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Sort of a Spin Off of The Why Questions? Help Please!

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  • Sort of a Spin Off of The Why Questions? Help Please!

    I have a new DCB who is 3.5y. He asks why constantly but what's really driving me up a wall is his constant compairing. My mom does it this way, we don't have this at our house, why did you buy that kind of cereal, when did you buy _______ toy?

    This goes on probably about 50 times a day. I've tried asking why do you think, I've answered the questions, I've told him we all have different things, etc, etc. It's not working and it's been 2 weeks.

    Any tips?

    One a side note - outside he likes to scream - fine, all the kids do it when they are running/chasing, etc BUT his scream is a girly ear piercing scream. I don't want to hurt his feelings having him be the only one that can't scream and I know it's going to be hard if everyone else does it but my ears would like it to stop!

  • #2
    For the scream-tell him "that hurts my ears", because it does. "If you really want to scream, can you go over there?"...other side of yard.

    As for the questions, I would again be honest. "I know things are different here than at your house. That's ok. Your mommy and daddy love you, and so do I. But, honestly, you keep asking me those questions, and it's a little pesky."

    I assume he's doing it to BE pesky...attention attention attention. If that's not the case, then keep answering. But, if he is motivated by "" I do think it's okay to gently give the message that it's not all about "me" all the time.

    For anyone above the age of 40 (and some younger), I think we'd probably have been sternly reprimanded for being pesky at that age, if not smacked. We don't have to go that route, but your feelings are just as important as his, IMO. To me, it's about finding some balance. Questions are good....annoyng someone is not.

