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Stopping Strept

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  • Stopping Strept

    We have strept going through my home/daycare.

    My eldest dd was diagnosed last Fri. She got a penicillin shot. My grandson (different dd) was taken to the ER last Sat, lethargic, running a high fever, and dehydrated. They assumed it was strept because of his aunt. He's on penicillin, too. His sister was tested and diagnosed yesterday. She's on Augmentin. I sent my 3 yo home on Mon with a 101.7*. Dad says "they think it might of been" strept but weren't positive. No antibiotics. He's taking her back to the dr tomorrow. (I'm not sure they've even taken her.) She's not coming back until she's on antibiotics.

    I've been wiping everything down with Clorox wipes, spraying everything that doesn't move with Lysol, bleach all the plastic toys, washed the cloth toys, and Pine-sol and steam mop my floors every other night.

    I have antibacterial soap in the bathrooms and kitchen. I've been gargling with Listerine twice a day.

    Any other suggestions on how to stop this?

    I rarely have more than one person get sick. With pink eye last summer, one child and I got it, no one else. With hand foot and mouth, I never had more than 2 kids get it. Even back in the days of chicken pox, I only had 2 kids get it.

  • #2
    My odd gets it about twice a year the last 3-4 years. The thing is though she's the only one that gets it-no one else does.

    Its only contagious though through-kissing, sharing utensils, drinking after someone, things like that so I'm not sure how everyone would be getting it unless they are doing the above.
    Each day is a fresh start
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    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by sharlan View Post
      We have strept going through my home/daycare.

      My eldest dd was diagnosed last Fri. She got a penicillin shot. My grandson (different dd) was taken to the ER last Sat, lethargic, running a high fever, and dehydrated. They assumed it was strept because of his aunt. He's on penicillin, too. His sister was tested and diagnosed yesterday. She's on Augmentin. I sent my 3 yo home on Mon with a 101.7*. Dad says "they think it might of been" strept but weren't positive. No antibiotics. He's taking her back to the dr tomorrow. (I'm not sure they've even taken her.) She's not coming back until she's on antibiotics.

      I've been wiping everything down with Clorox wipes, spraying everything that doesn't move with Lysol, bleach all the plastic toys, washed the cloth toys, and Pine-sol and steam mop my floors every other night.

      I have antibacterial soap in the bathrooms and kitchen. I've been gargling with Listerine twice a day.

      Any other suggestions on how to stop this?

      I rarely have more than one person get sick. With pink eye last summer, one child and I got it, no one else. With hand foot and mouth, I never had more than 2 kids get it. Even back in the days of chicken pox, I only had 2 kids get it.
      kids have been dropping like flies here too.....seems like they all have allergies.... well according to their parents...I think it is a virus cold of some kind.

      I did exactly what you did and just open all the doors and windows whenever possible. Yesterday for the first time in almost a year I sent two kids home. I had my asst take all the kids out back to play while I did exactly what you did, then opened everything up to exchange air.

      sometimes the only thing we can do is keep kids home to stop the spread and no matter what we do, someone is still going to get it.....AND as we all know, we can't stop the kids coming in sick if we don't know they are sick............


      • #4
        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
        My odd gets it about twice a year the last 3-4 years. The thing is though she's the only one that gets it-no one else does.

        Its only contagious though through-kissing, sharing utensils, drinking after someone, things like that so I'm not sure how everyone would be getting it unless they are doing the above.
        You don't have to have direct contact with someone to get strep.

        It is spread through coughing or sneezing tiny droplets into the air and another person breathes them in.

        It usually takes 2 to 5 days from the time a person is exposed until symptoms start so I am guessing everyone has already been exposed.


        • #5
          My kids got strep throat constantly when they were in elementary school. One time when we took one of the boys to an ER where he was diagnosed, the ER doctor told us that strep is so contageous that you can get it from someone standing on the other side of the exam room we were in. So, definitely they can get it from something in the air like droplets from coughing or sneezing. I would clean everything like you are doing even though everyone has probably been exposed. It always makes me feel better that I "did" something to stop the germs.


          • #6
            Everyone is definitely exposed. If I could spray every child down with Lysol, I would. I hate when the kids get sick.

            I didn't know my 3 yo was running a fever until I took her down from the table at lunch and felt her back. She was happy, cheerful, ate well, etc.

            I am going to put a big jug of hand sanitizer at my front door and make everyone use it when they come in. That really doesn't do it for the coughing, sneezing, and breathing that everyone seems to do.

