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Soy Or Milk Based Formula?

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  • Soy Or Milk Based Formula?

    I have an infant (7 mos) that was a preemie. Born about 7 weeks early. Mom fed baby breast milk (expressed milk in a bottle but never nursed). This is their 4th child so I am sure the bottle feeding and no nursing thing was in preparation for child care.

    Well anyways, she has decided to stop pumping all together now and put baby on formula. They are kind of a non-dairy family who really doesn't like to eat much dairy although they are not completely against it.

    Mom started supplementing the breast milk with formula (milk-based) about 2 months ago (she was having trouble pumping enough breast milk to maintain).

    This little one has always been one to spit up. First I had to feed half the bottle, burp and then fed the rest to avoid MASSIVE spitting up and having to re-feed. Then the baby could eat 4-5 oz or so and still spit up but not like projectile or anything.

    Now the baby eats 6-8 oz per feeding but seems to spit up constantly. Enough that I go through atleast 3-4 blankets/outfits per day.

    She has now decided that she will put baby solely on formula now and has opted to go with soy.

    I have also noticed that the BM's have become alot harder and a bit tougher to do...iykwim? I am also wondering if this is soy related or simply formula related? The spitting up seems to be worse since soy has become the sole source of food intake.

    My question is, is soy REALLY better than milk based?

    Does anyone actually know the pros and cons to soy and milk based formulas?

    If breast milk is not used (which I think is best) wouldn't milk based formula be easier to digest?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I have an infant (7 mos) that was a preemie. Born about 7 weeks early. Mom fed baby breast milk (expressed milk in a bottle but never nursed). This is their 4th child so I am sure the bottle feeding and no nursing thing was in preparation for child care.

    Well anyways, she has decided to stop pumping all together now and put baby on formula. They are kind of a non-dairy family who really doesn't like to eat much dairy although they are not completely against it.

    Mom started supplementing the breast milk with formula (milk-based) about 2 months ago (she was having trouble pumping enough breast milk to maintain).

    This little one has always been one to spit up. First I had to feed half the bottle, burp and then fed the rest to avoid MASSIVE spitting up and having to re-feed. Then the baby could eat 4-5 oz or so and still spit up but not like projectile or anything.

    Now the baby eats 6-8 oz per feeding but seems to spit up constantly. Enough that I go through atleast 3-4 blankets/outfits per day.

    She has now decided that she will put baby solely on formula now and has opted to go with soy.

    I have also noticed that the BM's have become alot harder and a bit tougher to do...iykwim? I am also wondering if this is soy related or simply formula related? The spitting up seems to be worse since soy has become the sole source of food intake.

    My question is, is soy REALLY better than milk based?

    Does anyone actually know the pros and cons to soy and milk based formulas?

    If breast milk is not used (which I think is best) wouldn't milk based formula be easier to digest?
    from my understanding there is really no difference or benefit from one to the other...

    Usually babies are placed on soy when they are allergic or sensitive to milk based formula.

    Sometimes you have to change brands a few times before you find the right one that works.

    I don't do soy, because it is genetically engineered.


    • #3
      As daycare said, sometimes you have to play around a bit to see which formula works best for the baby.

      My Isomil or Prosobee babies seemed to spit up less than my Enfamil babies. (Just my observation.)

      I get upset when parents refuse to try a different formula than the one the hospital or dr recommended. Why feed a formula that you know your baby is going to spit 1/2 of it back up. Try something else.

      I had one that projectile vomitted every feeding but the parents refused to try something else. I kept asking them to try a different formula, but they refused. They were constantly accusing ME of giving the baby something else and making him vomit. I only fed him what they brought. Once he started on cereal, the vomitting slowed down. I can only imagine what that poor baby's esophogus looked like.

      My grandson projectile vomitted everything from breastmilk, to milk based formula, to soy formulas. My daughter tried Alimentum and it took 2 bottles and all of the vomitting and spitting up stopped.


      • #4
        Is it iron fortified. My dd got terribly constipated on iron formula. My other dd is both lactose intolerant and sensitive to soy. we ebf the entire first yr. but my oldest dd was put on alimentum. it is very hypoallergenic and worked for her. she went from colicky to happy baby almost overnight.

        my niece did have projectile vomiting and her doc advised she put rice cereal in the bottle. im not sure i would have but it worked them. she stopped spitting up. I dont think there is one thing that is better than another but some things agree with one person and not the other. i would reccomend trying a diff formula.

        good luck. i hope it evens out soon...


        • #5
          I think she probably should have transitioned slower. The poops are going to be harder, since BF babies stools are sooooo loose. As for formula, that's completely child dependent I would think, each of my kids did better on different formulas when I needed to supplement.


          • #6
            Thanks ladies. I too, think mom transitioned too quickly. She was supplementing whatever formula she had (gifts and freebies) so there wasn't much of a partiular brand at first.

            She had me feeding the baby Similac with iron for the last few weeks along with whatever breast milk she had pumped. Some days that was 3-4 oz an dother days it was less or none. Then she brought me the Target brand soy formula just last Thursday and said she wanted to use soy from now on.

            I have been using the soy since and don't really think the behavior of the baby has changed, other than the throwing up as I do think that has increased a bit but I don't know as the baby has always been very spitty. (LOL! Is that even a word?)

            I was just curious what others thought or knew about formula and babies and if one was better than another. I really think this family would prefer to stay away from milk based but who knows.

            I didn't take infants for a long time and then when I started up again, I only had breast fed babies so dealing with formula is new to me.


            • #7
              There has been some concern that the phytoestrogens in soy formulas may interfere with the immune system, the thyroid, or with how the reproduction system develops.

              Soybeans are high in phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like compounds found in plants or plant products. The AAP says that there is no "conclusive evidence" from any animal, adult, or infant study showing that that eating soy causes problems to "human development, reproduction or endocrine function."

              The AAP urges further study on soy-based formulas.

              I used soy with my now adult children, and both have problems now that could be linked to the soy. My nephew also used soy, and he also has some problems that can be linked to soy formula.

              Soy would not be my first "go to" formula.

              Here you'll find parenting tips and informative information including expert parenting advice for each age and stage in your child's development.


              • #8
                Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                I used soy with my now adult children, and both have problems now that could be linked to the soy. My nephew also used soy, and he also has some problems that can be linked to soy formula.

                Soy would not be my first "go to" formula.

                Thank you for that info.

                That is kind of what I was looking for as far as what is REALLY better for you. I have heard some negative things about soy but wasn't quite sure.


                • #9
                  YIKES! This sounds similar to my DD and some of the friends I have in the "food issues community".

                  Check out MSPI. Milk Soy Protein Intolerance

                  The formulas recommended are included in the article. Not milk or soy based. Alimentum, Nutramigen, Elecare, or Neocate. All are very expensive. The alimentum is available at most stores in both liquid (corn free) and powder which contains both rice and corn products. The others are available through medical suppliers with or without a RX, sometimes insurance pays for them but rarely.

                  We saw significant changes in our DD after 1 day of the alimentum liquid. This is the cheapest and easiest one to try since its readily available and about $10 a bottle.

                  I would suggest having the child seen by a doctor but without significant pushing from the mom and quite detailed notes on when and what they eat and what the reactions are it will be hard to get most doctors to listen. Most just suggest to "try a different formula" since they have little experience with this issue.

                  This is different but very similar to what my dd has. I can pm you if you need more info.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
                    YIKES! This sounds similar to my DD and some of the friends I have in the "food issues community".

                    Check out MSPI. Milk Soy Protein Intolerance

                    The formulas recommended are included in the article. Not milk or soy based. Alimentum, Nutramigen, Elecare, or Neocate. All are very expensive. The alimentum is available at most stores in both liquid (corn free) and powder which contains both rice and corn products. The others are available through medical suppliers with or without a RX, sometimes insurance pays for them but rarely.

                    We saw significant changes in our DD after 1 day of the alimentum liquid. This is the cheapest and easiest one to try since its readily available and about $10 a bottle.

                    I would suggest having the child seen by a doctor but without significant pushing from the mom and quite detailed notes on when and what they eat and what the reactions are it will be hard to get most doctors to listen. Most just suggest to "try a different formula" since they have little experience with this issue.

                    This is different but very similar to what my dd has. I can pm you if you need more info.
                    Thank you! I will pass this info along to mom. She is now saying she found an all organic soy based forumula on line they want to try.

                    I guess I am all for finding what works but it also seems to me that they aren't necessarily trying any one long enough to see if it is or isn't right.



                    • #11
                      I agree with the last post. We learned that protiens can remain in the body for 2 weeks after the last exposure. Having said that they may try a new formula and think it isnt working because the last formula is still affecting their child. Also some kids do ok on a certain amount per day and once you go over that amount they start having issues. Having said that she may have been fine when she was BF and only getting a little formula and now that mom stopped BF and is just doing formula it may be too much for their system.

                      I am also interested in the fact that the infant was so premature. Often fedding issues are more prevalent in these really small ones. Seems their digestive tract is far more immature than those of their counterparts. Interesting coincidence I guess.


                      • #12
                        Hmm ... I breast fed for a few months then had to switch to soy formula because my son turned out to be allergic to something in my milk (same with normal formula) and I didn't see a change in his poop other than the smell and that his spit up and formula stained (BM didn't). He's still on soy formula and he's going to be 2 in November but only because soy milk is so expensive and it's actually cheaper to keep him on formula (my DD has the same allergy so keeping 2 kids on soy milk is EXPENSIVE if buying soy milk) ... anyway his poop seems fine :confused:. Can it have something to do with how the infant was a preemie?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          Thank you! I will pass this info along to mom. She is now saying she found an all organic soy based forumula on line they want to try.

                          I guess I am all for finding what works but it also seems to me that they aren't necessarily trying any one long enough to see if it is or isn't right.

                          Hi, I new it's an old thread, but the info is useful for me now! THe only question I want to ask is - Is there any brand of baby formula that you can reccomend? I'd like to find something that is certified organic and you can confirm its quality and no side effects


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Hi, I new it's an old thread, but the info is useful for me now! THe only question I want to ask is - Is there any brand of baby formula that you can reccomend? I'd like to find something that is certified organic and you can confirm its quality and no side effects
                            Hi, I prefer buying Baby's only formula


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Hi, I new it's an old thread, but the info is useful for me now! THe only question I want to ask is - Is there any brand of baby formula that you can reccomend? I'd like to find something that is certified organic and you can confirm its quality and no side effects
                              I have two on Earth's Best Organic Dairy with Iron right now. Both had previous reaction histories and are doing great on it.
                              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

