by once per year around your anniversary date. So, as soon as you get your renewal packet in the mail you will know thay are coming in the next month or so.

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  • Golden Rule
    Typically, here, it is once a year, unannounced.

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  • gbcc
    They have always scheduled mine.

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  • My4SunshineGirlsNY
    Originally posted by gbcc View Post
    When I was registered they came out once a year and it was scheduled. Now that I am licensed it is more often. About every 3 months.
    They actualy schedule the inspections? I thought they just come out unanounced??

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  • gbcc
    When I was registered they came out once a year and it was scheduled. Now that I am licensed it is more often. About every 3 months.

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  • melskids
    i am in NY too and was just registered in july 2009. i was told they come once every 18 months, unless of course someone turns you in for something. i have yet to see anyone, except for one surprise visit for food program.

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  • My4SunshineGirlsNY
    started a topic Inspections, How Often?

    Inspections, How Often?

    This is my first year being registered and I have not yet had an inspection (besides the scheduled one before I was officialy reg.)...I was registered on Sept. 1st, often does your state do a surprise inspection? I am in NY and since this is my first year, I don't know how this works.